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1 minute ago, pterosaur said:

Ooh, an entire thread devoted to the anxiety of waiting for news? Now I can get more notifications on GC so I feel like something is happening.

I'm currently waiting on results for... everywhere. But especially my top choice, where I've been told I'm among the top of their list of admits, but with nothing official. And after a Skype interview with another school, the prof. wanted to find a time I can visit when I'm in the country (which would be after they send acceptances). I want to interpret this as super awesome news for both places, but I'm afraid of getting my hopes too high only to be brutally crushed.

I'm in a similar position! Had a successful interview yesterday, and heard back weeks ago from the POI at my top choice that my application would be recommended by the department but, nothing official yet! best of luck to you and your (hopefully brief) waiting! 

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YAY my coach said I don't have to follow any food restraints today so I'm on the popcorn and the chocolate (sorry @G) and the tortilla chips and cheesy fries and protein and vegetables can hide :D

The adcoms are meeting on Friday for one school, I have an official .edu email address for another and haven't heard a peep from the rest...whoever decided putting refined sugar on foods was a good idea is my hero right now.

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24 minutes ago, SLPgradstudent said:

Hello celiac and GF friends!  Just wanted to tell you all, I feel your pain.  While I am no longer on a GF diet, I was for a while, so that they could rule that out as the source of my health problems.  Turns out I'm fine with dairy and gluten (thank goodness), but I have a fructose intolerance.  And intolerance to certain other carbohydrates with very long names.  So I have my own set of yummy foods that I can't eat (including apples, pears, honey, HFCS).  I've learned to live with it, but some days I still yearn to be able eat food like a normal person!

Hey food allergies friends! Many tasty (allegedly.....) foods are off limits for me, too: aka anything with peanuts, aka any Asian food except Japanese, aka pretty much all chocolate produced in the US (except Hersheys, which.......not even worth it). I do love visiting Canada or the UK, though. So much peanut free chocolate. So good. (I really gained like 15 pounds when I studied in London--though beer and chips probably were culprits too. It was sad, but also so awesome.)

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Food allergies have to be the worst! Especially when eating out. 

My dad is allergic to shellfish so has to be super careful that utensils dont cross. And my sister cant have eggs! 

Makes me happy im only allergic to cats even though i love those fluffballs

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7 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

Had a dream that i got into ucr with AMAZEBALLS funding AND won the grfp. 

Oh god why did you remind me about fellowships. That's months away from finding anything out... Except the Hertz interview I have coming up in less than a month. Ack.

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To all the people who just got Northwestern rejections: I am so sorry! Good luck to you for the other places you applied to! 

I applied to Northwestern too, for French Lit, but no word yet from them (or anywhere else I applied to). Not sure if that's a good or bad sign! I've had an upset stomach for a week due to application anxiety. :/ Here's to hoping we hear something soon!

Edited by Frenchbookworm1
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@piglet33 and @The Interdisciplinarian Thanks for the sympathy! I talked to my mom and went to they gym (finally bought a membership!) and I feel better about it. Rejection sucks no matter what, but the adcom knows what they're doing, and if I get rejected, it's because my research interests just doesn't fit with what anyone in the department is doing (at least, that's what I tell myself.). I am really regretting applying to only 4 schools though...

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35 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

Had a dream that i got into ucr with AMAZEBALLS funding AND won the grfp. 


Woke up and almost cried. 

But my dad made pancakes and my dog only farted on me once, so ive got that going for me. 

Hey, I did dream of getting an interview today. So far no mail, but it is only 3.30pm in England right now so...

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24 minutes ago, haltheincandescent said:

Hey food allergies friends! Many tasty (allegedly.....) foods are off limits for me, too: aka anything with peanuts, aka any Asian food except Japanese, aka pretty much all chocolate produced in the US (except Hersheys, which.......not even worth it). I do love visiting Canada or the UK, though. So much peanut free chocolate. So good. (I really gained like 15 pounds when I studied in London--though beer and chips probably were culprits too. It was sad, but also so awesome.)

My Mom has a severe peanut allergy.  I still remember the picnic we went to when I was 7, where she accidentally ate some dip that was made with peanuts, and had to be taken away by ambulance (she refuses to carry an epi-pen to this day).  Luckily I don't have any anaphylactic reactions, but my body does hate me if I accidentally eat something I shouldn't.  Also, European chocolate (and food in general) is sooooo much better than American chocolate!  I gained weight when I spent just three weeks in Europe, even though I was walking everywhere.  So worth it though!

22 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

Food allergies have to be the worst! Especially when eating out. 

My dad is allergic to shellfish so has to be super careful that utensils dont cross. And my sister cant have eggs! 

Makes me happy im only allergic to cats even though i love those fluffballs

Eating out was really hard for me at first, even though my food issues aren't technically allergies (no hives, just really bad GI symptoms).  I can eat a lot more now than when I first got sick, but often when we go out for food stuff, I'm happy if I can find two things on the menu that I can eat.  It doesn't help that I don't eat red meat.  Luckily, I can have poultry and seafood.  Most of my genuine allergies are just skin reactions and the like (grass pollen gives me hive and makes my eyes itch, adhesive tape turns me bright red and itchy, that sort of thing.)

