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  1. Will that stop me from checking at midnight? ...no
  2. Same ?
  3. For anyone who applied to CIHR at York - has your research portal been updated? Mine says the last update was when I submitted my app but the other schools I applied to have made a decision
  4. i would. from past experience, it's like 50/50 in terms of response but they may give you some helpful info. i wouldn't say, what rank am i but to email asking for an update won't hurt at this point.
  5. I don't think it's ranked b/c it depends on who your POI is. So you may have been the first choice of your POI and if another applicant declines, yours may be the next in line to choose a student. However, you could also be the second or third choice in which case it would be much less likely you would be admitted. People definitely get off the waitlist though. You could email the grad admission coordinator and ask how big the waitlist is. I'm sure they get that question all the time.
  6. If you hear back from a school w an offer of admission and you’re waiting to hear back from another, what should you tell the first school?
  7. I’m in Toronto and have several GRE study books that I’d like to sell or possibly giveaway. Can anyone recommend anywhere to post them online? Alternatively- is anyone in need of some?
  8. I think so. Ryerson is Feb 10th
  9. I think the research proposal is submitted via CIHR or sshrc
  10. I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times but I'm applying to Clinical Psych programs and I'm curious to know how people handle being accepted to more than one program. Clinical is unique in that I think you hear from the prof you applied to about a decision directly. So my question is - if you hear back from your second or third choice that you've been accepted - do you just wait to get back to them? I'm worried it will impact the relationship if you take too much time to get back...
  11. Would anyone who was accepted to the 2 yr MSW program at U of T or Laurier be willing to msg me (or post) their GPA/years of experience/field of experience etc...? I was waitlisted this year and to be honest, I thought I was a shoo-in for this program LOL sadly not the case. I’ve spoken to U of T about improving my application but they’ve been pretty vague so I feel a little lost as to what to do next...
  12. I was thinking about it but was told by one of the outreach ppl that there are usually 400-500 applicants and 20 spots?? Was anyone else told that?
  13. Aw, congrats! Hoping for the best - for all of my fellow neurotics on gradcafe haha . When did you hear from U of T/what stream did you apply to?
  14. Aw ?? Well good to know I’m not the only one. Waiting sucks.
  15. Anyone have any info abt the 2-year MSW waitlist at U of T? ?
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