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Fall 2018 Acceptances/Interviews/Rejections Thread


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2 hours ago, nandoswitharando said:

PhD. I imagine MA results come out later, based on what I've seen from the results page. Fingers crossed for you!

Thank you! If you don't mind sharing, do you have post-bac working experiences? I heard Harvard GSE doesn't like people applying straight from undergrad. 

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2 hours ago, tsh05 said:

I am angry right now. If it is all about the freaking scores then they should just say you need to have 95th percentile and 5.5-6 AWA. What’s the point of making a student write those Statements? Just take the scare and decide a fit! I have a super strong profile but a weak GRE and that decides my fate for each of these ‘great’ schools. The system is a failure. And then they conveniently say ‘sorry’ that we didn’t recognise talent. In a recent interview Harvard apologised to Jack Ma for being rejected 13 times. Why? Low scores. Wow am not sad I got rejected. Am happy. The school that recognised the hard work and research would be the right fit. Not one that decides a students caliber based on freaking scores. Not everyone is great at tests but can be great at writing. I have 11 publications, USAID grants, conferences, editorial experience, research experience...all that was just rendered useless in front of the scores. Great!

I feel you. Been lurking here for a while, but I was quite active last year in the Polisci forum - I've applied to a dozen programs last year, got only admitted to a few Masters. Now I'm applying to Sociology Departments, and receiving the same negative results. I'm International and with a non-traditional background (1st gen, low-middle class, many years of senior-level experience working for the government, etc). My scores are above 160, I have published 3 books, 2 book chapters, 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals, presented in 4 international conferences, received 3 fellowships, national awards, edited journals, etc. I'm completing a M.A. in a highly ranked university, but at this point I am not sure if it is going to make any difference. Last year I even hired one of these consultancy firms to analyze my application and they suggested that at least some of these top programs in traditional disciplines are really not into older applicants. This cycle I opted to start all over again (SoPs, Personal Statements, Writing Samples, contacts with POIs, etc), to no avail. Perhaps the advice I received from that company is correct, and thus there's nothing one can do in this regard, as all that happens is that we get older. In the end, for lacking so much in terms of transparency, it is extremely difficult to navigate this process. Further, the impression that I have is that many good programs are looking for very specific profiles of students, (without telling us) and in just some contexts POIs have more freedom to pick applicants that do not belong to this image (young, outstanding applicants with very high cultural capital). I am sure many of us are feeling very frustrated right now. Just wanted to share my story to corroborate yours in some sense.

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8 hours ago, NinaMistina said:

Called Boulder CU, they said no decisions have been made, we will find out mid february. 

Thank you for the update! I'm waiting on CU Boulder as well. 

@crimsociol I really admire your tenacity. I'm so glad that the strategy worked out for you! I also did something similar for all of my schools except for the last three due to time constraints. Though in my case I wanted to see if they would be turned off by my different background. 

Has anyone heard from Yale or UCSD?

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38 minutes ago, HydrangeaJ said:

Thank you! If you don't mind sharing, do you have post-bac working experiences? I heard Harvard GSE doesn't like people applying straight from undergrad. 

So I, uh, applied straight from undergrad... I suppose the PhD and M.Ed. admissions people have different demands. I have three years of research experience, but that's part-time work.

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Have any of the UW-Madison admits received their offer letters yet? I keep getting emails from POIs that assume I've received and read mine, which is awkward, to say the least... I know that they snail-mailed them, but I'm wondering if I should confirm that they had the right address at this point

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1 hour ago, nandoswitharando said:

So I, uh, applied straight from undergrad... I suppose the PhD and M.Ed. admissions people have different demands. I have three years of research experience, but that's part-time work.

Thank you for letting me know! Congrats again! 