I'm somewhat allergic to cats too.  We have two fluffballs, so I just suffer through with daily allergy meds!

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14 minutes ago, rosali said:

@piglet33 and @The Interdisciplinarian Thanks for the sympathy! I talked to my mom and went to they gym (finally bought a membership!) and I feel better about it. Rejection sucks no matter what, but the adcom knows what they're doing, and if I get rejected, it's because my research interests just doesn't fit with what anyone in the department is doing (at least, that's what I tell myself.). I am really regretting applying to only 4 schools though...

Sorry about your rejection rosali.  That sucks, but I agree that it's probably that your research interests don't fit with what anyone in the department is doing.

But yay working out to conquer anxiety and depression!  I just spent 20 minutes on the elliptical.  I haven't heard back from anywhere yet and it's driving me kinda crazy!

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@SLPgradstudent are we the same person? I too am allergic to cats.

Foodwise, I can't do seafood or pork or turkey, mushrooms or gluten. It's normally okay to eat around but it can sometimes be pretty tricky. My boyfriend is lactose intolerant, celiac and deadly allergic to shellfish so our meals can get boring for those who don't have to eat to allergies. However, my group of friends at university are predominantly gluten-free or lactose-intolerant so it means we can go eat places together! It's awesome!! (There's a pizza place near us that makes gluten-free bases and customisable toppings and we can actually share food. It's so exciting! 

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2 minutes ago, Katastrophe said:

Cross your fingers for me guys!

The Professor I TA for just texted me saying she won't make it to the 10:00 class she teaches, so I have to do it. Boy do I wish this class was in my specialty area!

Oh, sounds stressful. I did TA anatomy, but TA's don't cover classes here. Good luck!


All that talk on allergies. One thing I am most grateful for in my family is that allergies are almost unheard of (I can't think of anyone I am blood-related to that has an allergy). I was really confused when I heard about it first in elementary school. Not really a contribution to the discussion... I just want to be part of the conversation.. The notifications of this thread make me feel like time is passing.

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1 hour ago, piglet33 said:

@SLPgradstudent are we the same person? I too am allergic to cats.

Foodwise, I can't do seafood or pork or turkey, mushrooms or gluten. It's normally okay to eat around but it can sometimes be pretty tricky. My boyfriend is lactose intolerant, celiac and deadly allergic to shellfish so our meals can get boring for those who don't have to eat to allergies. However, my group of friends at university are predominantly gluten-free or lactose-intolerant so it means we can go eat places together! It's awesome!! (There's a pizza place near us that makes gluten-free bases and customisable toppings and we can actually share food. It's so exciting! 

That's too funny!  Maybe you're my twin from across the pond!!!

It's hard to have a restrictive diet.  I'm lucky that my fiancé can eat pretty much whatever he wants, so at least we don't have to worry about that.  But I hear you.  Meals can get pretty boring after a while.  We're always looking for new recipes that we can eat.  When we find one we like, we save it in a document so we can make it again later!  It is nice that restaurants are generally becoming more sensitive to food allergies and intolerances.  I always feel bad when we go out, and I have to grill the waiter about all the ingredients in the food (or drinks).  Sometimes they have to run back to the kitchen a couple of times to check on ingredients before I can even order!

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1 hour ago, piglet33 said:

@SLPgradstudent are we the same person? I too am allergic to cats.

Foodwise, I can't do seafood or pork or turkey, mushrooms or gluten. It's normally okay to eat around but it can sometimes be pretty tricky. My boyfriend is lactose intolerant, celiac and deadly allergic to shellfish so our meals can get boring for those who don't have to eat to allergies. However, my group of friends at university are predominantly gluten-free or lactose-intolerant so it means we can go eat places together! It's awesome!! (There's a pizza place near us that makes gluten-free bases and customisable toppings and we can actually share food. It's so exciting! 

That's too funny!  Maybe you're my twin from across the pond!!!

It's hard to have a restrictive diet.  I'm lucky that my fiancé can eat pretty much whatever he wants, so at least we don't have to worry about that.  But I hear you.  Meals can get pretty boring after a while.  We're always looking for new recipes that we can eat.  When we find one we like, we save it in a document so we can make it again later!  It is nice that restaurants are generally becoming more sensitive to food allergies and intolerances.  I always feel bad when we go out, and I have to grill the waiter about all the ingredients in the food (or drinks).  Sometimes they have to run back to the kitchen a couple of times to check on ingredients before I can even order!

1 hour ago, Justwaitingforneuro said:

All that talk on allergies. One thing I am most grateful for in my family is that allergies are almost unheard of (I can't think of anyone I am blood-related to that has an allergy). I was really confused when I heard about it first in elementary school. Not really a contribution to the discussion... I just want to be part of the conversation.. The notifications of this thread make me feel like time is passing.

