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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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We all seriously need chill pills. Not that this isn't probably the most important decision that is out of our hands so far but... we all need to calm down. Driving everyone within spitting distance insane too is probably not a good idea.

On the other hand...

My beef right now is with time differences. I'm five hours ahead of my East Coast schools, 6 for Indiana. So when I wake up at 10 on a Monday to check my email and see if anything's changed, well, it's 4 in the morning Central Time. Yeah, I understand midnight, but no decision is going to come in at 4 in the morning. -_-

My South Carolina apps have gone from "Reviewing applications" to "Decision Pending." No idea what that means but I'm just going to go with it. That's all I can do, right?

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Anyone else having a sh*t ton of trouble actually focusing on anything? I never had this problem before, so I'm attributing it to the fact that my future is hanging in the balance right now. I'm trying so hard not to think about grad school or "what ifs," but when I try to do anything else, I can't seem to stay focused on the task at hand--and it's not because I can only think about grad school; I just cannot seem to focus on anything at all. I suppose it could be because I'm out of school for the first semester in 4 years--I graduated in December--so maybe I'm just lost without the stimulation of coursework... I don't know... Just venting, I suppose...


Also, related: I've been trying to keep to scholarly work, like reading new papers and stuff, but I find this extraordinarily hard to focus on. Anyone else having problems keeping up with academic stuff when not in school and waiting for admission? If so, how are you coping (are you just not doing this stuff or are you keeping at it)?

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Yep. Focus is definitely difficult. I have the added pressure that my boyfriend and I (of 4 years) are both applying for Ph.D. programs this year, and he already got accepted to his top choice, and my top choice is in the same city as his, while others are at least a few hours a way (one is a 45 hour drive, lol). So its hard not to get in the mindset that if I don't get in and our relationship falls apart because of distance reasons, that it was my academic failings that caused the end of the relationship. Yes, I am completely crazy, btw.

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Should I get an acceptance tomorrow, I will be the most relaxed human on the face of the planet.


I will be the most overexcited human on the face of the plant. They may have to peal me off the ceiling.

I hope you do get your acceptance!


I think my reaction would be a combination of both of yours...initially, the most excited person in the whole, entire world!  Then supremely relaxed/relieved at having gotten an admittance, and (finally) able to focus on writing my dang thesis. :)


I'd love to hear back from a school this week...just one Lord...I just need one.


Word.  If I could just know that I'll be going somewhere (anywhere!) this fall, I would feel so much better.


My beef right now is with time differences. I'm five hours ahead of my East Coast schools, 6 for Indiana. So when I wake up at 10 on a Monday to check my email and see if anything's changed, well, it's 4 in the morning Central Time. Yeah, I understand midnight, but no decision is going to come in at 4 in the morning. -_-

My South Carolina apps have gone from "Reviewing applications" to "Decision Pending." No idea what that means but I'm just going to go with it. That's all I can do, right?


 The time difference must be terrible!  Best of luck with South Carolina and all your other apps! :)

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Also, related: I've been trying to keep to scholarly work, like reading new papers and stuff, but I find this extraordinarily hard to focus on. Anyone else having problems keeping up with academic stuff when not in school and waiting for admission? If so, how are you coping (are you just not doing this stuff or are you keeping at it)?


I can totally relate to the not concentrating aspect (I write from my office...)


As for the scholarly work part, this may sound weird, but I've looked into a couple journals where I'd like to submit articles. Now that all of my apps are officially in, I'm thinking of working on a submission. It gives me something related to academia to focus on, is something I still have control over, and, if it works out, would surely help my applications if I don't get in anywhere! This may be crazy, but it's just my little idea for something to pass the time.

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Anyone else having a sh*t ton of trouble actually focusing on anything? I never had this problem before, so I'm attributing it to the fact that my future is hanging in the balance right now. I'm trying so hard not to think about grad school or "what ifs," but when I try to do anything else, I can't seem to stay focused on the task at hand--and it's not because I can only think about grad school; I just cannot seem to focus on anything at all. I suppose it could be because I'm out of school for the first semester in 4 years--I graduated in December--so maybe I'm just lost without the stimulation of coursework... I don't know... Just venting, I suppose...


Also, related: I've been trying to keep to scholarly work, like reading new papers and stuff, but I find this extraordinarily hard to focus on. Anyone else having problems keeping up with academic stuff when not in school and waiting for admission? If so, how are you coping (are you just not doing this stuff or are you keeping at it)?


