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Applications for Fall 2013!

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I just got accepted to University of Michigan for MSW for Fall '13!!! Very excited! It does not say on the website yet, but I got an informal email from the Assistant Dean of Student Services. I think my heart stopped <3 Good luck to everyone!
Congrats!!! Hope I hear back soon, but I also applied to the public health program for a dual degree so my app may take longer to process.
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Good morning everyone, 


I just found this forum.  :) I'm an undergraduate student attending UC Irvine (Psychology and Social Behavior), and I recently applied to Chico State, CSULB, CSUF, CSU Stanislaus, San Diego State, USC, and West Virginia University. This past Monday, I had a graduate interview at CSUF(MSW/Child Welfare)  and I should hear back within the next 2 weeks. I'm so nervous:( What concentration did you all apply to? Has anyone heard back from USC or any California school? 

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Good morning everyone, 


I just found this forum.  :) I'm an undergraduate student attending UC Irvine (Psychology and Social Behavior), and I recently applied to Chico State, CSULB, CSUF, CSU Stanislaus, San Diego State, USC, and West Virginia University. This past Monday, I had a graduate interview at CSUF(MSW/Child Welfare)  and I should hear back within the next 2 weeks. I'm so nervous:( What concentration did you all apply to? Has anyone heard back from USC or any California school? 


I too had my interview at CSUF on Monday.. I can't help but feel discouraged after the interview.  They had over 500 people apply and they only accept 30-50 people.  Yikes!  I still haven't heard back from any other school.... I'm waiting for my USC letter to come in whether it be good or bad.  I currently have a friend in the USC program.. she said when she got the letter she freaked out because they didn't send her a packet.. they just sent a regular sized letter of acceptance so just a heads up ;)


Good luck!!! have you heard anything from CSULB? I applied there too with no response yet.. 

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Good morning Michelle,


I was told that just getting an interview with CSUF is extremely hard. So that fact that we both landed an interviewed is a good sign. What concentration did you apply for at CSUF? How was the interview? I heard back from CSULB and I was place on their pending status list. As for USC I haven't heard back:( 

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Good morning Michelle,


I was told that just getting an interview with CSUF is extremely hard. So that fact that we both landed an interviewed is a good sign. What concentration did you apply for at CSUF? How was the interview? I heard back from CSULB and I was place on their pending status list. As for USC I haven't heard back:( 

My concentration would be family and children ( i'm not sure if thats exactly what its called but you get it).  When did you hear from CSULB?  Was it through an email?  And if you don't mind me asking, when exactly did you apply?  I couldn't apply until Jan. 2nd due to one of my recommenders being out of town so I did all of my applications rather late :/

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For CSUF I applied to the child welfare concentration. As for CSULB, I applied in Dec. and received an email last night. However, CSULB hasn't accepted me yet. According to their email i'm on "Pending Status." 

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FANTASTIC!!! So are you going to go to Fordham or waiting to hear from others before deciding?

I'm still waiting to hear from Columbia. I got accepted into NYU as well and I have until next friday to notify them if I plan to attend. At this point, I'm still deciding between the three schools. I got some valuable info on Fordham need-base institutional scholarship. I called admissions today and a lady told me that if you qualify you get $5016 per year from Fordham. In order to qualify, you have to be registered for your field work (obviously) and you have to have an EFC amount of 10,000 or less from FAFSA. If those two apply then you automatically can get the scholarship as long as the funds are still there. NYU offered me an $8000 institutional scholarship per year, but Fordham is still cheaper. At this point I'm trying to weight out the options to see where I should go. So far, I've enjoyed the friendliness of Fordham. I just wonder if name recognition of NYU has greater benefits for job prospects outside of NYC.

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I'm still waiting to hear from Columbia. I got accepted into NYU as well and I have until next friday to notify them if I plan to attend. At this point, I'm still deciding between the three schools. I got some valuable info on Fordham need-base institutional scholarship. I called admissions today and a lady told me that if you qualify you get $5016 per year from Fordham. In order to qualify, you have to be registered for your field work (obviously) and you have to have an EFC amount of 10,000 or less from FAFSA. If those two apply then you automatically can get the scholarship as long as the funds are still there. NYU offered me an $8000 institutional scholarship per year, but Fordham is still cheaper. At this point I'm trying to weight out the options to see where I should go. So far, I've enjoyed the friendliness of Fordham. I just wonder if name recognition of NYU has greater benefits for job prospects outside of NYC.

Hey! Congrats on your acceptances :) Just curious, where on the VIP page did you see the good news? When I visit mine, I can't really figure out where that would be?

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Hey! Congrats on your acceptances :) Just curious, where on the VIP page did you see the good news? When I visit mine, I can't really figure out where that would be?

Once you get accepted, the whole VIP layout changes. On the left side, you will see a message congratulating you on your acceptance.

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I just finished telling my family that I have been accepted to UGA's MSW program for Fall 2013.  Got my letter this morning in the mail, and I'm so happy because it's the only school I applied to.  I'm 33 this week, and UGA is where I've wanted to go all along - so I applied to the MSW program, and to the Community Counseling, M.Ed. program - and with any more luck, I'll have the choice.  Now just to figure out which program is going to be best for me in the long run.


Anyone else having to decide between two programs, rather than two schools?


It'd be interesting to have this discussion with someone in the same situation. 


Good luck to all of you still waiting!!  Go check the mail :)

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For CSUF I applied to the child welfare concentration. As for CSULB, I applied in Dec. and received an email last night. However, CSULB hasn't accepted me yet. According to their email i'm on "Pending Status." 


what does your USC app say when you login to it?  It says something along the lines of my status being listed below... but all it says is "thank you for submitting your application!"

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Hi everyone! I have been accepted into U of M. I am still waiting to hear back from UNC, VCU, and Catholic. Has anyone heard back from any of these three schools? Thank you!

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Whoo got into Boston College. :) Hurraaaaahhh. They sent me an email today!

Congrats! When did you finish your application if I may ask? I'm still waiting to hear from BC so fingers crossed!

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Congrats! When did you finish your application if I may ask? I'm still waiting to hear from BC so fingers crossed!

I submitted my app 11/06 and it was completed 11/20. They are giving me three weeks from when I receive the acceptance letter in the mail to confirm my spot. I'm a bit disappointed they don't give me a lot of time since I'm still waiting for other schools to respond. Good luck! 

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I submitted my app 11/06 and it was completed 11/20. They are giving me three weeks from when I receive the acceptance letter in the mail to confirm my spot. I'm a bit disappointed they don't give me a lot of time since I'm still waiting for other schools to respond. Good luck! 

Wow 3 weeks isn't a lot of time! My BC app just was completed on 1/23, so I don't expect to hear for awhile. Good luck to you too!

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Hi everyone, thought I'd jump in too. Just applied to three programs:


Highlands University

University of Denver

University of Pennsylvania


They all pretty much hit along the spectrum of colleges, so I'm pretty happy with my choices. I summited my applications for Highlands and Denver on January 14. (Haven't heard back yet). And the University of Penn on January 31. Just got an email confirmation for the interview this morning scheduled for the end of the month. Crazy nervous but excited! 


Anyone else applying for part-time status.  I feel I haven't come across that yet. So thought I'd put that out there.

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Anyone know when UC Berkeley might be sending out responses? I'm fairly certain I don't have a shot in hell, and I feel a lot less anxious about it now that I have at least once acceptance (Pittsburgh), but at this point I just want to KNOW.

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I applied BU for early admission, just heard back today: They will hold my application and review it again before April 30th. :( 

Should I schedule a visit to show that I'm REALLY interested in the program? 

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