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    Neuropsychological correlates of autism
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
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  1. @mackeca @Cowherdingjoe I'm not 100% sure, but it sounds like decisions were made over the weekend. My PI emailed me on Saturday saying that he heard through the grapevine that I was accepted and that they had accepted 10 people total. Best of luck to you both and I hope that you end up somewhere that you really like.
  2. Vanderbilt NGP sent out acceptances today. I hope this helps!
  3. @CLin94 My POI for Stony Brook emailed me to let me know that he probably won't have a line of funding for a student (so I'm on the waitlist). He mentioned that faculty members have met and reviewed applications, and I got the impression that offers had been made to other students. I hope this helps!
  4. I don't have much constructive advice to add, but I'm an ASD researcher who will likely be starting grad school this fall so @Lindsc237 and @TrishaK1997 if either of you would ever like to connect or ask any questions about the application process or my research in general please feel free to get in touch!
  5. Hi there! I'm applying to a mix of clinical, neuroscience, and developmental psych programs, but throughout the process, I've realized that I'm much more interested in research than practice, so my top choices are in neuroscience and developmental psych. I have a strong interest in autism research, so right now my end goal is to work in an Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Center.
  6. School: University of Connecticut (UCONN) Type: PhD Date of invite: 1/14 Type of invite: POI email Interview date(s): 1/30 or 2/2 This was a big surprise, as POI is not as close of a fit as those at other programs and I thought that all invitations had been extended. I was actually searching the results page when I received the email!
  7. Thank you both! I Like the idea of saying that I had a surgery because the treatment is actually for a dental abscess, which I find too embarrassing to mention. This is actually perfect because I'm diabetic and didn't want to have soda or something sugary as an alternative.
  8. I have a dental problem that requires a course of two antibiotics for the next five days. One of these antibiotics interacts severely with alcohol, so I can't drink for 48 hours after I finish it. I have my first grad school interviews next week, and the first night is a social event at a bar with current students and other applicants. Will I be judged for just drinking water? I realize that I may be over reacting but would like some input.
  9. School Name: University of Miami (FL) Interview Type: phone interviewDate Interview Invite Received: January 8, 2018Degree: Ph.DType: Developmental PsychologyNotified via: EmailFrom: POIAdditional Info: This is fairly confusing. My POI doesn't have funding to accept a student but another POI contacted me to talk this week based on a close research match. I have no idea if this is actually a phone interview and thought that most/all invites had been extended?
  10. I moved here about a year and a half ago, so I'm happy to give some input. Depending on what you are looking for, rent can range from about $700-1100. Recently, a few overpriced (in my opinion) luxury apartments have popped up, so those will cost more. For reference, I live in a lofted 1 br/2 bath apartment in Carrboro and the rent is about $800 a month. Most places have some sort of deal or rent concession for your first year, and utilities typically are not included in rent. I think that Collins Crossing has a setup where you can pay by the bed in a shared apartment, so one bedroom is like $600. I'm not sure if I can attach links here, but feel free to pm me for more info.
  11. My undergrad gpa was terrible and I also have terrible self-confidence, so I was convinced that I wouldn't receive any interviews this round. But so far I've received 4 and they've all said that my application was strong. I think that my redeeming factors were (a) I stated a very clear research interest and gave an example of a potential dissertation project that I could do in their lab and (b) I have very strong experience in my area of interest. I've only been an RA for a year, but I've volunteered on a number of projects outside of my main one and gained tons of training and several 2nd author publications/posters. So if anyone is worried about their GPA or a weak point in their app, don't give up!
  12. School: Stony Brook University Type: PhD Date of invite: 12/30/2017 Type of invite: Email from POI Interview date(s): 1/16-1/17 and 1/17-1/18
  13. Could the person who posted about the Virginia Tech Interview on the survey please message me their POI initials if possible?
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