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13 minutes ago, nevermind said:

My academia.edu analytics show someone found my profile in the city of one school I applied to....two days later, I had an interview request. :)

Otherwise, it's been pretty silent for me. I was hoping for more visible activity, but maybe adcoms don't search for more information?

Academia.edu only registers analytics (keywords, city/location) if they perform a search and then click your page. It's possible people can search for you and NOT click your academia.edu profile, but find information elsewhere (then no information would show up under your analytics). 

TL;DR: It's almost meaningless to use academia.edu to track possible interest in your application. :)

I normally wouldn't have noticed or gave it a second thought except for the person was in a city of a school I applied to and they looked at one of my papers that I have on my profile that is related to my PhD proposal. Of course, I could be just making something out of nothing, but having heard absolutely nothing about my applications thus far it was a fleeting moment of joy/anxiety/confusion.

Edited by gleefullygloomy
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2 minutes ago, pterosaur said:

I got into my top choice! It's taking all my willpower not to immediately accept and wait until I visit there and my other options. I'm super excited, but no one in my lab office right now seems to care. :P

Also, I don't have an academia.edu page to track, but I have a personal website that I listed on my CV and applications. I can definitely tell that people have been looking at it, particularly at one school. Also, inexplicably, someone in Texas spent a lot of time on my site.

Congrats... :)

I don't have an academia.edu profile either... but I do keep having "anonymous" profile views on my linkedin. I can't see anything about them though, so they really could be anybody. Also, I've had at least one same anonymous viewer look at my profile multiple times because my number stats don't change, but the date looked at does. Stop looking at my page dammit 

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1 hour ago, The Interdisciplinarian said:

Oh, wow. I'm in Dayton, so yes, pretty close-ish to Cincy.

Also, my insomnia was last night. I just got v little sleep all weekend and am kind of a wreck this morning as a result. Bleh.

Ohhh! That's close! Haven't been to cincy in awhile though. I hope to be back soon. Haha.

it's almost 2am here and I have no plans of sleeping tonight. I'm feeling miserable lol. Also one of my dogs had a fit so I'm trying to calm him down. It's going to be a long night. Lol

1 hour ago, Justwaitingforneuro said:

Well that's it for me. Rejected. At least the waiting game is over and my plan B is ok and involves 2 weeks of mostly vacation.

Oh no. Did you apply anywhere else? I have a feeling I got rejected too. Rejection is so painful ?

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14 minutes ago, pterosaur said:

I got into my top choice! It's taking all my willpower not to immediately accept and wait until I visit there and my other options. I'm super excited, but no one in my lab office right now seems to care. :P

Also, I don't have an academia.edu page to track, but I have a personal website that I listed on my CV and applications. I can definitely tell that people have been looking at it, particularly at one school. Also, inexplicably, someone in Texas spent a lot of time on my site.

Congratulations! ?

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4 minutes ago, mm3733 said:

Got the heads up that the ad-comm at one of my top choices made their decisions on Friday.... have been incessantly checking email since.



With you on this one. It doesn't help that this school is 8 hours behind me time difference wise so if I hear anything I half expect it to come through while I'm sleeping. It makes checking my phone in the morning really nerve-wracking!!

So I have my first research meeting tomorrow with a brand new advisor and project that I'm seriously excited about working on!! He holds an OSCAR! For working on the technology that makes animation like you see in Lord of the Rings possible. How freaking cool is that?!?! 

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4 hours ago, SLPgradstudent said:

Me too!  I woke up right around 5:15 and could not get back to sleep for the life of me.  When I looked at the clock, I was so disappointed that it wasn't closer to a "I might possibly hear something during this time" time.

And I couldn't fall asleep last night until around 2.  I kept trying to convince myself that the sooner I fell asleep, the sooner it would be morning, but it didn't help.  So, here goes my day, with all 3 hours of sleep I managed...  :blink:


3 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who wants to sleep in as late as possible for this very reason.