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1 hour ago, Mike_Novick said:

I feel you. Been lurking here for a while, but I was quite active last year in the Polisci forum - I've applied to a dozen programs last year, got only admitted to a few Masters. Now I'm applying to Sociology Departments, and receiving the same negative results. I'm International and with a non-traditional background (1st gen, low-middle class, many years of senior-level experience working for the government, etc). My scores are above 160, I have published 3 books, 2 book chapters, 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals, presented in 4 international conferences, received 3 fellowships, national awards, edited journals, etc. I'm completing a M.A. in a highly ranked university, but at this point I am not sure if it is going to make any difference. Last year I even hired one of these consultancy firms to analyze my application and they suggested that at least some of these top programs in traditional disciplines are really not into older applicants. This cycle I opted to start all over again (SoPs, Personal Statements, Writing Samples, contacts with POIs, etc), to no avail. Perhaps the advice I received from that company is correct, and thus there's nothing one can do in this regard, as all that happens is that we get older. In the end, for lacking so much in terms of transparency, it is extremely difficult to navigate this process. Further, the impression that I have is that many good programs are looking for very specific profiles of students, (without telling us) and in just some contexts POIs have more freedom to pick applicants that do not belong to this image (young, outstanding applicants with very high cultural capital). I am sure many of us are feeling very frustrated right now. Just wanted to share my story to corroborate yours in some sense.

Thanks...As an International student and having received my Masters from a US University, I had a different opinion altogether. At the time of my Masters, I had 4 people doing their PhDs and were more than 37 years of age. All completed their PhDs in their 40s. I think I have more respect for my School now and schools that encourage older people to pursue further education. Top schools, yes maybe they are but in reality, they are no good if they discriminate on the basis of age, nationality or the likes. Like I said before, the system fails.

But I will hope and pray all of us get at least one school. All we need is one admit!

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Hello all my fellow freaking out in anticipation cohorts! I'm waiting to hear from a few programs and saw one or two signs of movement from columbia, harvard and princeton sociology... does anyone know if nyu sociology or mit sloan or hbs economic sociology have sent any feelers out yet? I saw three notices for interviews for organizational behavior at hbs, which is what ES falls under, but I'm still hopeful. Anyone have info to share? Also, would the admits to any of the above programs be comfortable sharing some specs? Thank you all in advance!

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I have so much anger and frustrations right now, that the only thing I'm taking out from this application cycle is that I've been promoted from decaf to Mocha because of me trying to be positive/supportive and getting to know all of you who'd be going to wonderful programs in a couple of months. I'm just seriously waiting it out to hear all the rejections, and I'm planning on getting off the forums for good. I'm going to miss you all.

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7 minutes ago, pinoysoc said:

I have so much anger and frustrations right now, that the only thing I'm taking out from this application cycle is that I've been promoted from decaf to Mocha because of me trying to be positive/supportive and getting to know all of you who'd be going to wonderful programs in a couple of months. I'm just seriously waiting it out to hear all the rejections, and I'm planning on getting off the forums for good. I'm going to miss you all.

I'm so anxious and impatient right now as well, with no acceptances yet it's hard to be present and mindful. To help reduce the anxious thoughts and feelings, I just bring my attention to my breathing or ground myself with my senses, either listening/looking/feeling. When the thoughts about my future appear (as they inevitably will) I try to just observe them rather than identify with them and place judgements on them or myself. When I am aware that I am thinking about the future again, I will just bring my attention back to the present moment. Something that also helps me is my spirituality, understanding that the universe unfolds exactly as it is meant to, and there are no "right" or "wrong" paths. Have you ever looked into chaos theory? It's the idea that we live in a inherently chaotic and seemingly random system, but when looked at over a long period of time, a pattern emerges. So underneath all the apparent randomness, there is order. I calm myself down by reminding myself that although life is scary and unpredictable, I can take comfort in knowing there is an interconnectedness and higher purpose for the challenges and obstacles we encounter in life. PLUS, it's only the beginning of February and possibilities are still in existent. Nothing is determined, we are living in a world of infinite possibilities, who the hell knows what will happen, just know that whatever does happen is meant to guide you in your journey. 

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Dear @pinoysoc, as a lurker for the past 3 years and someone who shares your feelings in terms of being absolutely done with this nonsense process, I do want to offer a shoulder and this: while it may not any consolation at all, please have faith that this process is bs and a total gamble and not at all indicative of your potential or value as a researcher. That is not to knock those who do/did get in - we still very may - but to reassure you that even under the circumstances of a “positive” outcome, it would not be based on merit alone. There is no such thing. There are so many different factors that have to align for someone to be chosen - the admission rate statistics tell us this much. If this does not work out, I will trust that it’s simply not my time. Being a sociologist is not about a degree, it is about the way you look at the world and frame your questions.

