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Everything posted by B_Allen

  1. Do you mind sharing the initials of the person you interviewed with?
  2. does anyone know when UC santa barbara Dynamical Neuroscience program begins sending out interview invites?
  3. has anyone heard from Stanford Psychology yet? Also does anyone know when they begin sending out invites for interviews?
  4. Can confirm that UChicago invites are being sent out, I just got mine for Computational Neuroscience
  5. did everyone just get an email from MIT saying that they're still processing applications and that they will continue reviewing applicants up until end of january?
  6. Has anyone heard from UChicago's Computational Neuroscience program yet?
  7. Does anybody know or have personal experience with the computational cognitive science phd program at Johns Hopkins? it looks great on paper but i was just wondering if anyone had more information to share about it.
  8. dont tease me like this research portal...dont tease me bro!
  9. guys i have a quick question, so i attended the university recruitment event and i interviewed with 5 professors, they all went well and it was good. today i got an email from my 1st rated poi, saying that he cant take me due to funding and time issues, however my application status on the school site still says under review i was wondering does this mean that other professors that i interviewed with are still considering me or am i unofficially rejected
  10. i applied to uoft psych, and i followed up with my poi a day ago, still havent heard from them but hopefully soon. Regardless i think its a fine idea to reply, kindly and ask for a response btw congratulations on your acceptances and I hope you're able to attend the program that is best for you!
  11. @PennyIsAHockeyFan they got unofficial offers from social psych, or from all streams? well here is hoping that we will get some good news still!
  12. @PennyIsAHockeyFan although i am in the cognition stream just fyi!
  13. @PennyIsAHockeyFan hey i also applied to UofT and attended the recruitment weekend as well! i havent heard back either, but i was told that it would take about 2 weeks after the event to hear back, so hopefully this week we will hear something, fingers crossed. GOOD LUCK TO US BOTH!
  14. thank you very much @summavanlaude you're in for a awesome few days, michigan is a top notch program! enjoy it my friend it will be great! P.S. I sure hope that UofT has some good news for me, its been a long ride but they are my top choice! I hope the same for you! let me know how it goes
  15. oh and if you have questions, ask them!! dont hold back get as much information out of the grad students and professors as you can! its a great opportunity to learn alot about the program and living in the particular city that you're uni is in.
  16. @summavanlaude for sure! first congratulations! second, ok so its an interesting scenario. These recruitment weekends are all about them showing you what great opportunitites await you if you do choose to come to the school but also they're a way for them to further evaluate you through (usually) one on one interviews. For me, it was pretty interesting since i got to talk to my main POI and 4 other people that were also in my field. The interviews were pretty casual, they didnt grill me or anything but they did ask me about what i wanted to do, why i wanted to do it and why it got me excited. To be honest you're gonna have a great time, be social, try to meet as many people as you can, be yourself and take it all in. Best of luck to you, and I hope that we both end up going to our most desired programs!
  17. Just wanted to make this for all of us applying to the cognitive psychology programs in canada! i'm currently waiting on UofT, York and Waterloo, I have attended the UofT recruitment weekend but havent heard an answer yet! Hoping for the best for all of us!
  18. anybody received an acceptance from uoft yet? i know they had their interview weekend already but i was just wondering if anyone had been reached out by their POI yet...the wait is just tormenting lol
  19. @thewaitinggame hey, i attended the UofT recruitment weekend and i interviewed with my poi as well as 4 other people who were in the same field of research but had a slightly different focus than my POI, i dont think it necessarily means that your POI isnt interested in you it just might mean that more than one person is interested in you, so, in short its a positive sign! hopefully the person that contacted you's research is also interesting to you as well
  20. yes yes for sure! best of luck to you, and hopefully we will have a chance to meet!
  21. lool we most likely have damn now i am getting super excited for tommorw hopefully everyone is cool and we all get along! oh damn! I thought my schedule seemed a bit hectic, well you know what lets look at it from a positive perspective, the more people want to meet you clearly means that they are seriously interested in you! Regardless seeing the general itinerary for this event i think we have alot of room for optimism, so I know i am still nervous but i think we should be confident in knowing that at the very least we are on their priority list of applicants
  22. lol yes i did graduate in 2016, i feel like this is a step brothers movie moment...and this is the part where i say DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS! lol you know what i might have a interview with them, because i am meeting with 5 people (im assuming its the same for you, within your stream)
  23. lol i also did my undergrad there as well! i dont know if its the same lab, because my potential supervisor recently came to the university... i've been in his lab since he got here
  24. one of the labs that i remember produced some awesome discrimination and stereotyping research was Dr. Michael Inzlicht, some really interesting stuff so you're in good hands my friend
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