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Posts posted by 1|]010ls10o

  1. 1 hour ago, Phia13 said:

    Hi, I called the psychology department and asked whether all interview invites for the clinical psych phd program have already been sent out. The person I talked to confirmed. I'm glad to hear that you have received conflicting information though. Sorry for the confusion!

    what number did you dial? do you know who you spoke to? Rutgers itself is very confusing, so no worries.

  2. 3 minutes ago, dancedementia said:

    They replied above - for PhD Clinical Psych.

    I do wish folks would specify. Waiting on the PsyD program :(

    Yeah I was on that page, read a PM telling me differently, then responded without reading the next page. I need to stop reading this forum on my phone. Knowledge is not power. It’s just anxiety here

  3. 1 minute ago, ItPhBeLikeThatSometimes said:

    Yeah...I had a POI tell me in October that they weren't planning on taking a student, but to apply anyway. I decided not to apply, and saw on here that they ended up scraping funding together to make an offer to someone else :~)

    Another common thing is that multiple faculty may want to take on new grad students in the same year. If there are 2 spots and 4 faculty, certain faculty may take priority early in the process, but the committee may decide later on that someone else has better candidates to choose from.

    Sometimes it's by lottery, too. 3 spots, 4 faculty, all want a student. And one of them can draw the short straw. Yeah, that's how I was rejected.

  4. 1 hour ago, dancedementia said:

    This is already on my list of career goals! I just hope more states allow it, because personally I'm not interested in living in any of the states that currently have it haha.....

    Yeah, praying that NY/CA start allowing it.


    TLDR: Idaho, New Mexico, Louisiana, Illinois, and Iowa

    Oregon, Hawaii, and Texas have RxP legislation currently pending

  5. 54 minutes ago, psychclin said:

    One more question for you guys (I apologize! I am just now realizing that I sadly put a lot of stock in potential POI's who were up in the air on if they could take students bc of funding) if my main POI I mentioned in my PS is for sure now (after updating her website recently) is saying he/she will not be able to take students after all, does this mean I will automatically put at the bottom of list if not rejected out right? Or will they try and see if I can fit with other potential mentors? I havent heard back from this school yet (and to their defense they have not --from what it seems here-- sent out many interview invites yet) but I am worried I shot myself in the foot hoping their funding would come out in my favor.

    Yeah. Your chances are lower. I've been invited by secondary POIs before, but I have a feeling that's relatively rare.

  6. 13 minutes ago, psychclin said:

    Hi, I am curious what you guys’s Opinion might be on emailing schools (either their grad admin or maybe the psych dept specifically?) to inquire on when they will begin sending out interview invites and when that will close? Is this considered annoying/I just need to be patient? 

    I’m wondering because, I only recently found one of my applied schools web portals that details when they start reviewing, when to expect emails for interviews, the date of the interviews, and when you can expect complete rejection. —why can’t all schools do this? It was a revelation because I found out I don’t even need to worry yet about this school bc interview invites don’t even begin until mid-late January (of course there are outliers but this was a great general timetable i found that I could rely on) 

    Just call. That way there isn't a permanent record of your impatience in someone's inbox. 

    Be sure to post here when you do, thanks <3

  7. 25 minutes ago, checkingmyemail said:

    A million+ programs decided on Feb. 1st or Feb. 4th this year. Pretty unfair for applicants honestly to not share this information BEFORE we decided to apply for schools ????

    Falls in line with the whole, work for free for years to 'gain experience' in a good lab that's relevant to what you want to do, work for 15-25k a year in stipends for another 5 years just to get a PhD, and work for a salary that your friends were getting 2 years out of undergrad. You know. Screw the $50-100 that you spent on the application + hours researching and crafting a personal statement.

    10 minutes ago, dancedementia said:

    I like what CUDCP is doing with posting all their dates on a calendar. APA should create a centralized calendar or system for all of their programs to post and make it part of APA accred requirements =P

    Seriously. Lower ranked programs (if ranking is important) have dates on the same day, too. Like, yeah, shoot yourself in the foot by inviting students on the same day as a top 10 program. Let's see what candidates pick.

  8. 1 hour ago, anxiouscoffeedrinker said:

    Hi everyone, I've been dying in the shadows and decided to join the waiting game as well.

    I've applied to 9 programs that are either Clinical Science or Clinical Psychology related (UC Berkeley, USC, Loma Linda, SDSU/UCSD JDP, Duke, Dartmouth, Northwestern Feinberg, NYU, and Columbia - Teacher's College) and unfortunately, I have no heard back from any of them either. 

    Best of luck to everyone, hopefully this week brings news that we are all looking for!

    NYU has a clinical science/psychology program? thought they disbanded it years ago

  9. 2 minutes ago, davidfreire20 said:

    I'm sorry to tell you this but my first interview invite (currently have 2) was at 10:30 pm. I was so sure no one is emailing at that hour so it can really be any time during the day. 


    2 minutes ago, ItPhBeLikeThatSometimes said:

    I got one late at night (like 10ish) and one right at the end of the work day (5ish)


    Lmfao. RIP. Hoping yours were outliers. Maybe there should be a poll about this but I don't care enough. Anecdotes are enough for me. Anxiety 24/7 I guess.

  10. What time do people usually receive email invitations? I'm sure we all experience anxiety checking our inboxes, but maybe we can all take a break when professors don't typically email applicants. For instance, have any professors contacted y'all after 5pm? (assume match between program + student time zone)? What about before 8am?

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