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About Sav

  • Birthday September 8

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  • Location
    Oxford, MS
  • Interests
    African American literature, US southern literature, critical animal studies, critical race studies,
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
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  1. I turned down CUNY today.
  2. I've turned down Nebraska
  3. I’ll be there!! Looking forward to meeting you!
  4. I've listed some books below. One thing that should be useful to you is that animal studies as a theory draws heavily from philosophy. Some of these are fiction and some of these are theoretical texts. You'll want to also research posthumanism, new materialism, and objected oriented ontology, as those fields intersect/stem from animal studies (among other disciplines). I also really enjoy the Knowing Animals podcast. Richard Adams, Plague Dogs T.C. Boyle, When the Killing’s Done, Sue Coe, Dead Meat J. M Coetzee, The Lives of Animals J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace Olaf Stapledon, Sirius Derrida, “’Eating Well’ or the Calculation of the Subject” Levinas, “The Name of a Dog” Giles Deleuze, "Becoming Animal" (in a number of their writings but I *think" in Thousand Plateaus) Derek Ryan, Animal Theory: A Critical Introduction Jacques Derrida, The Animal That Therefore I Am Giorgio Agamben, The Open: Man and Animal Haraway, When Species Meet Cary Wolfe, Animal Rites Mel Y. Chen, Animacies Wolfe, What is Posthumanism? Wolfe, ed. Zoontologies Akira Lipitz, The Electric Animal Peter Singer, Animal Liberation Carol J. Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat Tom Regan, The Case for Animal Rights Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka, Zoopolis Chris Philo, “Animals, Geography, and the City: Inclusions and Exclusions” Anat Pik, Creaturely Poetics Gary Francione, Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach Colin Dayan, The Law is a White Dog Lindgren Johnson, Race Matters, Animal Matters: Fugitive Humanism in African America Bénédicte Boisseron, Afro-Dog: Blackness and the Animal Question Neel Ahuja, Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species There's plenty more so if you like any of these and want additional recommendations, or decide to go in a particular direction, just message me. Also, one thing that made sense to me when picking my literary time period (I do 19-20c American lit) was when a professor said that she enjoyed all literature but she wrote her best work and enjoyed writing about early American texts. So, just see what you feel drawn to with literary analysis and that should help you narrow down an area.
  5. I haven’t. It seems like they’re still notifying people though.
  6. If you enjoy literature with an animal rights angle, you might try looking into critical animal studies or even the environmental humanities more broadly. I’d also add that it may be good to start with thinking about what interests you personally and see if those interests connect theoretically anywhere. I’ve always been engaged with animal advocacy so it made sense for me to end up in animal studies. I know others have had different experiences, but this seems like a pretty basic starting point. It also may help fight against becoming “burned out” later.
  7. I really love the Knowing Animals podcast that discusses animal studies.
  8. Thanks for the info!
  9. Lol oops!! I must be wrong then!! Not sure where I remember that from, thanks for clearing it up!!
  10. That is so exciting!!! Congrats! Also, was it by phone or email?
  11. Ohh okay! That makes it much easier!! You could try that and you might also ask the DGS to clarify?
  12. I think if you’re just sharing the information with your advisor/mentor then that’s okay. It’s important, in my opinion, to take funding offers into consideration when deciding between programs. After all, you do have to live there for several years and need to be able to support yourself. That said, some larger offers are also in relation to a much higher cost of living in a particular area. You could also try talking to current graduate students about cost of living, without, of course, revealing what you’ve been offered. I’d imagine they could give you a much more accurate understanding of how far your stipend will go.
  13. I’d say funding and job placement are the reasons programs admit very small cohorts now.
  14. Thanks! No, they didn’t but I feel like I’ve heard CUNY admits a rather large cohort, somewhere around 20 students. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Also, I received a personal email from a professor at 9:18pm CST so I think it’s fair to assume they are notifying individually, at various times. Fingers crossed for you!! Good luck!
  15. Woke up to an acceptance from CUNY!
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