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Everything posted by SchoolPsychApplicant

  1. There is a moratorium on their doctoral admissions. There is an issue with their faculty student ration, so they aren’t taking students until they hire more people. I was refunded all of my application fees.
  2. Does anyone have any information on the University of Oregon's School Psychology doctoral program invitations? According to their website, the interview date is 1/25-26. I feel like because of how close it is, I didn't get invited for an interview, but I'm still holding on to hope until I see it for sure! Please let me know if anyone knows anything! Thanks
  3. I'm currently going here for my undergrad. PM me if you have any questions at all! Congratulations!
  4. School: Michigan State University Type: PhD Date of Invite: 12/19/2017 Type of Invite: email Interview Date: 2/2/2018
  5. I've thought about this issue and asked a current graduate student at my university. They said the best thing to do is go with the one who contacted you first and tell the other you have a previous engagement. Then, set up a Skype/phone interview with the second one. Apparently they're understanding of that, but I understand you worrying about your chances for getting accepted.
  6. School: University of Southern Mississippi Type: PhD Date of Invite: 12/11/2017 Type of Invite: email from POI Interview Date(s): 01/25-26/2017
  7. Hey! Most programs really like to see research experience, and it is not so much about the quantity but the quality. If the experience you get between now and application time is really really good and applicable to what you want to do, I think you'd have good chances. If not, you'd definitely be able to find a master's program to get in to and gain more experience. Good Luck!!
  8. I, for one, REALLY like those odds. I hope you both get into a good program. Maybe we'll cross paths on interview days!
  9. Yes it is, actually! I spoke to Dr. Rispoli yesterday, and I'm excited to see what happens. Does anyone know the average amount of applicants these programs get every year?
  10. Overall: 1. Michigan State 2. University of Georgia 3. University of Houston 4. University of Oregon 5. University of Southern Mississippi 6. Indiana University - Bloomington
  11. What other places are you applying to?
  12. Me too! And Dr. Rispoli at MSU. You?
  13. Thank you! If you don't mind me asking, who are you applying to at UGA?
  14. Hi! Your experience is very important, so it’s good that you have that. I would check all the school you’re applying to - most of them say what the average GRE scores are for the people they accept. Make sure your letters of recommendation are STRONG and you statements are well worded and organized. I think you have a good shot. I wish you luck! I’m currently applying as well! I’m applying to UGA and MSU like you. I’m also applying to Southern Mississippi, Oregon, Houston, and Indiana University - Bloomington.
  15. HI! I'm applying to University of Oregon, University of Houston, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Georgia, Indiana University - Bloomington, and Michigan State University
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