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4 hours ago, Nika.T said:

Anyone else feel like their life is basically in "on hold" mode until the entire process is over and done with? All I do all day every day is obsessively refresh application portals and gmail, it feels like.

Come on, UMass, put us out of our misery soon. Please?

Pretty much. I started out the season on a good note only to be get demolished in the life have as it seems I am a good candidate for one field while not a good one for another. Just keep hope and try to do what you need to do be productive. Feb was quite hard for me to focus at work and focus on my part time classes. I am glad I only have a few more schools left to hear from. 

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@Nika.T You are so right... whole life on hold. And for me, my life kind of is on hold right now as I am "traveling" (it's not really traveling but I don't know what else to call it) so I'm away from home and my "life" and I'm waiting on my future to become clear so... UGH. 

I didn't realize you also applied for U Mass Amherst - thought you were only applying to Madison in the U.S. - I'm dying waiting for them, too. They're the last school I have left to hear from. If I don't hear anything this week, I think I may need to call them. I know that there are at least 4 people on this forum waiting to hear from them... UGH.

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5 hours ago, chichilai said:

it's okay. they sent out another email yesterday stating that I was in the final round of 37 people. A pretty sincere and encouraging email. So I'm not that sad. Still waiting for more schools. @DBear 

Oh wow, that was really nice of them!!! I'm glad to hear that some schools have the decency to do this and not to squash a budding scholar's dreams!

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58 minutes ago, DBear said:

Oh wow, that was really nice of them!!! I'm glad to hear that some schools have the decency to do this and not to squash a budding scholar's dreams!

I agree, but it can also be frustrating to think "oh, I was so close but didn't make it" :(

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@ejpril88 Ugh - I didn't think of it that way, but that's a good point. But I think that if you're really unsure of yourself (like I have been) it's good to know that your application wasn't so bad it immediately end up in the trash!

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 The uncertainty about future is the worst, honestly. I keep thinking that if I get one solid, financially feasible offer to go somewhere, anywhere, I will finally calm down, but who am I kidding? I'll be totally riding this fretting-fueled train until summer, ugh, so frustrating. Some of the MA programs I applied to release results only in May, whyyyy??

@feyfatale how many schools are you waiting to hear from?

@DBear yeah, I struck out with UW-Madison, which is a bummer because it was a really good fit, so UMass Amherst is the only US school I have left to hear from. On the website they said notifications usually go out early February, but it's almost the end of the month and still crickets.

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@Nika.T so know what you mean about not being able to relax til it's really over. Not to sound ungrateful, but getting admits didn't alleviate my anxiety. Just transitioned it to a different kind of anxiety.

I saw the same thing on the U Mass FAQ, but the results page showed notifications going out late Feb - Feb 24th last year :/ Maybe we'll hear back tomorrow.... If I end up calling them next week, I'll post what they say here.

Have you at least heard about your non-US applications?

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58 minutes ago, DBear said:

@Nika.T so know what you mean about not being able to relax til it's really over. Not to sound ungrateful, but getting admits didn't alleviate my anxiety. Just transitioned it to a different kind of anxiety.

I saw the same thing on the U Mass FAQ, but the results page showed notifications going out late Feb - Feb 24th last year :/ Maybe we'll hear back tomorrow.... If I end up calling them next week, I'll post what they say here.

Have you at least heard about your non-US applications?

I really hope there will be some news soon =)

I have offers from U of Westminster for two different MA programs, but funding is very competitive and you need to complete a separate application that'll cost me money I don't really have to spare (postal services, notarizing and translating documents, etc.). Since this option is less than ideal, I'd rather wait to hear from other places before putting time and effort into yet another application that may not pay off in the end. The deadline for that is only in May, so I have plenty of time to think it through.

I also had an interview with National University of Singapore for their MPP program. I have a good feeling about it, but their results go out only in May, and, you know, it's public policy :D My advisor wanted me to apply there to keep some in-field options open, and it's a good school, so I did. Can't say I am super enthusiastic about staying in polisci, but we'll see what happens

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I wish the programs that I'll be turning down were the ones everyone on here is waiting for so my decisions could give some others some good news or closure!  I seem to be the only one that applied to any of the schools on this thread ha!

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On 24.02.2017 at 7:22 PM, ejpril88 said:

@Nika.T omg May! That's too long :( Btw I love that cricket expression, never heard it before :D

I know, I resigned myself to basically not having a life until then. Oh well...

And that cricket thing, sounds great doesn't it? Personally, I blame Tumblr for getting me hooked :D

19 hours ago, feyfatale said:

@Nika.T Only three (excluding the ones I assume reject based on gradcafe), but one of them is a waitlist, so I will be waiting forever :(

At least this forum is here for us to vent about waiting in the meantime =) 

16 hours ago, DBear said:

Today is the day that U Mass sent out notifications last year (at least according to the results database here)... It's already 5 pm eastern time.. and nothing.. ARGH.

We live to fight another week, then.

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After losing patience, and knowing that at least one interview call was made on Feb 4 (Learnt this through Grad cafe), I emailed Syracuse Newhouse (Communications PHD F17) asking if all decisions had been made or if there was still hope, and this is the response I got: 

"Thank you for reaching out.  As of now, you are not on our short list for interviews.  However, final admission decisions are not made until the beginning of March.  Should the committee go back to the pool and request an interview, we’ll let you know."

I know it seems bleak, but i can't help hoping. Its my only hope, I've been rejected from all other schools. I wish i knew one way or the other. Anyone else waiting to hear from them? Anyone else out there know if they are done making their decisions? 

I guess its almost the beginning of March, so it doesn't matter in any case. :( 

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3 minutes ago, av2010 said:

Oh no :( I've been hopeful for you two that you'll be able to be together. 

Yep, our last hope is Bowling Green but the pattern has definitely been that one gets rejected where the other gets in hahaha

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Just now, heyDW said:

Yep, our last hope is Bowling Green but the pattern has definitely been that one gets rejected where the other gets in hahaha

Are you in the same subarea?  I know you do rhetoric, does he do so too?

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2 minutes ago, av2010 said:

Are you in the same subarea?  I know you do rhetoric, does he do so too?

Kinda depended on where we applied. Denver doesn't really do tracks anymore, Minnesota he did critical media while I did rhetoric, and Iowa/BGSU he did comm (rhetoric for Iowa) and I did American Studies.

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Heard from the DGS at my top choice school today. I am first on the waiting list, dependent on one person with an offer deciding yes/no. The rest of the cohort is full.

Knowing I am so close but might not cut it, and will have to wait a few more weeks to find out as much, really stings.

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On 2/27/2017 at 0:29 PM, heyDW said:

Denver sent a rejection to Husband today, but nothing to me yet...?

Which program at Denver did he apply to? I am applying to Denver as well. 

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