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School Acronyms


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What's your favorite school acronym?

What redundant ones have mixed you up?

Are there any that you still don't know what they stand for?


I just deduced what UIUC is this morning, and feel strangely proud of myself. :P

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Not quite an acronym, but my alma mater, Tufts, was quite good at poking fun at itself, either for its apparent lack of fight songs (academics took precedence over sportsing our sportsiest) or the ridiculous ones that it had. The chant I heard/sang most often, typically under the influence of adult beverages: "T is for the T in Tuuu-uuufts, U is for the U in Tuuu-uuufts…"


I always get the UC acronyms confused! I thought "UCR" was a school in the UK that I was just unaware of until I realized people were using it interchangeably with Riverside. Derp.

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OSU means OK state here but means Ohio State back at home.  U of I means University of Illinois at home but mean U of Indy when I was in Bloomington.


The most confusing one I say all the time now is "I'm ABD".  No one understands that despite me saying it A MILLION times.

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The most confusing one I say all the time now is "I'm ABD".  No one understands that despite me saying it A MILLION times.

So... What's ABD again? XD

I love saying "Wazzou" for Washington State, but my hometown college became Worcester State University and now it's weird for me.

Also, there are a million FSUs, I swear! Frostburg, Fitchburg, Florida,...

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What's your favorite school acronym?

What redundant ones have mixed you up?

Are there any that you still don't know what they stand for?


I just deduced what UIUC is this morning, and feel strangely proud of myself. :P

Not the school's name, but I always liked MITs IHTFP. Speaking of MIT, acronyms, and confusion....


I am originally from Sacramento, CA.  Sac State will always be CSUS to me, yet when I mention CSUS even to those who live in Sacramento the typical response is "where?".


I also lived in Minneapolis.  The University of Minnesota is also known simply as The U.  


Not an acronym, but many years had passed before I realized Miami University was not in Florida. 

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I have no idea what "POI" means yet. Person of interest? I keep guessing.


I'm usually confused by all of the state universities for states that begin with M or I. Like U of I, or U of M, or UM, or UI, or IU, or MU, or whatever. I think they need more distinctive abbreviations!

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"Professor of interest" -- meaning the advisor you'd like to work with at prospective schools.

That's what I eventually deduced. Thanks for the confirmation!

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It can get especially confusing with the California State University school system, since some schools are "California State University [city name]" and others go by "[city name] State University".


For example: Cal State Northridge and San Jose State University (CSUN and SJSU) are both in the CSU (California State University) school system.

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

"U of M" causes problems constantly, because my family is from Minnesota and I went to grad school at University of Michigan.

I live in Miami. If you say UM, nobody will think Michigan. But we also just call it "The U." 

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Also spot-on for University of Montana, aka the U, or U (of) M.

This was my problem all the time in undergrad. We'd talk about U of M and MSU and, when out of state, have to clarify for people that we were talking about Montana and not Michigan.

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I think we just all need sweatshirts emblazened with the logo "COLLEGE". Or, rather, "GRAD SCHOOL".



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As a Pennsylvanian, I always get confused when I hear people say "Penn" by itself when referring to either Penn State or the University of Pennsylvania.  After someone says "Penn," I have to ask "State?  Or UPenn?"  Or I ask "'We are!'  or 'U?'"   


I also had several friends who attended Bucknell University for undergrad, so whenever folks on here say "BU," I have to remember that they likely don't mean Bucknell.


Luckily, the most confusing acronym for the universities I applied to is UMD (University of Maryland).  I refer the other two universities as simply "Lehigh" or "UDel," which folks can usually figure out.

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I'm glad none of the Ma* states did "UM". There's UME, UMass, UMD... When people see MA, sometimes they guess Maryland, then Maine, then Massachusetts. :P


Today I figured out what TAMU is (Texas A&M University). I feel successful lol

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