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  1. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PhDerp in Waiting it out sucks! In the meantime, let's write some haikai.   
    Knock knock. "Who is there?"
    Interrupting cow. "Inter-
    ...No, cow. Not this time."
  2. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PsychGradHopeful14 in Waiting it out sucks! In the meantime, let's write some haikai.   
    I refresh email
    Compulsively, but now my
    F5 key's broken
  3. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to starofdawn in Waiting it out sucks! In the meantime, let's write some haikai.   
    You are accepted!
    But, too bad, no scholarships
    Pay with your first-born
  4. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PsycD in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Agreed! If anything, let the world be rid of the GRE.
  5. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to Kaitri in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    We don't use it in Canada and we get along juuuuust fine. Down with standardized testing!
  6. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from mferu in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  7. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to engphiledu in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    As an English major, this speaks to my heart. Time to polish off my barista skills. 
    University Of Tennessee Knoxville Poetry, MFA (F13) Rejected via E-mail on 16 Feb 2014 ♦ A 21 Feb 2014 Got a nice letter that said "due to the depressed job market for English graduates." Nice of them to remind you that not only have you been rejected, you also have no chance at jobs.
  8. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from Manana in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  9. Downvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to LittleDarlings in Living away from your spouse for grad school?   
    Or you can just decide which is more important to you, your passion for your career or you relationship. Hmmm priorities. If your relationship is important then follow him wherever he goes... If it isn't then don't, I don't see why this is so complicated and I don't see how there are so many questions about it yet people keep asking. If you care about your relationship FIGURE IT OUT obviously other people do.
  10. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PhDerp in How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???   
    I have one piece of advice for you: Groucho Marx glasses.
    They'll never see it coming.
  11. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PsychGirl1 in Anybody else having a nervous breakdown?   
    @flattsfan1216, sounds like we should be best friends forever, since we basically have the exact same life.
    @FCP i never got into real housewives, but i do watch teen mom 2 and jersey shore. i'm not sure which is worse...
    I got about 20,000 calories of food in my tummy along with two beers, so I'm feeling infinitely better about life. But I'm pretty sure the whole cycle is going to start again tomorrow...
    I also forgot to mention that my phone rang from a blocked number today while I was brushing my teeth. I legit was about to have a panic attack and almost dropped my phone in the toilet. I calmed myself down (took a lot of effort) and answered the phone in a very professional manner. Then the automated CVS system was like, "Your prescription is ready! Come pick it up".
    I was pissed.
  12. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to stereopticons in Anybody else having a nervous breakdown?   
    Take a shot every time you see a school you applied to on the results page but don't hear anything yourself!
  13. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to stereopticons in Anybody else having a nervous breakdown?   
    Maybe we need an application process drinking game...
  14. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to gingin6789 in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    NOT a funny rejection, but one that is absolutely heartbreaking.  This is a student with excellent GRE scores and a killer GPA who wrote:
    Whoever you are, just know that I wanted to reach through my screen and give you the biggest hug ever.  This process is a killer, but please remember that this school's rejection does not determine your worth!  
    That statement may have sounded cliche or cheesy to the point where it needed nachos to go with it, but EVERYONE should remember it!  Just because you didn't fit a program's standards does not mean you're worthless.
    Now, this person's statement could have been completely sarcastic.  If so, then I'm sorry for getting all sappy!
  15. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to FreeRadical in Email Heart Attacks   
    Upvote for oddly repeating yourself without apparently being aware of it. This level of crazy is knocking at my door.
  16. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from PsychHopeful2020 in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  17. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from historyofsloths in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  18. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from shoyemiademola in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  19. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from Leznver in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  20. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from MattDU in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  21. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to laocoön in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    "Fine! I'll go make my own geophysics department! With blackjack! And hookers!"
  22. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to PsycD in How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???   
    I wish every school did this.
  23. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to Marina CM in How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???   
    I got sick! Lots of hours spent sleeping... I recommend it to you all!
  24. Upvote
    ihatechoosingusernames got a reaction from mishra14 in How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???   
    I found a thing On the website of my top choice school that shows how many applicants there were to my program for FY2014. They've updated it nearly every day, showing how many people have been rejected. So far I'm still in the running :-/ It also shows how many have been accepted and those who have withdrawn. So...there's another thing I'm compulsively checking.

    JUST TELL ME ALREADY!!!! I'm losing my mind and I'm out of M&Ms.
  25. Downvote
    ihatechoosingusernames reacted to rugox in Good tool for anyone comparing multiple offers   
    You got it all wrong. Rankings don't mean jack when it comes to academic job market especially in psychology. Most important factor is your versatility and diligence as a researcher than it might be about the reputation of your mentor. And US News rankings? Are you kidding me?
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