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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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Same here. I interviewed with a program feb. 8th and I really liked the program. 


Furthermore, I thought the interview went really well. I seemed to be answering questions well. One prof said I asked good questions, the other said I had a good thought process. 


After the faculty dinner, one of the graduate students said they felt I would be a good fit for the program and another that I seemed to be very dedicated. 


Sent out my thank you notes and one member of the admissions committee sent back "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in your decision process", along with all the cordial thank yous I got as well. 



....And then silence. I haven't heard anything from them in weeks. They did another interview weekend last week and some of those students heard yesterday. 


And of course, I started doing the same thing. Questioning if I made the right impression, if I said something wrong, is my application not strong enough. I learned yesterday that the book chapter I wrote isn't being published until July, when I told them February, so I emailed the people who asked stating the delay. 


And now wondering if I misunderstood their comments. 


At this point the best I'm hoping for is that I was wait listed and will hear as soon as other schools send out reply. Historically they have sent out a few acceptances in the first two weeks of March as well. 


I'm kind of on the other side of this (sincerely not trying to make you more nervous because I am sure you are amazing and I am the exception here) but something similar happened to me after an interview early in February. I knew that I was going to like the school and that it was pretty competitive, so I put my best foot forward and interviewed the best I possibly could. There were no awkward silences and I thought things went really well when I talked to the current students and my POI and even the other professors. I had great conversations and tried to convey my enthusiasm in this being my first choice school. As far as I could tell, I was doing everything right and things were going very well. I sent out my thank you and the POI said it might be a few weeks because they are working out additional funding issues, and then 2 weeks later, bam, rejection. It came out of nowhere and I was absolutely crushed. There were two other students applying to work with the same POI as I was, but neither was sure that this was their top school, so I figured if nothing else I would be waitlisted and there was a chance that neither of them would come and I could go there. Unfortunately I was flat out rejected and I am still very hurt and confused as to why I thought it went so well and apparently it went terribly enough that they didn't even want to waitlist me.


I know this makes no one feel better, but it does feel good to get it off my chest. I think this is very uncommon and most people who interview (at least for my programs) get in, but I am still quite bitter and unsure of what to do with my life now.

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I'm kind of on the other side of this (sincerely not trying to make you more nervous because I am sure you are amazing and I am the exception here) but something similar happened to me after an interview early in February. I knew that I was going to like the school and that it was pretty competitive, so I put my best foot forward and interviewed the best I possibly could. There were no awkward silences and I thought things went really well when I talked to the current students and my POI and even the other professors. I had great conversations and tried to convey my enthusiasm in this being my first choice school. As far as I could tell, I was doing everything right and things were going very well. I sent out my thank you and the POI said it might be a few weeks because they are working out additional funding issues, and then 2 weeks later, bam, rejection. It came out of nowhere and I was absolutely crushed. There were two other students applying to work with the same POI as I was, but neither was sure that this was their top school, so I figured if nothing else I would be waitlisted and there was a chance that neither of them would come and I could go there. Unfortunately I was flat out rejected and I am still very hurt and confused as to why I thought it went so well and apparently it went terribly enough that they didn't even want to waitlist me.


I know this makes no one feel better, but it does feel good to get it off my chest. I think this is very uncommon and most people who interview (at least for my programs) get in, but I am still quite bitter and unsure of what to do with my life now.



Its hard. The worst part is I could have already been rejected but this school only send rejections through the mail. So I may have already been rejected and holding out for nothing.


I think the hardest part is that you visit the campus, meet the people and really fall in love with the program. 


And then these people say no to you, instead of some faceless institution. Some reason it just sucks more. 

Edited by Reatha
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I still haven't heard a peep out of anyone. Not an acceptance, waitlist, OR rejection. As the days go on, I get more and more nervous that my plan of going to grad school is gone and I'm just not aware of it yet.

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I still haven't heard a peep out of anyone. Not an acceptance, waitlist, OR rejection. As the days go on, I get more and more nervous that my plan of going to grad school is gone and I'm just not aware of it yet.

Although I have heard from some, I am still waiting to hear from the majority (7 out of 10) of the schools. 

I was beginning to think that I was the only one still waiting :(

I hope it is a good sign for both of us and that acceptance letters (or any kind of response would work for me at this point!) will come soon.

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I still haven't heard a peep out of anyone. Not an acceptance, waitlist, OR rejection. As the days go on, I get more and more nervous that my plan of going to grad school is gone and I'm just not aware of it yet.


