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For those of you interested in the program at University of New Mexico, I emailed them to see when they'll send out results. Pearl told me offers should be made sometime next week.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Denise at Arizona!

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17 minutes ago, racoomelon said:

For those of you interested in the program at University of New Mexico, I emailed them to see when they'll send out results. Pearl told me offers should be made sometime next week.

Thanks! Hopefully we'll hear early next week!! 

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4 minutes ago, chg38 said:

So if there's nothing on our emerson portals today does that mean we're wait listed? 

Someone called them and said they will be posting decisions through next week, so I don't think we can assume that yet.

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Got wait-listed from UNCO.  Email said they won't rank their "alternate admissions" until after April 15, which seems to be a common deadline to accept invitations from other schools. 

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Hey guys!! I just wanted to share my excitement.  I have applied to 5 schools and have been accepted to 4 so far.  I haven't heard from the 5th yet (UMT).  I'll be making my decision this weekend and open up some spots for those of you on the waitlists.  Congrats to everyone who was accepted and to those who get off the waitlist soon!  Yay!

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14 hours ago, honeydewthis said:

YOU GUYS! I got my first non-rejection! I was wait-listed at La Salle. Does anyone know any additional information on how La Salle's waitlist process works? I'm wondering if I have an actual chance or if it's likely to turn into gentle rejection. 

Same! I got wait-listed and I'm excited because it's the first school I've heard from.

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So after recently attending a campus tour, I was surprised to find out that there were no men in the graduate program. I knew going into the field that seeing male graduate students or SLPs would be a rarity, but I didn't expect there to be none. It's not that I necessarily mind being surrounded my women (I'm a gay male and many of my close friends are women), but I still can't help but feel nervous about not integrating as well with my cohort or sticking out like a sore thumb. I absolutely LOVE everything about the program; the facilities, the professors, the ample opportunities for research alongside clinical training are all great, but potentially being the token guy in my department kinda threw me for a loop. Am I just being silly? 

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11 minutes ago, flapjackal said:

So after recently attending a campus tour, I was surprised to find out that there were no men in the graduate program. I knew going into the field that seeing male graduate students or SLPs would be a rarity, but I didn't expect there to be none. It's not that I necessarily mind being surrounded my women (I'm a gay male and many of my close friends are women), but I still can't help but feel nervous about not integrating as well with my cohort or sticking out like a sore thumb. I absolutely LOVE everything about the program; the facilities, the professors, the ample opportunities for research alongside clinical training are all great, but potentially being the token guy in my department kinda threw me for a loop. Am I just being silly? 

Not at all,

As a black woman, I have the same feelings. We are far and few in this field.

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27 minutes ago, flapjackal said:

So after recently attending a campus tour, I was surprised to find out that there were no men in the graduate program. I knew going into the field that seeing male graduate students or SLPs would be a rarity, but I didn't expect there to be none. It's not that I necessarily mind being surrounded my women (I'm a gay male and many of my close friends are women), but I still can't help but feel nervous about not integrating as well with my cohort or sticking out like a sore thumb. I absolutely LOVE everything about the program; the facilities, the professors, the ample opportunities for research alongside clinical training are all great, but potentially being the token guy in my department kinda threw me for a loop. Am I just being silly? 

I am in the SAME exact boat as you! I was one of 3 guys in my undergrad program (in all 4 years). I also have those same thoughts about being the token male (Is that the reason I was accepted, and not based on my merits?) but I have to ignore it and have confidence in myself. I say use it to your advantage. In my classes my name was ALWAYS learned first. I have a very outgoing personality anyway so it wouldn't have been long anyway, but it was still nice. What always blows my mind is that it seems many faculty positions at universities are well balanced between males and females, but the classes are always imbalanced.

Edited by ThatSpeechGuy
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2 hours ago, flapjackal said:

So after recently attending a campus tour, I was surprised to find out that there were no men in the graduate program. I knew going into the field that seeing male graduate students or SLPs would be a rarity, but I didn't expect there to be none. It's not that I necessarily mind being surrounded my women (I'm a gay male and many of my close friends are women), but I still can't help but feel nervous about not integrating as well with my cohort or sticking out like a sore thumb. I absolutely LOVE everything about the program; the facilities, the professors, the ample opportunities for research alongside clinical training are all great, but potentially being the token guy in my department kinda threw me for a loop. Am I just being silly? 

No, I understand.  It's not just you.  I came from a diverse undergrad program, but I recently realized that I may be the only Asian student in my grad cohort.  I'm nervous like you are, but I think we'll all be fine if we came this far to get accepted into programs.

Edited by rainsonata
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3 hours ago, Arcanelady27 said:

Not at all,

As a black woman, I have the same feelings. We are far and few in this field.


48 minutes ago, rainsonata said:

No, I understand.  It's not just you.  I came from a diverse undergrad program, but I recently realized that I may be the only Asian student in my grad cohort.  I'm nervous like you are, but I think we'll all be fine if we came this far to get accepted into programs.

Heyyyy, also the only asian/minority lady in several tours that I attended. We are legion, but apparently in disparate places?

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2 hours ago, esopha said:


Heyyyy, also the only asian/minority lady in several tours that I attended. We are legion, but apparently in disparate places?

Not a minority, but I am married with kiddos and hubby is mixed race, which is something I was thinking about particularly with the "smaller" program I applied to (U of O).  I did count three grad students with kids during the online open house though, so we'll see. :) 

Edited by Jolie717
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Thanks for the insights, y'all. Glad to know others are having the same thoughts. 

