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    trauma/PTSD, severe mental illness, substance abuse
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology

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  1. Good Luck everyone, I also am already attending and found the forums helpful when I was applying 3 years ago. I came back to see what was up cause some of my friends are applying now. I go to uOttawa Clinical if anyone wants to PM for anything about the program feel free
  2. Sigh got in, not offered. good luck everyone!
  3. haha the site crashed is anyone getting an unexpected error when they try to login?
  4. Yes each school assesses the application you submitted to them separately, it's not a general application. I think it says April 1st on mine cause I'm an internal applicant since I'm already in a program (joint MA-PhD) and cause I didn't get sshrc last year I can still get it next year which is technically considered MA level. Fingers crossed!
  5. Got this email yesterday afternoon but it was in my junk folder so I didn't see it until today!: Funding Opportunity: Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program La version française suit. This is an automated email message. Please do not reply. The status of your application has changed. As of April 1, consult the Application Overview page in the Research Portal to view the results.
  6. Got the email but can't check status until April 1st
  7. Canada and USA have very different cultures surrounding university when it comes to reputation more generally but even specifically in clinical psych. It really comes down to, at least in my opinion, what you want to do with your degree. I can't speak for USA, but from my understanding reputation of the school matters in clinical practice as well as research/academia. From my experience, in Canada, reputation of the school means very little in terms of clinical practice, almost all schools are pretty good and equal at getting their students licensed in the province they are in. In terms of jobs in clinical practice the school you went to doesn't make a difference (I've worked at 4 private practices and referencing the schools reputation or even school in general a psychologist went to even during the hiring process never came up once), rather your experiences and skill set derived from externals matter much more. However, if your goal is to work in research and remain in academia, yes the school you went to and it's reputation matters, but to be honest what I have seen is that it's rather the opportunities/funding available for research at higher rep schools in comparison to lower ones actually make the difference not the actual reputation itself. What I mean by that is that higher rep school have more funding available and other opportunities (collaboration, more well known researchers etc.) to do more research in the sense that you come out on top with pubs/conferences etc. However, lower rep schools give that too just have to be more rigorous and go out of your way a little more in going down that path. Also if you do go to USA and intend to come back to Canada (I know you didn't say you would just making sure you realize this) theres no automatic licensing available and you have to go through a the process just like anyone else from an international country to get relisenced in Canada/province you want to work in since they stopped APA accreditation.. So sometimes it doesn't match up with the requirements and you need to do extra supervision, courses, testing. Just something to think about.
  8. I've known many people who resubmit the same proposal etc. after first or second time not getting it and getting it on their second or third try without changing much. It depends on who's reading your application and it's too much of a subjective process as almost all of us are more then qualified to get it so if the person reading it thinks it's deserving of money then you'll get it however the same proposal read by someone else might not get the same outcome.
  9. It's a very hard balance to achieve. If you break it down a Clinical Psych PhD is essentially two programs mushed into one. You have the research aspect which is the exact same as what someone in the Experimental Psych Phd program would be doing - dissertation, lab work - conferences, pubs, collaborations, undergrads etc. etc. , but then you also have the clinical side of the program which can be compared to a PsyD (I'm not that familiar with PsyD programs since there are only 1 or 2 programs in Canada, but from my understanding it's a focus on the clinical aspect of the program and not much research) which not only entails many hundreds of hours of practicum experience it also entails coursework as well. So regardless, it's hard and everyone struggles with the balance. however... what I noticed in most students is they generally lean towards one end or the other of a choice ... and that's deciding at the end of the day, what do you want out of the program? if your intention is to try to become a researcher/academic ect. then you would focus a lot on the research aspect all the while plowing through the clinical side. On the other hand if your intention after the program is to primarily work in clinical settings then you can focus more on gaining more clinical hours and skills etc. while still having to achieve all the research milestones expected but won't be as 'into it' if you will as someone else would be.. ie. not as many conferences, pubs etc. In my experience, supervisors whether they are primarily researchers or clinicians in an academic setting focus on the research aspect of the program - because that's their role and responsibility towards you which is to supervise your research throughout the program... They do understand and obviously know how much work it entails because they been through it but, will attempt to ensure that you don't fall behind in the research as things get busy very quickly with many deadlines but the research is just a thing that is continually ongoing so hard to keep track of it as concretely.
  10. Ya the way they are doing OGS and CGS-M is so silly... OGS is announced first in which most of the those who get awarded it also will probably get awarded CGS-M but that gets announced a month later...??? meaning they'll turn down OGS... meanwhile all those who got waitlisted for OGS are hoping all those who got OGS also get CGS-M so that we might have a shot at some funding! (or obviously hoping to get awarded CGS-M also)... just so stressful agh.
  11. Ok thanks! I thought it gets updated to 'forwarded' or something before rejected or otherwise, but guess not.
  12. Hey, Has anyone heard about their CGS-Masters application yet? Mine still says 'received by administrator' not sure if thats a good or bad sign.
  13. Ottawa has started to send out first round of offers, so everyone should hear back by end of next week about acceptance, waitlist, or rejections. Good luck!
  14. I'm a clinical student at uOttawa, just FYI they processed apps late this year so most POIs only STARTING to send out invites/looking at apps for formal interviews around this time so makes sense that automatic decline based on GPA cuttoffs would also start being updated around this time as well. If anyone has any qs about the program or specific POIs let me know! Good luck!
  15. Ya basically, but I think mainly it really comes down to being a good match with a supervisor who knows you because you were adamant in meeting/calling/skyping with them, I mean SOMETIMES they pick randoms they didn't really get to know but in my experience that is the exception rather than the rule.. being memorable does wonders, also as a given that you meet all the other screening out requirements. But, believe me a lot of it is simply luck sometimes... just because they had to pick someone out of their final 2 or 3, they picked you or you were waitlisted and their first pick went somewhere else, I mean really it's just pure luck for some people because most of us are more than qualified anyways.
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