Hmm I guess I'm not the only one suffering from this paranoia. 


The only school that I've had contact with since I applied was JHU SAIS. The only reason is because part of the official application is a personal interview. Now I think that interview went well, but I find myself rethinking it, and saying that I shouldn't have said this and I should have said that. Then I question my credentials about even attempting to apply to grad school.


It's clear... I'm losing my mind.

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YES!!! MEE!!!!! I keep having sleepless nights. Like as soon as i'm going to go to bed it comes to me that I'm going to get rejected. And then the dreams that go with it. I've been rejected by e-mail, letter, phone, and last night i even dreamed a singing gram was delivered to me saying i got rejected. I'm just all nerves since my application isn't as great as the other thousands of applicants. But i miss being in school and I'm ready to learn and excel in this area of study I chose. I'm just afraid they haven't seen it. So far I got two generic emails one notifying me they were missing my test scores and the other about applying for FAFSA by the 28th but nothing else. I really don't feel confident. I have great letter of recommendations and statement of purpose. I even studied abroad. However, I was a slightly above average student and all I have is volunteer experience. So I'm concerned my application isn't as strong and they won't see what a great addition I could be or my potential. This is more nerving than undergrad. Anyone have any tips to help give me peace of mind???

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The display on my treadmill is broken so I use the timer on my smart phone when I go running.  Yesterday, mid-run I get a call from an unfamiliar area code.  I dismiss it at first as spam, but then see that the caller left me a voice-mail so think that it might actually be important.  Now I know that if I listen to the voicemail, the timer will stop, and I'm right now working on building up on running distance so I didn't want to stop running. But of course, that meant that for the rest of my run I'm trying to guess which school called me.  I finally think I figured out which school called me (I have most of the possible area codes memorized), and finally finish my run and listen to my voice-mail.  There is no message, just two random bouts of static.  Turns out the call came from a state nowhere near any of my schools, probably spam.  Grrr.  


I guess the thing that is really driving me crazy though is I interviewed at one of my schools 5 weeks ago and there is still no official news.  My POI told me about a week ago (4 weeks from my interview day) that they still hadn't made decisions, so I was hoping for something in the past week.  Nothing.  And no one has posted anything on the results page so it's possible they still haven't made decisions.  I keep going back and forth about emailing the Admissions Chair but I think I finally am going to email him Monday, I'm hesitant to in case it is a rejection, but I really just want to know at this point.

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The display on my treadmill is broken so I use the timer on my smart phone when I go running.  Yesterday, mid-run I get a call from an unfamiliar area code.  I dismiss it at first as spam, but then see that the caller left me a voice-mail so think that it might actually be important.  Now I know that if I listen to the voicemail, the timer will stop, and I'm right now working on building up on running distance so I didn't want to stop running. But of course, that meant that for the rest of my run I'm trying to guess which school called me.  I finally think I figured out which school called me (I have most of the possible area codes memorized), and finally finish my run and listen to my voice-mail.  There is no message, just two random bouts of static.  Turns out the call came from a state nowhere near any of my schools, probably spam.  Grrr.  


I guess the thing that is really driving me crazy though is I interviewed at one of my schools 5 weeks ago and there is still no official news.  My POI told me about a week ago (4 weeks from my interview day) that they still hadn't made decisions, so I was hoping for something in the past week.  Nothing.  And no one has posted anything on the results page so it's possible they still haven't made decisions.  I keep going back and forth about emailing the Admissions Chair but I think I finally am going to email him Monday, I'm hesitant to in case it is a rejection, but I really just want to know at this point.


I interviewed with a program 3 weeks ago and was told to wait four. This friday, i'm planning on calling the program, despite the fact that the greatest thing I can hope for is being waitlisted. 


There's a certain peace in knowing where you stand with a school. This waiting this just has a way of making people feel powerless

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I interviewed with a program 3 weeks ago and was told to wait four. This friday, i'm planning on calling the program, despite the fact that the greatest thing I can hope for is being waitlisted. 


There's a certain peace in knowing where you stand with a school. This waiting this just has a way of making people feel powerless

This particular program told me to wait 2-3 weeks.  I was just about to contact them at the end of week 4 and that was when my POI emailed me.  Like I said, it's entirely possible that they haven't made decisions yet, and if that is the case then I will be relieved (again) to hear that no news is fine, but if they have made a decision I just want to know.  Unfortunately, I think this school is probably my best shot at an acceptance which is why I'm nervous to find out, but the anxiety I've been feeling especially this past week isn't good for me either.  Besides it could end up being positive.  Best of luck with your program!

