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Application Anxiety Thread

Application Anxiety  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your anxiety about applications?

    • 1 - What anxiety?
    • 2 - Maybe a little nervous, but nothing much.
    • 3 - Yeah, I'm pretty anxious about this.
    • 4 - I'm really anxious!!!
    • 5 - I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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wow twinguy7, that's crazy! I just looked it up and you're so lucky, I wish they had something like that in New York because I learn better with experience. Technically New York is one of the states which don't require a masters degree to practice but not really sure how people can get a job when your competitors might have their master's degree. Is this your first time applying to grad schools?


Yea, I am pretty lucky.  I guess like 5 years ago or more the credential waiver was like a 5 year waiver so you could practice for 5 years as an SLP with a bachelors in California, but since like 2008 or something like that they reduced it since there were more SLP's to fill openings.  I just happened to be looking for SLP Assistant jobs that required just a bachelors and not the actual SLPA license and happened to get this job with this company that helps you get your credential waiver.  I have heard that Minnesota or Montana and Florida also allow SLP's to work with just a bachelors.  In Montana's case I think it was because the caseload/school's where they need them are so small and in remote cities that actual credentialed SLP's would never take a small job like that.

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Also, for New York this website shows a chart and what you need (bachelors, masters, etc.) to be and SLP.  I guess you can be a Teacher of Students with Speech-Language Disabilities with just a Bachelors.  







I sent off my 14th and FINAL application packet to Jackson State yesterday!  Ahhhhh Finally DONE!  Now just need to keep busy for 6 weeks to keep the anxiety down....  or just sign myself up for some Biofeedback(stress) sessions at my work!   :)

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Okay you guys are going to drown me for saying this and I want to put a disclaimer out there that I really don't have an opinion on the issue (1 - I think it's great experience for individuals but 2 - I am concerned about how the inexperience may effect some of the speech-language cases); however, on the topic of the SLP Credential Waiver there is a lot of controversy that surrounds the program here in CA. I know at SDSU we have been exposed to be both sides of the debate especially with the disbandment of many SLPA programs in the community colleges. There are some districts that will no longer higher SLPAs. ASHA has also addressed the issue on their website: http://www.asha.org/SLP/QualifiedProvidersSchoolsFAQ/ . We have met with some CSHA representatives that have some opinions on their end as well. 


So I am saying this not to spark a debate but more for you all to know that there are some people out there that are not to keen about the idea. That being said, you might want to look into the idea as an option but then talk with an advisor about whether or not they think that is the best path for you to go to get your experience. 

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No Worries ImpulsiveNixie, Sadly I agree with side of the debate that affects the Speech-Language Cases and more importantly, the students.  I am glad to be getting experience, yet on the other end like you said.....  the students that I work with are getting 2nd rate therapy.  It was hard for me the first couple of months because I realized that the students in these small schools are not getting the therapy they deserve.  Even though I am practicing as their SLP, I am basically an SLPA.  I am given their goals from their IEP's and I work with them on those goals.  I am not authorized by my company to assess or test.  Whenever a student has reached a goal, they are then assessed by a "real SLP" and that SLP makes the new goal for me.  There are SOO many issues with the whole process that made me sad for the students I have.  The whole Charter school system is a pretty sad thing also.  ALL of the kids speech, occupational, psychiatric, etc. therapies are given by people in my same position.  We are all bachelor degree therapists who work for a year before going on to get a masters so these kids are getting 2nd rate therapy.  I could go on about how bad charter schools are also since it's basically the same problems but I won't.  Sadly from my experience, it all comes down to $$$.  My company pays me $25/hr(about the rate of an SLPA in Ca) and they probably charge the school $10-25/hr more than that and they pocket that extra $$$ because the charter school will pay that price because they think I am a credentialed SLP.  


Anyways, I'm glad you brought that up ImpulsiveNixie, because as an insider on the whole SLPA, SLP(waiver credential) debate.....  I would say its very sad. Sadly $$$ corrupts everything, even therapy services for the innocent kids in charter/private schools.  I've always wanted to vent about the situation so I feel better for getting that off my chest :)  Thanks

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So, when I said that I thought that I would be anxiety-free after submitting all of my applications... NOPE! Haha. I can't stop thinking about how the statements I sent in earlier on (November, December) were not as strong as the statements I sent in later on (January). It's making me think I won't get into any of the 5 schools I applied to in the beginning. Ugh.

