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Jumping in from lurking to add: I suspect that unless something specifically problematic happens (such as rumors that a school was flouting the April 15th deadline), adcom members are not inclined to sink tons of time into gradcafe stalking.  Most of us have relatively more free time, and considerably more emotional investment in this admissions round, than they do.


This is not to say that the board is free of faculty members (that is demonstrably not true!) or that there are not very good reasons to keep a figleaf of pseudo-anonymity... but I wouldn't be too paranoid about the potential that your application can be matched to your gradcafe account.

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So, just out of curiosity - do you guys expect that a stipend from a PhD program will cover all of your living expenses?  In other words, is it reasonable to expect not to have to take on any additional debt in order to complete a PhD?

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So, just out of curiosity - do you guys expect that a stipend from a PhD program will cover all of your living expenses?  In other words, is it reasonable to expect not to have to take on any additional debt in order to complete a PhD?

I have zero intention of taking on more debt. Maybe if I get into my top choice, otherwise, no dice for me! 

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please explain to me one thing, I am not convinced. How can it hurt your application if you share your stats, even your name, on the survey! I mean, do they have the right to take back the offer they made? I don't think so. If you are worried that another school's adcomm will decipher your identity and know that you've already had an admission, it would only confirm their decision to recruit you, it would not lead them to cross you out of their list. In the case of a rejection, there is nothing to lose and no body cares. 

Edited by gretagarbo
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Sorry that I have to ask this, but OSU - troll or non-troll?


I've never been a fan of the term troll. It is a pejorative. I think we should shot for political correctness, and since you are interested in PhDs, I say we refer to them as Player-haters :)


Holy goodness, I am BORED! 

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Thanks. So then no decision on website --> rejection?


I wish I could say. Here's the story.


Today is the deadline for my grad coordinator to enter the names of people who've been accepted into the system. At some point, those names get converted into acceptances and those acceptances generate letters, typically via email. I assume that it also updates the website, but I don't really know.


How long all of this takes is kind of a mystery to me. I honestly don't know whether "the system" is running on a supercooled Cray or a hamster-powered TRS-80. My guess is that they'll all be out quite soon, likely by the end of the day, and that some might go astray into spam folders. I don't know, though.


There should be concrete "We regret to inform you..." letters sent out as well, but not for another day or two. So I would say, the more time passes, the lower the odds that you'll hear something positive.

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And an OSU admit shows up on the results board. Congrats!! Care to come out of the shadows?

Hello, all. I've been lurking for quite a while. I was the original OSU admit posted to the results page. At least in this case, trolls aren't giving us difficulty!

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Hello, all. I've been lurking for quite a while. I was the original OSU admit posted to the results page. At least in this case, trolls aren't giving us difficulty!

A hearty congratulations!  You must be ecstatic.  Care to share more with us?  Subfield, stats, background, where else you have applied to?  Wishing you continued success!

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I've already deleted my POIs super nice emails... 


Don't blame your POI. I listened to them, but ultimately I'm the one who had to make the decision. It wasn't fun, and honestly, I wish we'd had quite a few more slots. But the buck stops here.


If your POI sent you nice emails, I'd recommend undeleting them. They're very sincere, and you've earned whatever praise they contain.

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I can claim the second OSU admit--very thrilled (and more than a little relieved) to have the news, especially since OSU is one of my top-5 schools. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone who is still waiting to hear!

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Nothing personal. I just deal with things better if I don't wake up every morning with that in my inbox. 

Why are you acting as if you have already been rejected?  Acceptances are still coming through and yours might be one of them. Stay calm.  Stay positive.

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I can claim the second OSU admit--very thrilled (and more than a little relieved) to have the news, especially since OSU is one of my top-5 schools. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone who is still waiting to hear!


Congratulations to you and all the other OSU admits! It's great to see so much action on the results page today.

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Congratulations to those who have heard good news. To those who haven't, don't give up on yourself yet! 


Says the guy who after a three hour event expected to open his e-mail to an acceptance letter (even though they typically don't go out for any of my schools for over  a week). :)

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After my meeting I checked my email; low and behold, I too recieved the confirmation email from Boulder stating that the decisions would be made by the end of the month.


The next few days I am looking forward to some sort of information, even the not so pleasant variety.

(Just get it over with and rip the band-aid off A&M and Boulder!)

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After my meeting I checked my email; low and behold, I too recieved the confirmation email from Boulder stating that the decisions would be made by the end of the month.


The next few days I am looking forward to some sort of information, even the not so pleasant variety.

(Just get it over with and rip the band-aid off A&M and Boulder!)


You should feel free to call them and ask when we can expect decisions. :D If the results page is to be believes, someone did this last year. I'd do it, but I'm in a different country. ;)

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