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Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school


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I've never actually been to Calgary before but it's funny that someone would think that a cold winter would stop me from applying to a school. I mean I would probably be inside studying all winter anyways lol

Dude ... snow fights!

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Coffee shop patron: What are you studying?

Me: I'm studying for a math exam in two hours.

Coffee shop patron: *long diatribe about chaotic systems in simple circuits*

Me: I'm studying for a math exam in two hours.

Coffee shop patron: Are you working on a masters?

Me: No, I'm still waiting to hear back from graduate schools.

Coffee shop patron: You should study chaotic systems in...

Me: I'm studying for a math exam in less than two hours.

Coffee shop patron: Chaos...



how did the test go and have you considered a degree in chaotic systems?

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I don't like balls of snow flying towards my face

snow angels &--#62; snowball fights :)

Smart. Ice balls to the face can result in corneal scars. Those don't go away, at least within a decade.

(also, if you throw one near my old middle/high school, you'll get a citation from the police- blame my mom)

Edited by GreenePony
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Me: "So I got into Cambridge, but there's no offer of funding. If I get into UofT for my MA though I'll be getting a SSHRC worth $17,500 plus a potential entry scholarship from UofT. My partner can work and by the time I'm done my MA we should be able to afford a down-payment on a house."

Boss at my retail job that currently pays the bills and who continually asks about my grad school status so he knows when I will be quitting: "You should go to Cambridge no matter what. Man, I'll slap you silly if you turn down Cambridge. I mean, it's Cambridge."

Me: "Yes but I have a better research fit with UofT and will have a better supervisor, won't have to live away from my partner for a year, can buy a house, and will be funded vs. gaining $70,000 in debt to do one year in Cambridge where there is no one doing the research I want to do."

Boss: "I don't think you understand what it means to go to Cambridge."

Me: "Have you been there? I wasn't aware that you had done any post-secondary schooling."

Boss: "I haven't but you don't need to be a genius to know that you should go to Cambridge."


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Smart. Ice balls to the face can result in corneal scars. Those don't go away, at least within a decade.

(also, if you throw one near my old middle/high school, you'll get a citation from the police- blame my mom)

you poor child! Your name is probably still spoken in terms of anger and hatred in the area isn't it?

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I've been hit in the face too many times for my liking lol

Ah those heady days of yore, when a young man earned his stripes by picking on the weakest and then proclaiming their prowess in faux-battle! Well have no fear Thumper, you should go back to an elementary school, pelt as many kids as possible then run as fast as you can ... or at least have a get away car waiting

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Me: "So I got into Cambridge, but there's no offer of funding. If I get into UofT for my MA though I'll be getting a SSHRC worth $17,500 plus a potential entry scholarship from UofT. My partner can work and by the time I'm done my MA we should be able to afford a down-payment on a house."

Boss at my retail job that currently pays the bills and who continually asks about my grad school status so he knows when I will be quitting: "You should go to Cambridge no matter what. Man, I'll slap you silly if you turn down Cambridge. I mean, it's Cambridge."

Me: "Yes but I have a better research fit with UofT and will have a better supervisor, won't have to live away from my partner for a year, can buy a house, and will be funded vs. gaining $70,000 in debt to do one year in Cambridge where there is no one doing the research I want to do."

Boss: "I don't think you understand what it means to go to Cambridge."

Me: "Have you been there? I wasn't aware that you had done any post-secondary schooling."

Boss: "I haven't but you don't need to be a genius to know that you should go to Cambridge."


Have you suggested that your boss pursue another degree? Perhaps he could apply to Cambridge?

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The usual "oh, that's a lot of school"

My favorite are the nods of 'I don't really know what that is but I'm not going there' when I tell them what I'm to school for.

My father in law pulled a "she has a really good chance of getting into X school" which i wanted to throw his body into some wooden object out of superstition.

The worst has been my mother in law.. "5 years? why's it going to take you so long to get your Ph.D?!"

"Funding? That's normal though, they fund everyone" (excuse me for being excited/nervous)

"You'll go to X school (the close-by school)"

She'll never forgive me from moving away with her child.

