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What was in your mailbox today?


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I figured since we are all running to the mailbox like a kid during the holiday season, I thought I'd start a thread where we could share what is actually in our mailboxes (as opposed to what we wish was in them). I'll start:


An Athletica Catalog - Sorry not spending $80 on yoga pants - Trash

A notice for an unpaid toll - I could have sworn I already paid this - Keep

Edited by DeeLovely79
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A book for class (last trimester starts Monday!) from amazon - keep

An insert for the local grocery store - keep for coupons

I usually don't get mail, so to see something poking out of the box this afternoon was a little stressful.

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I got a box of 1,000 live mealworms the other day. If anyone wants to beat that, they're welcome to try.

Didn't get anything notable today.

You win. I mean, my mom gets her chickens in the mail, but that's a weird exception, obviously.

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I got a box of 1,000 live mealworms the other day. If anyone wants to beat that, they're welcome to try.

Didn't get anything notable today.

I assume the mealworms are for a pet (or you have some really interesting dietary practices). Is it a turtle?

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1. ABA Litigation magazine with a cover stating that lawyers can start marketing on daily deal sites like Groupon.

2. Credit card offer for discounted European cruises. Cruises start at $5,799 per person ... I think my credit card company has me confused for someone a lot richer.

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I got a letter from Penn in a large white envelope....... OMG I got in ..... (Thinks) Wait crap I forgot I requested I this info about the program. Reads thanks for your interest in the program ..........etc....etc .. Joan Weston ... Talked about a trick!

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I thought I got a response from a school (my alma mater where I applied!) and it WAS from said school... but it was regarding something from the honors department and wasn't about the grad application... Pfft.

And a bunch of coupons.. Oh, and monthly statements about my IRA telling how much MORE money I have lost.

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I got this letter:

Dear Applicant,

I don’t think we can see each other. It just won’t work. It’s not you; it’s me. Lately I’ve been thinking about quitting Psychology and have been experimenting with Phys. Ed. I hope we can be friends.


Dumb School

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