Sometimes I wonder if my background (I check a lot of underrepresented boxes) has helped me get into grad school, but I certainly hope it wasn't the case. If we've come this far, it's based on our own merits.

@ThatSpeechGuy I guess to a certain extent it would help us stand out to professors. I'm a pretty introverted person myself, so every bit helps!

@Jolie717 Funny you mention that because the other guy during the tour was married with children. I don't know about other programs, but it looks like you'll be in good company :) 



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On March 10, 2016 at 11:43 AM, BamaBelle said:

Oh gotcha! I have a few friends from Daphne. I'm leaning pretty heavily toward Texas for grad school. 

Yeah waitlists must be so painful! I would literally pull my hair out haha I'll be praying for you to get in!! When do you think you'll hear from Howard?

I don't know, Howard apparently emails acceptances to applicants and letters to those who are waitlisted or rejected. I HAVE NO IDEA!  :/ 

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12 hours ago, flapjackal said:

So after recently attending a campus tour, I was surprised to find out that there were no men in the graduate program. I knew going into the field that seeing male graduate students or SLPs would be a rarity, but I didn't expect there to be none. It's not that I necessarily mind being surrounded my women (I'm a gay male and many of my close friends are women), but I still can't help but feel nervous about not integrating as well with my cohort or sticking out like a sore thumb. I absolutely LOVE everything about the program; the facilities, the professors, the ample opportunities for research alongside clinical training are all great, but potentially being the token guy in my department kinda threw me for a loop. Am I just being silly? 

This was honestly kind of an issue for my husband. He made it through it (graduating in August!) but it was pretty isolating, especially because there was a pretty significant age difference between him and the rest of his cohort. Being excluded from cohort social events, either intentionally or unintentionally, was not a great feeling for him.

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10 minutes ago, caterpillar said:

This was honestly kind of an issue for my husband. He made it through it (graduating in August!) but it was pretty isolating, especially because there was a pretty significant age difference between him and the rest of his cohort. Being excluded from cohort social events, either intentionally or unintentionally, was not a great feeling for him.

That's sad - hopefully many will read this and won't do the same to members of their own cohort. 

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25 minutes ago, caterpillar said:

This was honestly kind of an issue for my husband. He made it through it (graduating in August!) but it was pretty isolating, especially because there was a pretty significant age difference between him and the rest of his cohort. Being excluded from cohort social events, either intentionally or unintentionally, was not a great feeling for him.


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11 hours ago, esopha said:


Heyyyy, also the only asian/minority lady in several tours that I attended. We are legion, but apparently in disparate places?

I truly would love to know why don't the grad programs represent the diversity seen on the undergraduate level. I realize they are other variables such as people giving up on the field after receiving their BA/BS degree. However, it is still grossly disproportionate.

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5 hours ago, Arcanelady27 said:

I truly would love to know why don't the grad programs represent the diversity seen on the undergraduate level. I realize they are other variables such as people giving up on the field after receiving their BA/BS degree. However, it is still grossly disproportionate.

I'm from out-of-field, so I can't speak to it. I'm sure there's a high level of attrition, and perhaps programs haven't figured out how to enact effective affirmative action policies?

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1 hour ago, esopha said:

I'm from out-of-field, so I can't speak to it. I'm sure there's a high level of attrition, and perhaps programs haven't figured out how to enact effective affirmative action policies?

Perhaps, I know of so many of my peers who are black with stellar GPAs. They too are having issues gaining admission.

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9 minutes ago, Arcanelady27 said:

Perhaps, I know of so many of my peers who are black with stellar GPAs. They too are having issues gaining admission.

Ugh. That's... a really unfortunate trend to notice. It's an issue with higher ed all over the board, though I understand that's not going to make you feel better. I've noticed that all of the schools I've upped into my final decision list are schools with explicit diversity policies and foci, so I'm hoping that wherever I go will be a little more diverse.

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I got Penn State's letter in the mail today.

They don't want me either. What kind of school wastes real postage and paper on a rejection? Ugh.

My last hope is JMU, and if I don't get in there then I'm stuck in Pitt's waitlist hell.

My mom is outraged at how selective these programs are, and is insistent that getting a teacher's master's would help me get into this program next time around, because she doesn't know how it actually works. She's also trying to convince me to "widen my field" or something equally stupidly phrased, give up on this, and do something else instead if this doesn't work out this year.

Thanks, mom...and thanks, Penn State. I want to cry but I have to go to work in 30 minutes and I don't want to show up with awkward puffy face.

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8 minutes ago, Puffer Fish said:

I got Penn State's letter in the mail today.

They don't want me either. What kind of school wastes real postage and paper on a rejection? Ugh.

My last hope is JMU, and if I don't get in there then I'm stuck in Pitt's waitlist hell.

My mom is outraged at how selective these programs are, and is insistent that getting a teacher's master's would help me get into this program next time around, because she doesn't know how it actually works. She's also trying to convince me to "widen my field" or something equally stupidly phrased, give up on this, and do something else instead if this doesn't work out this year.

Thanks, mom...and thanks, Penn State. I want to cry but I have to go to work in 30 minutes and I don't want to show up with awkward puffy face.

Sadly, you're mom is mistaken that getting a teacher's Master's will help. Perhaps the master's with experience...

How many years have you been trying?

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