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This particular program told me to wait 2-3 weeks.  I was just about to contact them at the end of week 4 and that was when my POI emailed me.  Like I said, it's entirely possible that they haven't made decisions yet, and if that is the case then I will be relieved (again) to hear that no news is fine, but if they have made a decision I just want to know.  Unfortunately, I think this school is probably my best shot at an acceptance which is why I'm nervous to find out, but the anxiety I've been feeling especially this past week isn't good for me either.  Besides it could end up being positive.  Best of luck with your program!


Best of luck to you to. 


I think this program is my best chance at getting an acceptance as well. I've been rejected 3 times thus far and this is the only program I've heard anything positive from

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It's March, I can't decide if it feels like that's still really early or really late. I could see it taking until April to issue a decision and still give prospects a fair amount of time to weigh offers. But still, it's going to be April in a month... yikes. I have a second phone interview with a poi on Monday morning, and I have a general idea of what's going on with two other schools, but I'm still really in the dark about the other 4 to which I applied. I still have yet to get an acceptance that isn't contingent on me locating funding. I'm glad Spring Break is coming up, but with this being the second application season and all the stress of the last year, I'm extremely ready to be done with ambiguity in regards to my academic future.

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Have you checked the results page? It all depends on your program. Lots of people have heard back from those schools but obviously not for all programs.  U of T's school of grad studies gives a general timeframe of mid-March to anytime after that.  

The way I see it, we've all been running a marathon for at least 3 months. The finishline is in the distance....just one last sprint left....hang in there! :)

I haven't heard from anyone either... waiting is death! Has anyone heard from Toronto, Queen's, or York in Canada? 

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Have you checked the results page? It all depends on your program. Lots of people have heard back from those schools but obviously not for all programs.  U of T's school of grad studies gives a general timeframe of mid-March to anytime after that.  

The way I see it, we've all been running a marathon for at least 3 months. The finishline is in the distance....just one last sprint left....hang in there! :)

I keep checking my application page on their websites... but nothing unfortunately :( Hanging in there though! 


I applied to the sociology and criminology MA programs at UoT, sociology at Queens, and socio-legal studies at York - have you heard anything about these particular programs? 

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It's official I'm going insane. Some programs I've applied to have said early to mid-March. Been obsessively looking at my email and the Government Affairs section all day even though I might not hear anything till next week.


Goodbye sweet sanity.

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It's official I'm going insane. Some programs I've applied to have said early to mid-March. Been obsessively looking at my email and the Government Affairs section all day even though I might not hear anything till next week.


Goodbye sweet sanity.

some of mine said early March. In my paranoid mind anything after March 5 is officially constituting mid-March. this might explain my stress eating today

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I've just been so nervous about calling and asking. My school never actually gave me a timeline to wait, but the results here appear to say early-mid March is normal.


Problem is, I am going to China on Friday and will have minimal communication access for a couple of weeks and so I would kind of like to know before then. Should I call the school and ask? I'm afraid that my inquiry will be perceived as pushy.


Do you think inquiring can affect the final decision for better or for worse?

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No, inquiring at this point will not change the outcome as long as you are not harrassing them (one call is not harrassing). Personally I cant imagine you going on a trip is going to make them tell you the results sooner, unless they have a policy that says the can tell you. If you are accepted while you are abroad, you need to find a way to accept or decline so I hope you have that all sorted before you leave.

Good luck!


I've just been so nervous about calling and asking. My school never actually gave me a timeline to wait, but the results here appear to say early-mid March is normal.


Problem is, I am going to China on Friday and will have minimal communication access for a couple of weeks and so I would kind of like to know before then. Should I call the school and ask? I'm afraid that my inquiry will be perceived as pushy.


Do you think inquiring can affect the final decision for better or for worse?

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some of mine said early March. In my paranoid mind anything after March 5 is officially constituting mid-March. this might explain my stress eating today


It kind of is a vague timeline. I'm thankfully not stress eating haha, but I am taking a five day vacation starting this Thursday and distracting myself from everything before the actual week of "Mid-March".

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Vacation sounds nice... perhaps coming back at the end to acceptances...


nah I'm bringing my iPad with me. I'm still going to be checking my email. It's just not going to be as obsessive since I've got more distractions. 

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Has anyone heard back from Ryerson?

I've applied to the Masters in Journalism and Masters in Professional Communication....who do I get in touch with to know the status of my application?

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