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  1. I don't know the specifics, but I've heard that their funding is pretty atrocious, so the offer you described seems standard.
  2. I bought this book (Philosophy for Graduate Students) after seeing someone recommend it on here and I really like it! It just gives an overview of significant areas/concepts so it helps orient you to the general trend of discussions of a particular topic.
  4. Hi! You may be in the wrong thread. As far as I know, they don't have a graduate program in philosophy, and UMass Amherst is the only MA state school with a philosophy graduate program. I may be wrong, but that's the impression that I've had.
  5. Hi everyone. I'm visiting my top-choice MA program next week. I was already accepted (wooooo!!), so it's not really an interview. This is a ridiculously broad question, but does anyone have any advice regarding what I should expect, and what to pack? Figured it might be worth it to check here for some more general advice Best of luck as we head into the final weeks of the admissions process!
  6. Are you visiting Miami U of OH by any chance? I'm heading there next week.
  7. Got my official Harvard rejection! Generic email to check the portal this morning.
  8. There's a thread called 'preparing for graduate level coursework' (or something like that) from a couple of weeks ago somewhere on here! I'm in the same position (but in the US, and I applied to some PhDs in addition to MAs), and found the thread really useful.
  9. Thank you! I've gotten into two MAs, so I know I'll have somewhere to go post-undergrad, but I really want to get the rejections out of the way.
  10. I'm hoping that the next week or so brings me some news, be it good or bad. Over the past 24 hours, I've seen 3 people claim acceptances to my top choice in the results log, and I'm slightly heartbroken about it.
  11. Hi! Just as a heads up, you're in the philosophy thread so you probably won't find many people who applied to those...I don't want you to think that people are ignoring your post
  12. Congratulations!!
  13. Agreed. Some of the programs I've applied to are a little less well-known, but their faculty members (or the department as a whole) are really, really great fits for me.
  14. I had a weird GRE experience. I ended up w/ 163V 162Q and 6W. So I did slightly better on the quant than expected, but slightly worse than I had hoped for on the verbal. The math was just annoying, to put it simply. I think the reason I scored how I did wasn't because I knew the formulas and things like that, but because I did some problems in the most roundabout way possible. I went through and did the ones I could do quickly first, then started doing the others the 'long way.'
  15. Probably around $1800-2k. 11 applications, had to send GRE scores to most of them since I chose other ones when I was taking the test (lol), GREx2 + some test prep books and whatnot. Luckily my school doesn't charge for transcripts if it's for an application, so I saved some there.
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