Perhaps this stuff isn't so bad but it's march 20th and I'm waiting to hear back from 2/3 schools for admission decisions at ALL and 1/3 schools which has already admitted me nearly 2 months ago and still hasn't made a funding decision. I'm ready to murder.

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Perhaps this stuff isn't so bad but it's march 20th and I'm waiting to hear back from 2/3 schools for admission decisions at ALL and 1/3 schools which has already admitted me nearly 2 months ago and still hasn't made a funding decision. I'm ready to murder.

Well if you go on murderous spree dressed as your icon you'll be a-ok ... take it from me

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She'll never forgive me from moving away with her child.

Good luck with that, my in laws are realizing that their eldest is going to be living in a different state (20 hrs away) then them for the first time ever- he's not even their favorite and I'm starting to see them trying to dig their nails in. It's almost funny (this coming from someone who moved ~23 hrs away from her family for ug).

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Me: "So I got into Cambridge, but there's no offer of funding. If I get into UofT for my MA though I'll be getting a SSHRC worth $17,500 plus a potential entry scholarship from UofT. My partner can work and by the time I'm done my MA we should be able to afford a down-payment on a house."

Boss at my retail job that currently pays the bills and who continually asks about my grad school status so he knows when I will be quitting: "You should go to Cambridge no matter what. Man, I'll slap you silly if you turn down Cambridge. I mean, it's Cambridge."

Me: "Yes but I have a better research fit with UofT and will have a better supervisor, won't have to live away from my partner for a year, can buy a house, and will be funded vs. gaining $70,000 in debt to do one year in Cambridge where there is no one doing the research I want to do."

Boss: "I don't think you understand what it means to go to Cambridge."

Me: "Have you been there? I wasn't aware that you had done any post-secondary schooling."

Boss: "I haven't but you don't need to be a genius to know that you should go to Cambridge."


Well, apparently you need to be a genius to know that you shouldn't go to Cambridge :rolleyes: .

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Good luck with that, my in laws are realizing that their eldest is going to be living in a different state (20 hrs away) then them for the first time ever- he's not even their favorite and I'm starting to see them trying to dig their nails in. It's almost funny (this coming from someone who moved ~23 hrs away from her family for ug).

man guess I should warn any lady I may get involved with whilst getting my degree that I'm gonna blame me moving away from my family on her ... thank you Greene!

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The usual "oh, that's a lot of school"

My favorite are the nods of 'I don't really know what that is but I'm not going there' when I tell them what I'm to school for.

My father in law pulled a "she has a really good chance of getting into X school" which i wanted to throw his body into some wooden object out of superstition.

The worst has been my mother in law.. "5 years? why's it going to take you so long to get your Ph.D?!"

"Funding? That's normal though, they fund everyone" (excuse me for being excited/nervous)

"You'll go to X school (the close-by school)"

She'll never forgive me from moving away with her child.

Perhaps this stuff isn't so bad but it's march 20th and I'm waiting to hear back from 2/3 schools for admission decisions at ALL and 1/3 schools which has already admitted me nearly 2 months ago and still hasn't made a funding decision. I'm ready to murder.

We must be related. My MIL heard the list of schools to which I applied and immediately responded: "But you don't actually want to move, do you?" Of course not! I just wanted to spend $900 on those applications/fees because I hate money (allergic, actually).

When she found out I had been accepted at Ohio State, she was the first to say "I just knew you'd get in there." Well, that makes one of us. I have since insisted that my husband have a talk with her about boundaries. She's great, but she has to understand that the decision was not about her.

Don't push me, lady! I'll move to Oregon Neptune! :ph34r:

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"Since you already have a Master's degree shouldn't you be working some fancy corporate job or on wall street and making over $80,000 already?"

--People who obviously hadn't applied to a job in the past few years

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"Since you already have a Master's degree shouldn't you be working some fancy corporate job or on wall street and making over $80,000 already?"

--People who obviously hadn't applied to a job in the past few years

to avoid those kinda questions, you should walk around w/a monocle and a top hat

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