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Everything posted by PsyDuck90

  1. I did a joint ba/ma program, so I started grad school relatively young. However, I am just turning 28, and I will be starting a PsyD in the fall. I took several years to work in the field and publish my MA thesis before applying, and I feel like that time really helped me to narrow my focus on what it is that I want. You have to do what works for you. There really isn't a right age.
  2. William Paterson University for Clinical Psych PsyD!
  3. While social psychology programs aren't as competitive as clinical, there is still a lot of stiff competition. LA and NYC are two of the most desirable locations (any city on the coasts falls into this category), which significantly increases competition. If you are able to be more geographically diverse, I would recommend doing so. I would also consider trying to find some volunteer experience in traditional lab settings if at all possible. Try reaching out to faculty in the nearest college who do research similar to your interests.
  4. Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same way. I didn't get accepted to my top choice school. Luckily, I did get accepted to a program I like with research that I'm excited about, but I can't seem to shake the sadness of my top choice rejection. Anyone else? I'm wondering how others have dealt with the conflicting emotions.
  5. That's very bizarre. All of the programs I looked at had the handbook downloadable on their website. I would be wary of that. Have you asked them why they will not provide it? I'm curious what the justification could be.
  6. Not true. Many high quality PsyD programs require a dissertation and statistics, as well as research. Look at Baylor and Rutgers, which are two of the most prominent PsyD programs in the country. One of the purposes of the Vail model is to create practitioners that utilize and understand the science, and it is very difficult to be able to absorb the science correctly without having a good grasp on it. In order to understand a results section, you need to understand the stats. I applied to a combination of PsyDs and balanced PhDs, and every PsyD program I looked at requires stats courses and a dissertation.
  7. May I ask why specifically you are interested in the PsyD over everything else? The only reason I ask is because there are a few misconceptions about PhD vs PsyD as well as PsyD vs MA level licensures.
  8. I agree with Sherrinford. I would place degree of funding and APPIC match rates and EPPP pass rates as the top priorities. Especially if you want to go into private practice, the salary estimates can vary greatly, and if you're starting off only making about $60k-$70k a year but have $200k of student loan debt, you're going to have a really hard time financially for awhile after graduation.
  9. If you've been in contact with any of your POIs, you can ask them where they feel you can improve your application. It really is a crappy situation. I felt so dejected when I didn't get an interview at my top choice school (I had a really positive back and forth with my POI too). Clinical programs are just so incredibly competitive that sometimes it is just luck. I have 3 years of research experience, a 1st author publication, and 3 years of working full time with my population of interest, and I only got 1 interview (and still waiting to hear back on that). The way I've been coping is just reminding myself that the competition is fierce, but I really believe this is my intended career path. I've talked to some people that push forward and others who look at MA level credentials such as a licensed counselor or LCSW. I feel like a lot of it is really examining your end goals and seeing what you need to do to get there.
  10. I feel your pain. UTK was my dream school.
  11. The biggest thing PhD programs care about is research. Make sure to spend that time in the labs to present posters/try to publish. You could also try applying for research assistant jobs.
  12. Just be careful with this, as CUDCP rules state you are only supposed to hold 2 offers at a time. Granted, I don't know how they can really enforce these rules, but I was told by a DCT that their program strictly follows that.
  13. I would just ask your mentor. Hopefully, they are looking to help you grow as a researcher, and would not be upset with you for asking (as that is counter intuitive from being a mentor). The conversation really becomes who is listed as 1st author. You may want to ask other lab members about their experiences. Some faculty insist on 1st author because the project as a whole is theirs, others allow students 1st authorship because they put in all the work on that specific poster/presentation.
  14. No one can tell you how your parents will respond, as that's entirely dependant on their personalities. Based on your mother's comment of the world doesn't need anymore psychologists, she may not understand the extent of what psychologists can do. You just have to come out and tell them. They'll figure it out soon enough when you start applying for programs. My advice would be to just outline to them exactly what you wrote in this post: OT doesn't excite you, you've been working in a psych research lab, and you want to switch trajectories. After all, that's part of what undergrad is all about.
  15. While it isn't the ideal, these stats are definetely an improvement over past years. Hopefully this trend continues.
  16. The APPIC website has the stats.
  17. The best advice that I can think of is to look at the researchers publishing within your field of interest and seeing what universities they are affiliated with. If your ultimate goal is PhD and you really want to get the master's first, then you want to be in a lab that is within your area of interest. Clinical programs still heavily look at your research experience, including posters and publications, and you could potentially bolster that more through the master's program.
  18. Hey, does anyone know if you're supposed to bring copies of your CV to an interview? I read somewhere that they'll ask for it sometimes, but I only saw it mentioned that 1 time.
  19. I'm only in my 1st cycle, but the POI in my top choice program told me that they wished they could've extended me an interview invite and stated I should apply again next year if I don't enter a program this fall. I'm assuming not all programs operate like this, but given the low acceptance rate, many schools understand the importance of persistence. You could be an ideal candidate, but so can 2 other people, and all of you are vying for 1 or 2 spots.
  20. I've known a lot of people who have taken 2 cycles to get into their programs. Some of that is also the tough decision of whether to go to a school you kind of want to go to or hold out for the chance of your top school.
  21. Has anyone heard from William Paterson University's PsyD program? The website says the interview date is February 9th, but I haven't seen any posts on here about invites yet.
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