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If the sole reason you're emailing a professor is to ease your own mind while waiting for results, I don't think it's a good reason. Many of my profs get so many emails they can't wade through them all. Out of respect for their busy lives, I personally opted not to write unnecessary emails. Besides, I thanked my POIs when I was in contact with them before I applied, and I continue to be in contact with some of them to this day--my logic was that the only reason to tell them my application was submitted, when they clearly would already know that since they read applications, would be to "hopefully" get an edge in. Depending on if the email came across well or annoying would determine if that edge was good or bad. Obviously some people are going to respond well, and that's great. I didn't want to risk a negative response, and it worked out for me if my results are any indication.

I have no skin in the game if you guys want to contact POIs, so feel free to ignore me if you'd like. The only reason I give advice here at all is because veteran applicants helped me a ton when I was applying last year, and I want to pay it forward based on my experiences and successes.

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23 minutes ago, stillalivetui said:

I can't say for sure. But I get the sense it's just an opportunity for students who will be accepted to learn more about the program and visit campus.

I'm assuming that you guys are talking about UT Austin. Although I am in a different department currently, I have spent a lot of time with professors in the History department and would be glad to answer any questions about campus life or my impressions of the department. Just PM me! 

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2 hours ago, e94taylor said:

Hey! I know I'm a bit late to this whole process. I've been reading this forum (and the admissions page) religiously for the past few days, but I just waited until now to introduce myself. This is my first time applying, and I've applied to 3 MA programs and 4 PhD programs. 

Hi, welcome!

@nom I PM'd you.

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2 hours ago, jb1993 said:

Any idea for the rest of the admissions or have those already gone out?


Hi! I don't know much about the history department, sorry! HSTM is a separate program/application, etc. 

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1 hour ago, tipmar said:

You know, I have seen last year's reports and have been wondering what exactly the recruitment weekend is. I got the impression that Texas has an unusual system, do they invite people over before official admission is decided? Is that just a formality, or is the visit actually a way of finalizing the shortlist?

I was invited last year and it was very strange all around. I didn't end up going because a freak snowstorm left me stranded in the Dallas airport, but they followed up with a phone call and the questions they asked me felt formal and interview-esque (which I was not prepared for). I got an official acceptance letter about two days after that. 

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1 hour ago, ashiepoo72 said:

The only reason I give advice here at all is because veteran applicants helped me a ton when I was applying last year, and I want to pay it forward based on my experiences and successes.

Having you and the other veterans of the process around is much appreciated. It's good to hear from someone who has survived the process. 

You know, I have seen last year's reports and have been wondering what exactly the recruitment weekend is. I got the impression that Texas has an unusual system, do they invite people over before official admission is decided? Is that just a formality, or is the visit actually a way of finalizing the shortlist?

I'm in a different department (applied straight Classics at UT Austin) but, for what it's worth, I received an invitation to the recruitment weekend and have not yet heard about admission. From my extremely unsystematic perspective, that seems somewhat common, as the same thing happened at Michigan. Chapel Hill, on the other hand, explicitly accepted me along with the invitation to the weekend, so it probably depends a lot on the school. 

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Hello all!

Thought I'd stop lurking and join in. Did an interview with Penn yesterday over Skype and I was a bit taken aback about how formal it was. They wanted to know very very deep details about my proposed research and current research (I'm currently finishing up a research masters with a hefty thesis and plenty of archival work) that felt a bit more like an oral defence than anything else. Overall I don't think it went badly, but I was surprised. Has anyone else had similar experiences with REALLY FORMAL interviews?

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1 hour ago, prosopographer said:

Hello all!

Thought I'd stop lurking and join in. Did an interview with Penn yesterday over Skype and I was a bit taken aback about how formal it was. They wanted to know very very deep details about my proposed research and current research (I'm currently finishing up a research masters with a hefty thesis and plenty of archival work) that felt a bit more like an oral defence than anything else. Overall I don't think it went badly, but I was surprised. Has anyone else had similar experiences with REALLY FORMAL interviews?

I did last cycle! They asked me many questions based on terminology and the historiographical changes in my field/those terms...you're not alone!

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15 hours ago, catsandscarves said:

I did last cycle! They asked me many questions based on terminology and the historiographical changes in my field/those terms...you're not alone!

I have a Skype interview tomorrow. I was told it would be 20 minutes. Is this what I should focus on more than trying to explain why their school is a good fit? 

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5 hours ago, hbnj said:

I have a Skype interview tomorrow. I was told it would be 20 minutes. Is this what I should focus on more than trying to explain why their school is a good fit? 

I would just focus on responding to their questions. It just so happened that the questions were more historiographically/terminology based than I had expected rather than centered on if the program was a good fit. It seems to be the case for other people too so far. I think they want to see how you think. I would be prepared for both!

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I had my interview yesterday! I got a lot of "is this program a good fit for you?" "Can you expand on that?" "Really?" "...Are you sure?" 

I'd guess that was because my fit was, in fact, less obvious than would have triggered them to start pitching the more nitty-gritty historiographical stuff.

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1 hour ago, knp said:

I had my interview yesterday! I got a lot of "is this program a good fit for you?" "Can you expand on that?" "Really?" "...Are you sure?" 

