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MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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1 hour ago, Twin Infinitives said:

I was offered a scholarship and it seemed as though there could possibly be more assistance yet to come.

Congrats!!! I got in as well, but I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself until the funding info comes, because that’s going to determine A lot. Did they tell how much it was for? I didn’t really get any numbers during my call.

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how many of you are interviewing at hunter, painting ? can i check out your websites or instagrams? are you traveling to interview?  I'm very nervous! Are you going to the open studio the night before ? 

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8 hours ago, yuzu said:

On the 13th! The Interview is in March. So maybe between now and March there can be another round of notification?

hah i'm not holding out to much hope, but congrats on the interview for you! how did they come to notify you?

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8 hours ago, Mezray said:

Anybody have thoughts about the University of Houstons MFA Arts program?  I have been accepted with funding.  

I absolutely love their ideology and statements of purpose.  Houston is a great city, and I could see myself really enjoying the atmosphere.  Noticed that there haven't been any posts about it.  

Congrats, that’s awesome! I applied to UH’s MFA because I live here and it makes sense. BUT! It does sound like a great program because you can really make it your own. Houston is a great city, just make sure you live close-ish to campus because traffic is horrendous. 

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Hey everyone! I found this forum yesterday when I was searching for admission decision dates, and sat down and read it in its entirety. I have Skype interviews with UNL and UH this week (HELP!), and last night I received a full funding offer from UF. This process has been super intense, but we’re almost finished with it. Hang in there!

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On 1/25/2018 at 10:33 AM, sugiku_ said:

hey all! 

so, i am applying to:

SCAD Design Management MFA
The New School Strategic Design & Management MS
Pratt Design Management MPS

Pratt just contacted me regarding the interview. Is the interview schedule around the similar time or is it differs greatly for different universities? Please advise :)



The New School: haven't heard back

Pratt: they said they'll be having a second interview with me yesterday but I waited for 90 minutes nothing comes up and I have to be elsewhere after that. Anyone have any experience with the interviewer bailing on a scheduled interview without explanation like this? Any advice?

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56 minutes ago, Itsnotafluke said:

Hey everyone! I found this forum yesterday when I was searching for admission decision dates, and sat down and read it in its entirety. I have Skype interviews with UNL and UH this week (HELP!), and last night I received a full funding offer from UF. This process has been super intense, but we’re almost finished with it. Hang in there!

what's your medium? I have received the Graduate fellowship for UF too ! Lets share info! 

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24 minutes ago, charoarte said:

what's your medium? I have received the Graduate fellowship for UF too ! Lets share info! 

Congrats!! I just looked at your weebly site--excellent work! I am a graphic design major. I'm super excited about UF because they have a great social design and research program. The no debt part is pretty killer too :)

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39 minutes ago, jpm232 said:

Hi Gang, longtime lurker here.

Has anyone that interviewed at CMU heard a yes, no, or waitlist, or have any idea of their timeline?

I still havent heard anything at all lol, no rejection or interview request.  womp womp

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On 2/1/2018 at 4:58 PM, hazee4438 said:

What major were you applying for at UW Madison? I'm assuming an MFA but any specifics? Like photography or printmaking? I know last year I was put in their printmaking department but I think they are department specific when they send out notifications. I'm getting kind of nervous knowing the responses are being sent out now and I haven't received anything yet.

I applied to their Printmaking department this year - I feel the same way with the nervousness though, because I know a while back people heard back from the painting department of the Tyler School of Art at Temple and I applied there for Printmaking. I'm still waiting on feedback from my other three schools. It's been a few weeks so I hope you heard some good news from UW at least!

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