Also, this is kind of weird but I want to vent about it somewhere. I graduated school this December (a semester early) and now that I finished all of my applications, I think I'm having some kind of crisis. For the first time in my life, I have nothing to occupy my time. I only have a part-time job (working at a special rec center), and I'm making minimum wage. I originally wanted to apply for teaching aid jobs (more money + more hours) but I feel like I waited too long. I just feel like I should be doing something worthwhile with my time off but I don't know what. My plan was to save money working and then travel abroad in the summer but I don't know if I'll have enough $$. This whole thing is just making me so anxious despite the face that, logically, it shouldn't. I finally have time to relax. Why am I freaking out instead?

Sorry if this whole post makes no sense haha. Like I said, I just wanted to vent!

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Tomorrow USM and FHSU are due. That pesky 3rd LOR writer finally submitted the letter, but even though GRE scores were sent by ETS on the 22nd, neither school has registered them as received. Nerve-wracking. Hopefully they both have a fairly lenient policy about receiving things outside of the actually application.

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I originally wanted to apply for teaching aid jobs (more money + more hours) but I feel like I waited too long. I just feel like I should be doing something worthwhile with my time off but I don't know what. 


SLPamy, in my experience, you didn't wait too long! Teachers aide/paraeducator jobs open up allll the time because the pay is low compared to the stress of the job, and there's a lot of turnover. Last year, my husband finished up his pre-reqs in March, got a one-month temp position with a district as a SPED aide, and then jumped from that to a fulltime regular position at a different site within the district. He worked March-June and there were multiple other job postings in that same time period. Keep looking!

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Okay let me correct myself, you can practice as an SLP with a school if you have your bachelors. I wouldn't consider it my route because most schools in NY don't hire those without their master's so there really is no choice other than to obtain your master's.


But here is the website I found, if you can find the published date please let me know otherwise, here is where I got my information. The publisher in the website list the ASHA document that shows the requirements 





I found this to be quite helpful for those that are unsure if they're getting into grad school.


(*sorry if it doesn't take you straight to the link, my computer freezes when I try to link a website)

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twinguy7, thanks for sharing that insight. I'm kinda in the same boat as you with a low GPA 3.2 (three years ago it was a 2.75) so I naturally get anxious if ill ever become an SLP because I feel undergrad is my last stop and nothing is moving me forward.


I would love to work in a school since I hear it's hard to get into hospitals as an SLP. I think any experience in the SLP word is worth it. Even though you may feel that you're giving second rate therapy, at least your making a difference in someone's life.


CONGRATS on sending out your final app out, I got 4 more to send out :D

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So, when I said that I thought that I would be anxiety-free after submitting all of my applications... NOPE! Haha. I can't stop thinking about how the statements I sent in earlier on (November, December) were not as strong as the statements I sent in later on (January). It's making me think I won't get into any of the 5 schools I applied to in the beginning. Ugh.

Also, this is kind of weird but I want to vent about it somewhere. I graduated school this December (a semester early) and now that I finished all of my applications, I think I'm having some kind of crisis. For the first time in my life, I have nothing to occupy my time. I only have a part-time job (working at a special rec center), and I'm making minimum wage. I originally wanted to apply for teaching aid jobs (more money + more hours) but I feel like I waited too long. I just feel like I should be doing something worthwhile with my time off but I don't know what. My plan was to save money working and then travel abroad in the summer but I don't know if I'll have enough $$. This whole thing is just making me so anxious despite the face that, logically, it shouldn't. I finally have time to relax. Why am I freaking out instead?

Sorry if this whole post makes no sense haha. Like I said, I just wanted to vent!


I already went through that myself, actually. I graduated in May, and I went through the summer with nothing to do. I thought I was going to relax, but instead I almost went crazy for lack of things to do. But then I invented things for myself to do and I was okay again. I worked on translating my website into Chinese and Spanish (and ultimately discovered that's a bit beyond my abilities, but hey, I tried), worked on my website, got more active on WrongPlanet, and eventually did the most productive thing of all, finally deciding to go back to school and become an SLP.


If you want, you could do what I do for work. I felt like I should be doing some kind of job related to SLP work as well, so I've been nannying children on the autism spectrum that receive speech therapy. I feel like (1) I'm able to give back, because I actually care about helping these kids and many nannies don't seem to and (2) I'm getting exposure to speech therapy (I take the children to their appointments and they let you sit in) and how to help kids with their speech (before the child I'm with currently plays video games or on the iPad he has to do speech homework...AND I slip in speech [asking w-questions like, "Why is that cat so angry?"] while he's playing the games, too, so he's getting therapy even when he doesn't realize it!). I used Care.com to find families with special needs kids that needed care and I recommend it. :)

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I already went through that myself, actually. I graduated in May, and I went through the summer with nothing to do. I thought I was going to relax, but instead I almost went crazy for lack of things to do. But then I invented things for myself to do and I was okay again. I worked on translating my website into Chinese and Spanish (and ultimately discovered that's a bit beyond my abilities, but hey, I tried), worked on my website, got more active on WrongPlanet, and eventually did the most productive thing of all, finally deciding to go back to school and become an SLP.