I'd guess that was because my fit was, in fact, less obvious than would have triggered them to start pitching the more nitty-gritty historiographical stuff.

Hope it went well!! 

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Long time lurker here un-lurking myself to say, first of all, hello all and I wish the most successful application season for all of you! Additionally, since this is my first PhD application round I'd love some advice, especially regarding interviews. One of my favorites is Notre Dame, who seems to have released interview invites today. Any idea if that is a formal process of theirs? From their results history, it's hard to glean an exact pattern and I'm a nervous wreck! :( I've also seen NO change in status on my application pages - they still just say "submitted" - have they even been reviewed yet or am I expecting too much?

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5 minutes ago, IndianaJones said:

Long time lurker here un-lurking myself to say, first of all, hello all and I wish the most successful application season for all of you! Additionally, since this is my first PhD application round I'd love some advice, especially regarding interviews. One of my favorites is Notre Dame, who seems to have released interview invites today. Any idea if that is a formal process of theirs? From their results history, it's hard to glean an exact pattern and I'm a nervous wreck! :( I've also seen NO change in status on my application pages - they still just say "submitted" - have they even been reviewed yet or am I expecting too much?

I would expect that same advice that @ashiepoo72 gave a few pages back still holds true. I wouldn't freak out yet. 


8 hours ago, hbnj said:

I have a Skype interview tomorrow. I was told it would be 20 minutes. Is this what I should focus on more than trying to explain why their school is a good fit? 

1) Love your avatar.

2) Honestly I would prepare for the worst just in case. Better safe than sorry. 

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Got my first acceptance, to Boston College's Ph.D. program! I was not expecting to hear back so soon and BC is one of my top choices so I am really happy and excited. Is it appropriate to contact my POI again now that I have been accepted, or should I wait until I make my decision after hearing back from my other schools? Also, I just found out that I passed a standardized language test for my relevant language. Some schools asked for this info specifically so I listed the highest level I had passed and that this higher level was pending. Should I update them now that I have passed it or is it not that important?

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I'm happy to say that I received an invitation to Notre Dame's recruitment event in a couple of weeks; however, it seems a bit odd in that my invitation today indicated that they'd be doing interviews (along with other standard recruitment activities). I know that I haven't been accepted at this stage. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about Notre Dame's processes. That is to say, are their "recruitment/interview" days a mere formality, or will a significant portion of the invitees ultimately get denied admission?

I'm sure that I'm overthinking everything, but it would be delightful to begin the cycle with a "yes" rather than a "no"!

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7 hours ago, jpb said:

I'm happy to say that I received an invitation to Notre Dame's recruitment event in a couple of weeks; however, it seems a bit odd in that my invitation today indicated that they'd be doing interviews (along with other standard recruitment activities). I know that I haven't been accepted at this stage. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about Notre Dame's processes. That is to say, are their "recruitment/interview" days a mere formality, or will a significant portion of the invitees ultimately get denied admission?

I'm sure that I'm overthinking everything, but it would be delightful to begin the cycle with a "yes" rather than a "no"!

I can't talk about Notre Dame specifically. If they do formal interviews, though, you aren't beginning with a "no." Even if you aren't in yet, your Notre Dame application has been going as well as it possibly could to this point if you made the next stage, right? That's good news. 

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11 hours ago, fencergirl said:

Is it appropriate to contact my POI again now that I have been accepted, or should I wait until I make my decision after hearing back from my other schools?

Your POI should be contacting you very soon, so, patience. 

A general FYI: I was told Brown's selection will be finalized and sent to the graduate school today; final turn-around is about a week.

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11 hours ago, fencergirl said:

Got my first acceptance, to Boston College's Ph.D. program! I was not expecting to hear back so soon and BC is one of my top choices so I am really happy and excited. Is it appropriate to contact my POI again now that I have been accepted, or should I wait until I make my decision after hearing back from my other schools? Also, I just found out that I passed a standardized language test for my relevant language. Some schools asked for this info specifically so I listed the highest level I had passed and that this higher level was pending. Should I update them now that I have passed it or is it not that important?

Congratulations on the acceptance to BC! I am hoping to hear from them myself. Chestnut hill is a wonderful part of Boston.

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Hi everyone,

I am little late to the forum. I have applied to a whole bunch of schools in various disciplines. I have interests in urban history and US history (19th and 20th century), specifically Detroit. I am currently finishing up a Master's in Urban Design and have two previous Master's degrees in Political Science and STS. 

I have applied to 5 history programs, primarily based on POIs: Yale, Columbia, MSU, George Washington, Wayne State; 3 urban planning programs: MIT DUSP (CDD); Harvard GSD and the University of Michigan; and 1 STS program: Cornell. 


I have an admit from MSU (phew) and I am pretty happy with that. Given that I have not heard from Yale or Columbia (though my POI at Columbia did say that he is looking for new doctoral students), is it safe to assume that I did not get in? My concentration is US history in both. 

I am not sure what to (or when to expect anything from the urban planning programs. Or Cornell. Does Cornell (for STS) conduct interviews?




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Minnesota has been the only history of science program or STS program that any results have been posted yet.

Here I remain, twiddling my thumbs. I think the next two weeks might hold something. Time will tell.

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