Yep, right there with you.  Except I work full-time, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on-task for more than about 15 minutes at a time.  It's not as if I'm checking my email every 15 minutes (... close...), but my brain is just on overload and cannot function properly.  I have problems doing anything that requires thinking or "real" attention.  I just want to play games and watch TV.  Lol.  Too bad I can't do that at work...

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Anyone else having a sh*t ton of trouble actually focusing on anything? I never had this problem before, so I'm attributing it to the fact that my future is hanging in the balance right now. I'm trying so hard not to think about grad school or "what ifs," but when I try to do anything else, I can't seem to stay focused on the task at hand--and it's not because I can only think about grad school; I just cannot seem to focus on anything at all. I suppose it could be because I'm out of school for the first semester in 4 years--I graduated in December--so maybe I'm just lost without the stimulation of coursework... I don't know... Just venting, I suppose...


Also, related: I've been trying to keep to scholarly work, like reading new papers and stuff, but I find this extraordinarily hard to focus on. Anyone else having problems keeping up with academic stuff when not in school and waiting for admission? If so, how are you coping (are you just not doing this stuff or are you keeping at it)?


yes, 100% yes.   it's extremely hard to focus on anything right now. the uncertainty is tough to manage.  I have things I need to focus on, but it's futile right now... i just need some info, so I can partially relax and get back on track!  the unknown is very distracting....

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Dear adcoms: please send me an acceptance for my birthday. It would be the best present ever. Love, kyjin.


Going to will myself not to check my email every fifteen minutes today and actually get some work done/celebrate birthday with friends. We'll see how well that plan goes.

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The admissions committee for one of my top choices is meeting today. Cannot focus at all. I'm at work and getting no ACTUAL work done. I'm also working on a research paper due in April and am making very little progress with regard to my actual research... so hard to pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes.


Solidarity, everyone! Good luck!

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Happy Birthday kyjin! Here's hoping for a birthday acceptance! I submitted an app on my birthday and thought that was stressful enough, but I imagine havuing your birthday during notification season is way more stressful!

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im freaking out...

im currently lecturing part time at an unranked college and tutoring HS kids in my home country just to pay the bills while waiting for the results to come in. 

all my relatives are asking me when im gonna get a job. 

i dont know how to explain my situation to them without sounding like a bum

i dont want to take a high paying full time job for now and quit only a few months later

but i also know the chance of not getting into any program at all is high cuz i dont have any research exp


the college that im teaching at offered me a pretty high paying full time lecturing job in the fall, but i havent told them about my PhD plan.

there are so many uncertainties in my life right now that i dont know how to make myself understood

if i tell any people i'll give up the job offered to me just to embark on god-knows-how-many-years of PhD studies with a high possibility of unemployment, they will think im crazy

but the college that im teaching at is pretty much like a diploma mill...

i love teaching (had 2.5 years of HS teaching experience before i switched to PR only to find i hate the corporate world), but i also love to have students who care

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Happy Birthday kyjin! Here's hoping for a birthday acceptance! I submitted an app on my birthday and thought that was stressful enough, but I imagine havuing your birthday during notification season is way more stressful!

Thanks arhodg! Hopefully we'll both get good news soon :)

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Greetings, I'm new on this GradCafe site, really neat site. I'm applying to PhD programs in music. I just finished 2 out of 8 total applications. I began applying December 1, the last deadline is the end of Jan. About a few weeks ago I really started freaking out. Before that I didn't think much about it, but now that interview deadlines etc are approaching, I'm getting extremely anxious. 


I received my first rejection via email this past Saturday, wasn't one of my top choices, but it still stung to hear back from them only 3 weeks after applying. Such a quick NO was a little bit alarming to say the least. I almost feel like they didn't even look at my application, they just pocketed the money I gave them and threw my stuff in the trash, feels kinda sketchy!


I'm starting to feel like the other schools have already said NO to my applications and they are just waiting until March to send me the rejections, why can't the admissions people just get it over with and send you a NO so that you can move on with your life. I mean, if I applied in December, surely they have looked at my stuff by now? Who knows, maybe they are actually seriously considering my application, and they won't decide yes or no until March/April.


It's nice to see that so many other people are suffering the same way I am,


Thanks for any future responses:)

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Yep, right there with you.  Except I work full-time, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on-task for more than about 15 minutes at a time.  It's not as if I'm checking my email every 15 minutes (... close...), but my brain is just on overload and cannot function properly.  I have problems doing anything that requires thinking or "real" attention.  I just want to play games and watch TV.  Lol.  Too bad I can't do that at work...


lol I'm the same way. actually had a weird dream about being accepted last night. woke up incredibly happy only to realize that was just a dream. at work I'm literally just checking GC and email all day.

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