I am so jealous!  I can hardly imagine a life without allergies.  Pretty much everyone in my immediate family has some sort of severe allergy.  I grew up knowing to be very careful about peanut butter with my Mom.  I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but if I wanted one, I had to make it myself, quickly, and then clean it up very thoroughly.  Also, I had to be sure never put the peanut butter knife into the jelly!  And I was always very careful to ask every family I nannied/babysat for if the kids had any allergies.

I am really happy for the distraction too.  And you are contributing!

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I'm vegetarian by choice, but my boyfriend's celiac, and while I can cook pretty good food for both of us, we're a nightmare to host/go out to dinner with. Fortunately, I'm not picky and will eat anything that doesn't have meat on/in it. The biggest problem is actually my boyfriend's aversion to spicy food. He likes bland things, but I could put sriracha or ginger or curry in just about anything.

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1 minute ago, rosali said:

I'm vegetarian by choice, but my boyfriend's celiac, and while I can cook pretty good food for both of us, we're a nightmare to host/go out to dinner with. Fortunately, I'm not picky and will eat anything that doesn't have meat on/in it. The biggest problem is actually my boyfriend's aversion to spicy food. He likes bland things, but I could put sriracha or ginger or curry in just about anything.

I used to be vegetarian, but if I tried to be now, I really wouldn't be able to eat anything!

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I just looked up where you live, and ooooooooh!!!  Can I come visit you please?  I've seen the French Alps, but never the Pyrenees.  Andorra looks amazing!  What's your first language?

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9 minutes ago, SLPgradstudent said:

I am so jealous!  I can hardly imagine a life without allergies.  Pretty much everyone in my immediate family has some sort of severe allergy.  I grew up knowing to be very careful about peanut butter with my Mom.  I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but if I wanted one, I had to make it myself, quickly, and then clean it up very thoroughly.  Also, I had to be sure never put the peanut butter knife into the jelly!  And I was always very careful to ask every family I nannied/babysat for if the kids had any allergies.

I am really happy for the distraction too.  And you are contributing!

That sounds really complicated. Yay for contribution and distraction. Thanks to the internet I now know two others waiting to hear from the same program.

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6 minutes ago, Justwaitingforneuro said:

That sounds really complicated. Yay for contribution and distraction. Thanks to the internet I now know two others waiting to hear from the same program.

Yup, I've run into a couple of people here waiting to hear back from the programs I applied to as well.  While technically we are each other's competition, we're all rooting for each other!

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2 hours ago, piglet33 said:

@SLPgradstudent are we the same person? I too am allergic to cats.

Foodwise, I can't do seafood or pork or turkey, mushrooms or gluten. It's normally okay to eat around but it can sometimes be pretty tricky. My boyfriend is lactose intolerant, celiac and deadly allergic to shellfish so our meals can get boring for those who don't have to eat to allergies. However, my group of friends at university are predominantly gluten-free or lactose-intolerant so it means we can go eat places together! It's awesome!! (There's a pizza place near us that makes gluten-free bases and customisable toppings and we can actually share food. It's so exciting! 

I love seeing all the places popping up with gluten free offerings these days--same with vegetarian/vegan. Not because I myself have to avoid them, but, because I (unlike a lot of really uninformed people who bizarrely criticize GF options as if they were only some sort of Whole Foods produced dietary trend....) can appreciate the need for special restrictions.....and also dream of the day when peanut free options become so ubiquitous (not that peanut products are as widespread as things containing gluten, but still. Cereals, granola, all varieties of desserts, other "nut" products [not that peanuts are actually nuts, anyway] processed in the same facilities.....I would love to one day be able to eat. But instead it's sliding the other way, now with peanut butter Oreos and poptarts, two of the only cookies and breakfast 'foods' previously actually safe. Alas. Fewer calories and less junk food, I suppose.)

Edited by haltheincandescent
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12 minutes ago, haltheincandescent said:

I love seeing all the places popping up with gluten free offerings these days--same with vegetarian/vegan. Not because I myself have to avoid them, but, because I (unlike a lot of really uninformed people who bizarrely criticize GF options as if they were only some sort of Whole Foods produced dietary trend....) can appreciate the need for special restrictions.....and also dream of the day when peanut free options become so ubiquitous (not that peanut products are as widespread as things containing gluten, but still. Cereals, granola, all varieties of desserts, other "nut" products [not that peanuts are actually nuts, anyway] processed in the same facilities.....I would love to one day be able to eat. But instead it's sliding the other way, now with peanut butter Oreos and poptarts, two of the only cookies and breakfast 'foods' previously actually safe. Alas. Fewer calories and less junk food, I suppose.)

A fellow peanut allergy? Today I rejoice! And I'm with you... Oreos, poptarts, Cap'n Crunch, Raisin Bran, Kit-Kats... the list goes on!


Though they did just take the warning off Hershey bars a few years ago. Yay!

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40 minutes ago, SLPgradstudent said:

Yup, I've run into a couple of people here waiting to hear back from the programs I applied to as well.  While technically we are each other's competition, we're all rooting for each other!

Yes. It does remind me of writing my medschool admission exam. Everyone in the room knew that they would just take the top 20% but we still honestly wished each other good luck. :)

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