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About kjgv22

  • Birthday 04/18/1989

Profile Information

  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    English PhD

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  1. Thanks @Warelin I was thinking along those lines also. Although, in that case, do you think it would have made a difference if I had accepted my offer earlier? Can't help but wonder about these things.
  2. Hi all, Has anyone ever heard of all a fully funded TA-ship being revoked after being offered to a student? I was accepted to Saint Louis University's English PhD program off the waitlist a few weeks ago. I hadn't yet finalized my acceptance with them, because I was waiting to hear back from two other waitlists. Today I received an email from the DGS that stated, due to "unforeseen circumstances" they can no longer fund me or offer me an assistantship. But my offer of admission still stands. (lol) Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Either way, I'll be attending elsewhere, it's just a shame because SLU was absolutely my top choice. Thanks.
  3. Thank you, and congrats right back to you! Yes, I'm definitely planning on going to the open house on April 6th! So excited to get this ball rollin'!
  4. Just received my acceptance from Saint Louis University, off of the waitlist. It hasn't really even sunk it yet!
  5. I was wondering about that too. They are really taking their time mulling over these applications. :/
  6. Hi all! I received a notification from Loyola University Chicago today that I've been waitlisted. It's absolutely my top choice. Has anyone else been accepted or waitlisted there? Just wondering about how many people got the same notification today.
  7. Thanks for your comments @PsychWill. I visited the campus last year, and loved it. Really just struggling to make a decision at this point. :/
  8. First off, thank you so much for all your suggestions. I feel like I've been talking over the same points with my girlfriend (she is moving with me as well) and my parents, but I still feel stuck. So I appreciate all the help! I heard back from UIC, (that was timely!) and I was told, "Many of our students do work inside and outside the university. You might be able to find work as a Research Assistant for some professor on campus who would need editing or research skills. But we can't guarantee any of that. If you do have a financial offer from one of your top schools, do let us know." Didn't seem overly helpful, but I will definitely let them know about my scholarship offer from BU. I am interested in coursework at both places, their ties with the Women and Gender Studies departments at both universities are strong. UIC wraps up the degree with a MA Qualifying Paper, BU does not. Although, I was told at BU that professors will work with you throughout the year to help you develop your writing sample. Also, BU requires "demonstration of a reading knowledge of one foreign language" for MA students, which isn't a deal-breaker but my Spanish is sub-par to say the least! You've given me a lot to think, about. For now, I'll wait and hear if UIC is able to give me a sort of counter-offer. But I do have concerns about the funding cuts in Illinois, like you mentioned @silenus_thescribe.
  9. Hi @Wyatt's Terps and @ProfLorax - BU has a faculty assistantship option in the second semester, but that isn't guaranteed. It is based on the need of the faculty, and if they have more students interested than spots available, it is possible I could not be selected. UIC does not have TA positions available for MA students, I'm not sure about additional teaching options, I will be inquiring about that this week. I am concerned about the whole applying to my PhD after having only been at BU for a few months. My goal is to continue on for my PhD. I discussed this with faculty at BU, and they had students go straight into their PhD, and others took a year off to polish up their material, then applied the next fall. The idea of taking a year off, isn't ideal to me - which is another + for UIC, I think.
  10. Hi everyone, I’m hoping you all could give me some advice. I’m deciding between two unfunded MA programs for English, BU and UIC. (I know how financially irresponsible this is, for all you in that camp.) BU is a 1 year program, and UIC is a 2 year program. They actually run about the same in tuition costs. BU has offered me a $5,000 scholarship, but compared to the total cost of tuition, it is a drop in the bucket. Does anyone have some sort of formula to weigh pros and cons of schools? I attended BU’s open house, and I really love the feel of the campus, and I think I would be happy there – but the cost of living in Boston is higher than Chicago. Also, Chicago is closer to my home – I could take a train home easily if I needed to. Right now, my gut is telling me BU, but the other part of me is saying UIC, (less distance, less expensive, I’m familiar with the city.) Thank you for any advice you can give.
  11. Hi @riks90! Could you let me know where you chose to go? I'm in this exact same dilemma of BU or UIC right now. Thanks!
  12. Hi @WendyWonderland, I was referring to Loyola University Chicago. Thank you though.
  13. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice and comparisons regarding the English departments and MA programs at Loyola, UIC, and DePaul? I've applied to all three. I've been accepted to Loyola and Depaul MA in English programs, both without funding. I'm still waiting to hear back from UIC, getting very nervous at this point. I'm leaning towards UIC if I get accepted. UIC also offers no funding for MA students. Does anyone have any comments on the comparisons of the English departments and the schools? I would love to hear any feedback you have. Thank you.
  14. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice and comparisons regarding the English departments and MA programs at Loyola, UIC, and DePaul? I've applied to all three. I've been accepted to Loyola and Depaul MA in English programs, both without funding. I'm still waiting to hear back from UIC, getting very nervous at this point. I'm leaning towards UIC if I get accepted. UIC also offers no funding for MA students. Does anyone have any comments on the comparisons of the English departments and the schools? I would love to hear any feedback you have. Thank you.
  15. Hi @Warelin, thanks for the link! It helps ease the worry a bit.
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