If you want, you could do what I do for work. I felt like I should be doing some kind of job related to SLP work as well, so I've been nannying children on the autism spectrum that receive speech therapy. I feel like (1) I'm able to give back, because I actually care about helping these kids and many nannies don't seem to and (2) I'm getting exposure to speech therapy (I take the children to their appointments and they let you sit in) and how to help kids with their speech (before the child I'm with currently plays video games or on the iPad he has to do speech homework...AND I slip in speech [asking w-questions like, "Why is that cat so angry?"] while he's playing the games, too, so he's getting therapy even when he doesn't realize it!). I used Care.com to find families with special needs kids that needed care and I recommend it. :)

So good to know I'm not the only one! I think I had an "oh my god I'm a real adult now" moment, haha. But I  just have to get used to it... I'm so not used to NOT having to study, do homework, go to class, do therapy, etc. 

That is actually a great idea. My job at the special rec center is pretty related to SLP because I am working with individuals of all ages with disabilities. It really is a great job, it's just that I don't get that many hours. I have a care.com account because I dogsit (lol) so I really should try to use it to find nannying/babysitting jobs. Otherwise, I plan to start practicing my Spanish more and maybe doing some more volunteering just to keep me busy. Thank you for your suggestions! :)

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 Feeling anxious because my apps JUST got mailed out by CSDCAS. Although I know I should be safe regarding deadlines, it still makes me fairly worried.


I've been refreshing CSDCAS because my husband's account says (grrr):


Your application is

Complete/Not Verified 

Complete Date: 01/15/14 

Complete date currently being verified: 01/15/14


Come on, guys! And USM still hasn't entered his GRE scores (it's been 2 weeks since they were sent, now) nor answered the email he sent last week. 

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I've been refreshing CSDCAS because my husband's account says (grrr):


Your application is

Complete/Not Verified 

Complete Date: 01/15/14 

Complete date currently being verified: 01/15/14


Come on, guys! And USM still hasn't entered his GRE scores (it's been 2 weeks since they were sent, now) nor answered the email he sent last week. 

My application wasn't listed as complete + verified until last Thursday and I had a complete date of just 2 days prior to your husband's. You should DEFINITELY be seeing something this week.

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My application wasn't listed as complete + verified until last Thursday and I had a complete date of just 2 days prior to your husband's. You should DEFINITELY be seeing something this week.


That's good to know!! But even once yours was verified, it took until today to be mailed?

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According to the CSDCAS website, they "batch" and "mail" the applications on Fridays.

When I called them, they told me they "mailed" applications on Mondays. Hmm...

ETA: But they told me that doesn't really mean anything because the schools can still see your entire application even before it's mailed. So. Idk. Don't stress everyone!

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Just got an email from University of the Pacific.  I applied for their "Early Applicant Pool"(dec. 6th deadline) and I did not get accepted but am automatically pushed over to the feb. 1st deadline pool of applicants and reevaluated again.  Better than a straight rejection right? :) 

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Just got an email from University of the Pacific.  I applied for their "Early Applicant Pool"(dec. 6th deadline) and I did not get accepted but am automatically pushed over to the feb. 1st deadline pool of applicants and reevaluated again.  Better than a straight rejection right? :)


That it is. And you've shown commitment to the school by applying early, which I'm sure will stay in your record, so you've got that going for you. :)

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Last night I had a dream that today my husband was rejected by Portland State, and I was bewildered because CSDCAS hasn't verified his application yet. The rejection told him to take more 400-level classes in the major, which was also baffling since he's taken all the 400-level SPHS classes they offer at PSU. 


My husband dreamed about bunnies, apparently. I think we should trade. ;)

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Last night I had a dream that today my husband was rejected by Portland State, and I was bewildered because CSDCAS hasn't verified his application yet. The rejection told him to take more 400-level classes in the major, which was also baffling since he's taken all the 400-level SPHS classes they offer at PSU. 


My husband dreamed about bunnies, apparently. I think we should trade. ;)

lol sounds like mine and my wife's dreams.  She always has the pessimistic dreams and I have the optimistic dreams.....  but it goes along with our personalities...  so makes sense!  I'm guessing same with you and your husband Caterpillar?

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