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Everything posted by PhDerp

  1. Maybe they were just sick of you pestering them? I'm just kidding!! XD Good luck!! I just want my rejection already so I can clean up my signature. I know I'm not getting in. I keep forgetting to mention that I'm waiting to hear from them, technically.
  2. UMass is March 7th https://www.cs.umass.edu/grads/candidates-weekend
  3. Whoops I just posted something in the completely wrong thread lol
  4. Also, rescind is a GRE vocab word. See? I used one!
  5. That's... Actually really freakin' cool. Good luck to you two!
  6. I was stoked to get rejected from CMU so I wouldn't have to think about it. XD
  7. I applied to two schools I thought I might've had a chance of getting into, and my undergrad school as a safety. (I applied to a bunch of longshots too, because why not? I'm in debt anyway!) I got into one of the two, and I'm stoked about the offer. I spoke with my advisor-to-be over Skype and it sounds like I will seriously be happy there, in that lab and under his guidance. I can't imagine a more perfect fit! Should I tell my current university "nevermindlolbacksies"? Can I rescind my application? Should I? Is it rude to? If I did rescind my application, I'd explain how I'd prefer to go to a different graduate program than my undergraduate one, which is understandable. But since a professor from there e-mailed me asking if I'd be interested in working with her, I'd like to respond to her personally as well. The reason I'm considering this is out of respect for people's time. I don't want this professor thinking I'm an option just to realize that I'm not, when she could've known weeks in advance and not wasted her time weighing me as a candidate.
  8. Good luck, seriously. I really hope it works out. I'm rooting for you!!
  9. Nonono, then it's exactly what you expect! ;P
  10. I used to only sleep 3-4 nights a week. It made me wicked sick, and I didn't do as well in class during that period. I had to explain it in my SOP. :/ Found out that a medication was causing it, so I quit it cold turkey. Been sleeping most nights since!
  11. Then let's bring the thread back to relationships! I've had crazy good luck with avoiding this issue... My SO and I met in college, and we kept leapfrogging back and forth over who's staying nearby for whom. I went from planning to move to San Diego with him when I was done with my bachelor's (two years after he graduated), to planning on staying near Massachusetts when he accidentally found a great career... When most recently, he found out his job would be ending, and the notice came early enough for me to apply to different grad schools! So he's getting paid a retention bonus for staying until his job closes (next January), which means he'll be able to join me in California after my first semester, and he won't have to worry about not having a job right away!! It's such stupid good luck, and I don't even know what I would have done otherwise. Not that things would have been bad... But I literally can't imagine it, everything fell into place so perfectly
  12. My car broke down on the way to school this morning. Well, that answers my question! (The timing belt slipped... It's not pretty in there.) Guess I'll just try to sell her to an enthusiast as a project car. My poor bebe... ;;
  13. Finally spoke to my advisor-to-be, and my god. This school. Sounds. PERFECT FOR ME!! I'm so happy, I can't sleep!!

  14. I realize now, rejection benefit: never having to turn down the offer. edit: phone typo
  15. "A special congratulations on being admitted... with the offer of a... PhD Fellowship. You were selected from an applicant pool of the most highly qualified students in the world. We believe that USC will benefit from your talents -- and that you will thrive in our academic community." I'm sure it was generic, but I love that they italicized special, haha
  16. For the record, I started compsci 2 years ago and decided I want a PhD before getting research experience. I wanted the experience so I could get a PhD, not the other way around! And my "research" was just a job, really... I did some process modeling in a visual language. Big whoop. I know for sure I don't want to do anything like that for grad school! Clearly this was not the selling point for me. Other life experiences helped me reach the conclusion that a PhD is right for me. Who knows, it might not work out... But with a 50% attrition rate (or so I read on this forum), I'd imagine it's sometimes hard to tell before attending whether or not graduate school is right for you!
  17. ...when you can't get Skype to work for your regular account, so you have to talk to your POI using your gamer handle. x____x
  18. OMG kitty your instincts to kill are SO CUTE

    1. doingthings
    2. PhDerp


      I keep forgetting to post them! :X


  19. I feel a little less crazy now for having this amount of debt. I was beginning to think I somehow did this all wrong! That's a good point... I actually appreciate my debt now somewhat, considering how it earned me my credit score. Plus, it made me get a bunch of jobs, which really beefed up my resume! edit: second quote on
  20. Congrats!! Obviously I'll post as soon as I hear from them!
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