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5 hours ago, DBear said:


Also, I was talking to a friend today and she actually nagged me about having declined a couple of admissions already. I don't think I was being hasty, but it seems like most students wait to make their decisions at the very last minute.


I've already told some schools no, mostly because of lack of funding compared to other offers. I felt bad at first, but I think you are right that it's better to give others an early chance! Unfortunately I will probably wait a bit (aka until April because I suck) to make my final choice because it's such a big decision.

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@av2010 my research is looking at the role of human communication and discourse in understanding our relationships with animals and the natural world, and how (if) animals influence human social interaction. Also interested in media and rhetoric although it was not what my past research focused on. :) You? 

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4 minutes ago, phdthoughts said:

@av2010 my research is looking at the role of human communication and discourse in understanding our relationships with animals and the natural world, and how (if) animals influence human social interaction. Also interested in media and rhetoric although it was not what my past research focused on. :) You? 

ohhhh man that's some interpersonal research i can get behind. very cool.

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14 hours ago, hnm1231 said:

I've already told some schools no, mostly because of lack of funding compared to other offers. I felt bad at first, but I think you are right that it's better to give others an early chance! Unfortunately I will probably wait a bit (aka until April because I suck) to make my final choice because it's such a big decision.

I don't think you suck for this - like for me, you're probably only left with your very top choices so it's harder to just out right decline an offer. 

@av2010 no word from Milwaukee yet? I'm hoping to see you get 3/3, that'd be legendary!

@phdthoughts That's so interesting - reminds me a bit of a class discussion from a seminar I took on Drama and Humanism (or something like that..) and there was a play by Edward Albee called the "The Goat" - also this type of interaction is becoming a pretty growing field within Literature under "eco-criticism" - fun stuff! 

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HOLY MOLY!!! 3/3 Everyone, I think @av2010 wins this cycle! So now the hardest part - where to??!! Congratulations congratulations!!

(and maybe if grad school doesn't work out, I can be a palm reader or something lol)


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Okay - in light of the recent outages here at the gradcafe - I realized that outside this forum, there's no way to commiserate -

Should any of you wish to keep in touch with me, please PM me and I'll gladly spill personal data!

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4 minutes ago, DBear said:

Okay - in light of the recent outages here at the gradcafe - I realized that outside this forum, there's no way to commiserate -

Should any of you wish to keep in touch with me, please PM me and I'll gladly spill personal data!

Same here! @DBear and I are already fb friends! ☺️

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First of @av2010 Whoot-Whoot! Congrats!

@DBear you can be the official TGC sage - what do you think? :) 

Thanks @ejpril88 and @DBear and @heyDW - I think it is really interesting. My interests and topic are kind of new in comm studies - mostly cross over into sociology anthropology and psychology. A lot more research is being done in Europe, as its still gaining traction in the states so if I don't get in anywhere this cycle, I'm trying across the pond next year. 



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@phdthoughts sounds interesting! my primary research interest lies in the use of technology in romantic relationships to communicate about sex (i.e. sexting, sexual fantasies, dissatisfaction) as well as increased usage of sexual communication via digital mediums in initial interactions.  My secondary research interest is drag relationships, and drag families.

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5 hours ago, ejpril88 said:

@av2010 I started typing "I love sex" but I deleted it due to the fact it would have been misinterpreted LOL :D I wanted to say I love it as a research subject, my interest lies in LGBT representation in digital media. 

Well, judging from @av2010's perfect record, you aren't the only one who love's sex - I think we are adult enough to interpret that in a mature way.. at least I hope we are hehehe... 

There really is A LOT of overlap and really looking forward to bouncing ideas off y'all!!

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17 minutes ago, DBear said:

Well, judging from @av2010's perfect record, you aren't the only one who love's sex - I think we are adult enough to interpret that in a mature way.. at least I hope we are hehehe... 

There really is A LOT of overlap and really looking forward to bouncing ideas off y'all!!

Imposter syndrome kicking in hard today!

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@av2010 I think your research sounds really interesting. In undergrad we could choose a kind of mini-minor or concentration if you will, and I chose sex and relationships because we had some excellent courses at my university on the subject.  It was actually kind of funny because pulling my undergrad transcripts - I hadn't looked at them in a while and every semester was like a course on sex - relationships, media, film, deviation basically. I was like geez I hope this does not seem weird to ad comms! But, it's such an important and relevant topic within comm in particular I think. And evolving I might say with technology.

Edited by phdthoughts
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@av2010 Ugh - I hope it goes away, it's a bad feeling but saying "you shouldn't feel that way" so is not helpful. But I personally was surprised because you definitely seem to me that you deserve your success!

Also, we have a facebook group so if anyone wants on, let me know.


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So I have a grand total of one school that I'm waiting to hear from and the site to check the application status is under maintenance til TUESDAY. UGH.

U Mass Amherst... why.. why.... 

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