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    New York, NY
  • Program
    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. Hi All- Has anyone not received any decision from a school at all? I have 5 schools that I just haven't heard from. I assume waitlist or rejection, but I find it strange. Luckily I did receive some acceptances at other schools- but has anyone else experienced this?
  2. I'm trying to choose between these two schools. Does anyone have any insight on these programs? Much appreciated!
  3. Thank you so much for this info! It was very helpful for me as I am trying to choose between St. John's and Hofstra right now. I haven't had the chance to visit St John's yet (going to see the campus tomorrow), but I think I'm leaning more towards Hofstra. It seemed like a close knit community and I just got a very positive vibe there in general. Also- I like that the clinic is on campus as opposed to off campus like St. John's.
  4. I haven't heard anything either! They never mentioned when they would be sending out decisions unfortunately
  5. Has anyone not heard from New York Medical College that did an interview? I interviewed about 4 weeks ago and haven't heard anything yet.
  6. Hi! I was accepted to St Johns 2 weeks ago and Hofstra on Tuesday so I'm sure you will hear back very soon!
  7. I'm also waiting on Redlands. I called them today and they said they will send decision emails out in early April
  8. Hi all! I was accepted by Adelphi and attended the open house today. They do not use standardized patients currently, but they mentioned that they have been discussing this model. I also learned that while it's a much larger class size than other schools, they split up the whole class into cohort A and cohort B so that the class sizes are much smaller. Cohort A starts clinic first semester while B starts second semester. I didn't know any of this before attending the open house today because it doesn't say it on the site, so if you get the chance, definitely go to check out the school because the program sounds awesome! Hope this helps and good luck!!
  9. Hello! I was accepted to Adelphi a few weeks ago and here's what I wrote about for the prompt: I chose a communication disorder that interested me the most and I created a program of treatment for the patient that was kind of a mixture of a community based project and a research proposal. I had never written one of these before either so I read a bunch of peer-reviewed articles and when I wrote my essay, I separated each section into intro, hypothesis, method, analysis, and conclusion sections. I wrote a lot about what I would hope would happen with my plan and how we would tackle it if it didn't go as planned. They really just want to get a sense of how you write, your creativity, ability to plan, and problem solve. They know that we have never written a research proposal before Mine was about 500 words but I think the minimum was 300. I also typed it double spaced. Make sure to reference evidence from other articles and cite your sources as well! Good luck!
  10. Definitely don't worry about your scores! I have equivalent scores and was accepted at Adelphi and offered interviews at Molloy and Mercy college so far.
  11. Thank you!! It was my first school to hear back from so I am excited! I was notified via mail.
  12. I was also accepted to Adelphi. I submitted my app on Jan 9th and was accepted on Jan 26th. I also received interviews at Molloy College and Mercy College.
  13. You need to pay $100 total ($50 for CSDCAS and $50 for the Adelphi Supplemental). So if you haven't submitted CSDCAS yet then that's what the event payment must be.
  14. Hi Everyone, I have an undergrad degree in another field so I applied to 16 schools all in New York, California, Florida, Arizona, and Delaware. Figured it was best to have more chances! I was already accepted to one (Adelphi) and I'm waiting to hear back from the other 15 Sending everyone positive vibes!! Hang in there!
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