After an email exchange with a poi at a top 5 program (a month or so after my rejection last year), the professor read my master’s thesis and met with me to discuss ideas for future research and gave me permission to audit their doctoral methods course. I spent a semester sitting alongside advanced doctoral sociology students at a top program and I am convinced this entire system boils down to money. The professor thought the program was crap (and came from the best of the best) and encouraged me to apply to even better ones after getting to know me and seeing the impact of my participation and contributions to my classmates throughout the seminar. I tell you this bc it just reinforced that there is nothing separating the accepted from the rejected save an institutional affiliation. My experience gave me the confidence to apply for a fellowship offered to advanced phd’s and faculty and I found out yesterday, I got it. Again - how does this make sense??? I’m not even in a PhD program. None of it makes sense. If you want to continue learning and pursuing research, do it. Please don’t give up hope and don’t let these institutions define you. 

Edited by Socioeconnut
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2 hours ago, Socioeconnut said:

Hello all my fellow freaking out in anticipation cohorts! I'm waiting to hear from a few programs and saw one or two signs of movement from columbia, harvard and princeton sociology... does anyone know if nyu sociology or mit sloan or hbs economic sociology have sent any feelers out yet? I saw three notices for interviews for organizational behavior at hbs, which is what ES falls under, but I'm still hopeful. Anyone have info to share? Also, would the admits to any of the above programs be comfortable sharing some specs? Thank you all in advance!

Historically (if we take the results section as a trustworthy source) NYU Soc has exercised radio silence until the weekend before the 2nd full week of the month -- that means this coming weekend is likely D-Day. May the odds be in your favor. I'll be waiting it out, as well.


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1 hour ago, wildflower21 said:

I'm so anxious and impatient right now as well, with no acceptances yet it's hard to be present and mindful. To help reduce the anxious thoughts and feelings, I just bring my attention to my breathing or ground myself with my senses, either listening/looking/feeling. When the thoughts about my future appear (as they inevitably will) I try to just observe them rather than identify with them and place judgements on them or myself. When I am aware that I am thinking about the future again, I will just bring my attention back to the present moment. Something that also helps me is my spirituality, understanding that the universe unfolds exactly as it is meant to, and there are no "right" or "wrong" paths. Have you ever looked into chaos theory? It's the idea that we live in a inherently chaotic and seemingly random system, but when looked at over a long period of time, a pattern emerges. So underneath all the apparent randomness, there is order. I calm myself down by reminding myself that although life is scary and unpredictable, I can take comfort in knowing there is an interconnectedness and higher purpose for the challenges and obstacles we encounter in life. PLUS, it's only the beginning of February and possibilities are still in existent. Nothing is determined, we are living in a world of infinite possibilities, who the hell knows what will happen, just know that whatever does happen is meant to guide you in your journey. 

I needed to read this today! Thanks, I have been trying so hard to just focus on what needs to be done in the current moment and not constantly be refreshing my email or my application status page. It can be very hard though as these rejections and acceptances are made to feel like they determine our worth or ability. I just try to take deep breaths and not let my mind spiral. Good luck. 

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This might seem like a silly issue ... but both for Berkeley and UWM I didn’t receive an email to check the portals, I just checked when everyone else did. So even tho I’ve checked and have received emails from both systems before, I’m paranoid I might be missing stuff from other schools (and I’ve checked junk/spam at least once a day, nothing). Has this been the case for anyone else?

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9 hours ago, 2733amh said:

Saw someone post an update on the results page that they received from professor at Emory...can we assume rejection if we did not hear of an acceptance at this point? 

I definitely don’t think Emory has sent out all their acceptances ... if you look at what that person said, they contacted Emory to ask, rather than being told by Emory directly. I wouldn’t assume a rejection at all.

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17 hours ago, socihk said:

Saw another princeton acceptance on board. Congrats!

Any princeton admits want to share the detail of how they got the offer?


Congratulations!! and second this!

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Hey, I just got rejected from Emory. The grad coordinator sent me a lovely email (in reply to my inquiry) saying that I haven’t received a rejection letter due to the flexible nature of the recruitment process but I won’t be accepted into Emory. She said decisions had been made following the recruitment weekend, so good luck to anyone who attended who hasn’t heard back yet!

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