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2014 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Monochrome Spring

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I saw in results that someone got an interview at University of Oregon for the Biology department. However there are 4 institutes (sub-departments) within the Biology department. Does anyone know if they hold separate interviews for the different departments?


*worried :/


 I was the one who posted the interview for UO. I applied for the Institute of Neuroscience. I'm not sure if they hold separate interviews for different departments - the dates I posted where the only ones that were offered to me, though I didn't ask about any others. Hope you got/get good news soon!

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Yeah some people heard back mid december, I heard back the following week. I think all the interveiws may have been sent out. I know the Jan interveiw date is full not sure about the feb date.

 What were the interview dates, if you don't mind? Also, what training program in PIBS did you apply for? Thx 


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 What were the interview dates, if you don't mind? Also, what training program in PIBS did you apply for? Thx 


IIRC they are Jan 30-Feb 1 and Feb 6-8. Not sure about wolbachia but I applied for the immunology program.

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Also wondering (and apologize if this has been covered elsewhere) - would anyone recommend a masters first to get additional research experience and perhaps refine a statement of interest?  He's applying straight out of undergrad and has therefore had limited research experience (about 1 1/2 year in one lab plus a summer in another).  Grades are ok, not great, but at a know grade-deflated school... but great GRE scores.  Has several areas in which he's interested.  Problem is that he hasn't found many programs with terminal masters in comp bio (CMU, Michigan I think, UCSC, Georgetown?).



This is a very personal decision. Most people advise against getting a master's first. However, there are some circumstances when it makes sense to do a master's first. I came from an unrelated undergrad degree, so I got a master's first, both to focus my research interests and to become a stronger candidate in my intended PhD field. I also chose this route because I was able to do it without going into debt. Whether a program is funded or unfunded should also play into the decision. Sounds like your son's reason would be to get a better GPA in a master's program, which is a legitimate reason, but if he doesn't really want a master's, for its own sake, applying directly to PhD programs might be the better choice. Or apply to some of both and see what happens.

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Does anyone have any extra info about when we might expect to hear from MIT other than "mid-January" as per their website? Last year it seems that most responses went out between 8th and 11th, so that's what I'm expecting, but has anyone heard anything else? 


Big week coming up indeed. Good luck to all :D


I was interviewed by MIT last year (I was rejected and am re-applying) and my invite came in on the 8th of Jan via e-mail. I'm fairly certain that we'll hear back this week. From what I remember from the 2013 application cycle, Stanford sent out invites the same week, and proceeded to send out a wave of snail-mail rejections to the remaining candidates in late January. 

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I was interviewed by MIT last year (I was rejected and am re-applying) and my invite came in on the 8th of Jan via e-mail. I'm fairly certain that we'll hear back this week. From what I remember from the 2013 application cycle, Stanford sent out invites the same week, and proceeded to send out a wave of snail-mail rejections to the remaining candidates in late January. 


Awesome, thanks! Stanford and MIT both this week... Scary :/ 


Best of luck with your application! I hope you get great news this time :D 

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FYI - I am employed by a midwestern university, and we've shut down tomorrow because of cold temperatures. I don't know how many others will follow suit, but this could definitely affect invites being sent out tomorrow. SORRY.


FYI 2 - even the South is closed - I saw a posting that University of Alabama will be closed tomorrow due to the weather on their FB page.

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FYI - I am employed by a midwestern university, and we've shut down tomorrow because of cold temperatures. I don't know how many others will follow suit, but this could definitely affect invites being sent out tomorrow. SORRY.

The midwestern university I am at is also closed tomorrow.  I have a feeling that most are, because 4 of the "major" universities in my state are closed, and we were not even hit very hard by the snow and cold.

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It's below freezing in Houston which is like one day that ever happens here all year. I imagine NY schools will be probably closed next week. another week of silence...

I hope I would be even able make it my interview at Penn state next week.

Stay warm

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It isn't too bad here in upstate NY. I think most northeastern schools should be open this week. Currently raining here... Crazy weather.


Don't worry, it's coming...haha. When I went to sleep last night, it was 60 degrees (F) and was pouring the rain and gusting wind. When I woke up four hours later, it was 28 (F) and snowing. Later it'll be down to -10 (F) with a -30 windchill. Unfortunately my university never ever closes!

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