You're definitely not alone. And as a morning person it's hard because subconsciously (or maybe not) I equate how much I get done in the AM to my value as a human-type person. So I have to tell myself I'm sleeping in "for a good cause" but just starting the 2nd cup of coffee at 10:30 just doesn't seem right.

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I got an email last Thurs from a POI who told me I would be rejected. He offered his explanation of why they would have normally taken me, but didn't have enough resources this year for more than a few people (I inferred that quota from what he said). He said I should have already been notified - but I still haven't at this point. Even though I know with 99% certainty I won't get pleasantly surprised, there's still that part of me that's hoping for an email saying "oh, we changed our mind. welcome to our department, mr. nightfarmer."

That'd be cool.

Edited by nightfarmer
horrible run-on sentence
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2 hours ago, mm3733 said:

Got the heads up that the ad-comm at one of my top choices made their decisions on Friday.... have been incessantly checking email since.



*dies a little with you*

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2 hours ago, RCtheSS said:

That feel when you see the first decision of this app cycle from one of your programs posted on results search.

"What's this, they were alerted via email? Time to refresh my inbox...and refresh...and refresh..."

Going through that with CMU. Amazing program, but all of the ones I applied were reaches. . . So this isn't unexpected that I haven't heard anything yet, but I don't have much hope either. 

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2 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

Just invited to UCR for recruitment day! My trifecta will soon be completed!

I think it's mostly to check fit, but since I got to visit in November I think it's going to be more of "hey, remember how you loved me last time?"

Out of curiosity, how big is the entomology world? Also, congrats! :D 

I'm not even sure how many entomology graduate programs exist.

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5 minutes ago, Cat_Robutt said:

@pterosaur congrats!!!! Do you plan on having a little (or big) celebration?

@SLPgradstudent I planned my wedding for the day after I graduated with my M.A. Was I not thinking clearly?! Definitely. But it was super worth it! Lots of etsy....


WHAT?!?!?  The day after your graduation?  How did you not spontaneously combust that week @Cat_Robutt?  Glad it all worked out though!  Etsy is great, and I have some very crafts-y people who want to help with planning and decorations.  Also, we hired a planner.  :D  We'll have time for a two-week honeymoon before I have to start grad school, assuming I'm admitted for this fall.  It'll be great!

And yes congrats @pterosaur and @rhombusbombus, and all of you who have started getting acceptances!  I'm still waiting on mine, but hopefully they'll come soon!!!

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22 hours ago, The Interdisciplinarian said:

Oh, my gosh, are you me? That's my backup plan, and it's getting tenuous and weird lately. Without the PhD, even though I have an MFA, I do not foresee getting a TT position or even something better in higher ed than a non-TT fac gig, like directing a center or something. It's the toughest industry going, I swear.

Which doesn't help when my OTHER backup plan is hoping I write the breakout novel.

At least you're only 31. I'm 40. If I don't get into something next year at the latest, I might as well just turn in the Panera app I randomly picked up at lunch today.

Well, I'm in my mid 30s with two kids - current career path: SAHM. I only applied to one school because I couldn't ask my family to move again right now, so I've got one shot at being admitted this year. A rejection is going to hurt but since the days are ticking on, I'm trying to prepare myself. This thread/site is helping though - totally feeling the pressure from overly optimistic family, and @Foreveronward had the same thoughts about Monday and the working week meaning we might get news! Good luck to everyone, and it's nice not to be the only person over 30 applying (which is how the grad coordinator made me feel when I talked to her in September...). Also @BooksCoffeeBeards it was my birthday yesterday too - happy belated, and hope you had fun despite the waiting game!

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1 minute ago, Cat_Robutt said:

@SLPgradstudent I don't know!!! :P 

I wish we could throw a virtual party for all of us, whether we've been admitted, rejected, or are "patiently" waiting! There would be much digital confetti and emojis.

Haha!  Yes, let's have a virtually party.  I'll bring the cupcakes!



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