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Welcome to the 2012-2013 cycle

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I am glad you all have brought this up because I was thinking the same thing the other day when I checked it. I rarely go to that website and for good reason. I feel this is a far more constructive and helpful place to get info. 


I'm always stunned when I stumble across semi-constructive threads, but even then they usually devolve quickly.

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Me too...ahhhhhhhhhhh

lol Same here. I've been refreshing my email hoping to hear something from anyone. Oh well...there's always next week...and the week after...and so on and so forth...

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hoping you're right that IR isn't out yet and that the sagan call was false.


condolences to the uchicago and cornell casualties... they don't know what they're missing! perhaps there will be more happy news to come this afternoon or next week.



Sorry to break the news, but all Stanford acceptances are out. I swear I'm not a troll, just trying to keep people from stressing too much.

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Sorry to break the news, but all Stanford acceptances are out. I swear I'm not a troll, just trying to keep people from stressing too much.


Well that certainly killed the conversation.

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Long time listener on GradCafe, but first time caller here... UC Santa Barbara is currently releasing decisions. Although it seems without guaranteed funding (perhaps yet?):


"Although we are currently unable to provide financial support, we will review financial decisions after April 15th. You should know that almost every student in good academic standing inour program subsequent to the first year, receives one or more teaching assistantships in each year of graduate study – each TAship covers almost all fees for the quarter, and also pays a stipend."


Congrats to all those accepted!

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Although there are few schools I've yet to hear from, I can articulate a decent reason for each that I'm rejected.  So, I'm starting to become reflective.  Decent GREs, decent grades, nothing to be ashamed of; the question looming on my horizon... knowing what I've learned this cycle, is it worth going through another cycle?  I think I made some critical errors: didn't develop POIs, haven't narrowed my subfield interests sufficiently, SoPs were all over the place, applied to several poor-fitting schools and didn't apply to several that I should have.  


Getting to know you all in here a bit, I'm truly very happy for you that have been accepted!  And obviously, I feel for those who haven't been getting the news they have been hoping for. 

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Browsing PSJR for help in making decisions. hot damn that forum is mean.


the ONLY reason to read PSJR is for humor.  I'll visit that page when I am looking for a laugh... or when I need proof that highly educated people over the age of 25 can still act like 14-year-olds :D

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Sorry to break the news, but all Stanford acceptances are out. I swear I'm not a troll, just trying to keep people from stressing too much.


I am by no means questioning the veracity of this statement, but just for the record, would you share your source?  I'm off to the bar for the evening, and will NOT be checking Grad Cafe on my phone, as great as the site is.

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I am by no means questioning the veracity of this statement, but just for the record, would you share your source?  I'm off to the bar for the evening, and will NOT be checking Grad Cafe on my phone, as great as the site is.

Sure. I'm a current student and they told us.

Edited by shavasana
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Long time lurker here! Just found out I got into Berkeley (IR). Great way to start my morning here in Asia :)

Congratulations! That's wonderful news to start the morning. :)

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