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Welcome to the 2012-2013 cycle

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Well, good. Now in addition to checking my email 40 times a day and rejecting phone calls from my parents to keep the line free for James Fearon I can start checking all my application websites on a rotating basis.

He goes by Jim. [Not kidding.]

...and Stanford isn't done making decisions, at least the last I heard. (That was last week.)

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...and Stanford isn't done making decisions, at least the last I heard. (That was last week.)


Eh, it's all conjecture. You know the profs barely know where they are in the admit process. 

Edited by anxiousmike
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He goes by Jim. [Not kidding.]

...and Stanford isn't done making decisions, at least the last I heard. (That was last week.)

I'll keep that in mind for when he calls. Actually, I expect it to be Wienstein, anyway.


I think I checked at some point and saw that Stanford send out results last year in second week of Feb. Not really holding my breath, I think it's more likely the neighbor kid will walk on the moon.

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I'll keep that in mind for when he calls. Actually, I expect it to be Wienstein, anyway.


I think I checked at some point and saw that Stanford send out results last year in second week of Feb. Not really holding my breath, I think it's more likely the neighbor kid will walk on the moon.


"Not really holding my breath, I think it's more likely the neighbor kid will walk on the moon." Beautifully put. I think that perfectly encapsulates how I feel about my prospects of receiving an acceptance from Cornell. I might borrow this expression . . . :)

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Thanks!  I'm the Davis acceptance, American subfield.  I'm so excited to have one acceptance before the weekend, I can't even describe the wave of emotion and relief that came over me when I opened the e-mail and read "Congratulations...".  I hope everyone else gets good news soon!



In at UC Davis for IR.


Congrats to you both! Davis seems to offer really good training, regardless of your specific subfield. :)

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Thinking about throwing one more app in before the Feb. 15 deadline at some schools...thoughts?


Well, the marginal cost of another app would clearly be low. Do you think any of the remaining programs would offer you either both a) a good fit or B) good training? If not, then it might be worthwile to sit tight, and wait for word from the other six programs to which you applied. While I understand the impulse to increase your chances of being admitted to any program, I would caution against it you have a particular interest in a late-deadline department. :)

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Congrats to everyone who heard good news today! I'm in the UK and vowed to not check OSU until I got back home at ~midnight....still in review (sigh). Glad to hear that so many among us are getting off to such a great start at so many great schools. I'm sure it really takes the pressure off. I hope to join you lot soon.

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Well, the marginal cost of another app would clearly be low. Do you think any of the remaining programs would offer you either both a) a good fit or B) good training? If not, then it might be worthwile to sit tight, and wait for word from the other six programs to which you applied. While I understand the impulse to increase your chances of being admitted to any program, I would caution against it you have a particular interest in a late-deadline department. :)

Sage advice. I will tread carefully

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Yeah, this is now the "happy phase" where everyone is receiving acceptances ^_^. But soon the bloodshed will start (first wave of rejection letters) :unsure: .


I hope those who haven't received an acceptance yet will get good news soon!


Edit: Congrats to the UNC admit! (Quigley, have you been admitted to UNC?)

  Edited by chaetzli
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Yes, I'm the UNC admit as well. Thanks :) Got the email around 9pm Pacific / midnight Eastern on Friday evening.

You're on a roll!! Congratulations! Clearly your SOP was right on point :)

Did you get the UNC email from a prof, or was it an auto-email? (Im guessing it was from a prof, but just checking...)

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