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Summer Plans?


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So sometimes the wait is killer but maybe it would help to look past April 15th and share what some of your summer plans might be. I know many are contingent on college decisions. I think I could use some ideas about what to do or where to go. What say you all?

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Finish my Master's research and thesis... so you know, I can actually graduate and go on to my Ph.D. program. Also, never having lived away from home, I'm sure I'll be frantically trying to get thrifty deals on furniture and packing. 

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Hopefully I will be moving to my acceptance school. Thank God I finished my Master thesis last year, I couldn't imagine applying to PhD programs while still trying to finish a degree, Kudos to those that are accomplishing that feat! :)


Will have a LATE honeymoon with my wife (been married 8 months, a honeymoon is LONG overdue)


Save some money, if I don't get into a school, I will probably move somewhere else to find a job, nothing here for me right now.

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Hopefully interning at the Library of Congress! Otherwise, I might join the Iowa Senate campaign because there is someone I *really* don't want to win. Or help my parents move to Kentucky...

But I'm hoping for LOC!

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Hopefully interning at the Library of Congress! Otherwise, I might join the Iowa Senate campaign because there is someone I *really* don't want to win. Or help my parents move to Kentucky... But I'm hoping for LOC!
Hey I applied for that internship too but for a spot in the music division (so hopefully we aren't competing!) Good luck to you! I had my interview this morning. But Im trying to figure out back up plans just in case.
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Nothing really different. I plan on keeping working through the end of July, then moving to where ever I end up going. I'm trying to save up a little bit of money for a much needed vacation with my SO, probably in early August, though that money might have to go towards moving costs. 

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I plan to wrap things up at my current job, check items off of the bucket list I created for my current city, travel to see friends and family in different parts of the US, pack, and move to my new place of residence to start school!

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Graduate, get a job or two and enjoy spending time w/ family and friends. Hoping to move to my new city (wherever THAT is) end of July/beginning of April. I am so looking forward to not be doing anything remotely academic this summer. I feel like it's my very last chance...

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I'm planning to prep for diagnostic exams for the PhD and maybe travel to Europe, but mostly just hang out with my family.  I can't wait to not do anything for a summer.


Oh, and move. My new apartment better be furnished before I start classes, or it never will be.

Edited by kaloskagathos
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Keep working at my job right up until the ultra-busy week comes in mid-July (because honestly, fuck that shit), using up all my accumulated vacation and personal time since I won't get reimbursed for it when I leave.


Taking a couple of weeks to work on personal projects.


Then move.

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hopefully, i'll get a job working with the BLM, NPS, or USFS as an archaeo field tech so i can really make some dough for rent and loans! if not, i'll throw some apps in the pile for CRM summer gigs (especially ones that offer per diem for housing), and if those fail, then i've got an application for an internship with the NMAI/smithsonian repatriation department sent out that would be super cool, too.


being an archaeologist is friggin' sweet sometimes. seriously. i think about places in the US with beautiful scenery and an interesting (pre)history, apply for a bunch of summer jobs there, and hope for the best. pretty much a dream situation if you're a 20-something with a serious case of wanderlust. not a lot of "job security" in the usual sense, and nobody gets into it for the money, but turning my childhood dreams into reality makes me happy. i never have to work a day in my life :)

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My wife and I are planning a goodby tour of Texas. Head to Houston/Gulf Coast, San Antonio to visit her family, Austin to visit my family, then back to Fort Worth to find out what things we haven't taken advantage of while we've been here.

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I want to quit my job and find some paid internship somewhere far away.  I want like some sort of an adventure before grad school starts, but I still need to make money.  That's probably what everyone wants, so I doubt I'll find it.  Maybe I'll just work in some temp jobs and save up to do something fun the month before it all starts.

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I graduated undergrad in December and I have so far failed at finding a job. However, I had a job interview today that I think went well. Hopefully I get a good 3-4 months of work/$$ before grad school in Fall (hoping I get in). 


Besides that I'm on the fence between attending a conference in Puerto Rico and submitting an abstract, OR teaching at the DUKE Tip program this summer. I've never gone to a conference but it would be $$ that I don't have at the moment, and I've taught before but I imagine teaching kids at Duke is a very different experience. Plus it's Duke, one of the schools I want to apply to get my phD with after I complete my Masters. I'm torn on what would be a better networking/learning experience. I've gotten pretty mixed advice so far, so any opinions would be SO welcome. 


Besides that I been doing a lot of reading, finishing up research projects, and doing some light traveling (hopefully I'll do more traveling this summer...after I hopefully land this job). 



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Hey I applied for that internship too but for a spot in the music division (so hopefully we aren't competing!) Good luck to you! I had my interview this morning.

Galloping gargoyles they've already started interviewing?! Did your status on USAJobs change when you made it past the first round?

I applied for both manuscript division but the one I really want is the Sudan project in the Africa and Middle East Division. Good luck to you as well!

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Galloping gargoyles they've already started interviewing?! Did your status on USAJobs change when you made it past the first round? I applied for both manuscript division but the one I really want is the Sudan project in the Africa and Middle East Division. Good luck to you as well!
I havent been checking my status on USAJobs. I got an email at the end of January that said my application was "eligible-forwarded to selecting official" and the head of my project emailed me Tuesday to set up an interview. I do not know the timeline of other projects but she said that decisions will be finalized later this month and acceptances will go out the beginning of March. After all slots are filled, rejections will go out (mid to end of March). Good Luck! If you get an interview let me know and I will share what my questions where.
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