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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
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    Clinical Psychology PhD

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  1. Feel free to PM me afterward! It's a VERY expensive program, but it also really gave me the feeling that if I were to get a PsyD, DU offers among the best. They have a lot of opportunities for varied clinical experiences, research if you want to do research, and even ways to cross over into other departments. The money has me the most conflicted, absolutely.
  2. I got an official rejection from them. It may be that you are waitlisted? I'm not sure, I'm sorry!
  3. Hi, yes. I've always been told all the cliches of "anywhere would be lucky to have you!" and friends who just don't get how competitive it is keep telling me I could have my pick of programs. And here it looks like that very much won't be the case. It would almost feel better if everyone had lower expectations of me. This is my second application cycle and I'm truly questioning whether I am making the right choice in applying for PhD and PsyD programs. Feel free to PM me if you need to vent. I freakin' get it.
  4. Anyone looking into the PsyD at Denver University? I interviewed there this weekend and am trying to think through a lot of things.
  5. This is very real. This is my second round of applications and I had a stellar transcript and GRE scores, and various clinical and research based experience. I had professors and psychologists tell me I was doing all the right things application-wise. I applied for 11 programs and it looks like I will only even get one interview, at a PsyD program which might be okay but I'm reckoning with whether I want a PhD or a PsyD...but a PhD is currently feeling pretty unattainable. It makes me feel pretty stupid and I also get to tell family who ask me LITERALLY every time I see them what the updates are on schools. It feels very lonely and adrift, even though I know many of us are having this same experience. It really makes you wonder what you could have done differently or if you're simply not cut out for it, and it's so hard to tell since Clinical Programs are so heavily competitive that they could have 100 "perfect" candidates to choose from. It makes getting in the door for an interview feel like climbing an academic Mt. Everest...but people are doing it all over the place! Very disappointing and hard to stomach.
  6. @aokanlawon Also feel free to PM me anytime! I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about the next few months with very similar interests and a lot of similar schools.
  7. I have! Some of them replied SUPER fast which made me a bit nervous hahaha I came up with a few paragraphs I liked and then tailored them to each POI. Some were very encouraging, some were pretty reasonable. I just made sure they were taking students and talked a bit about myself and their research. I haven't seen ANY funded PsyD programs, myself. I'm hoping to get into a PhD program. My heart really isn't in a PsyD, but I am trying to hedge my bets. But some of my PhD programs are less competitive than others so...we'll see!
  8. I'm having a similar problem. I looked at several schools and one out of five have reasonable APA internship match rates. Last cycle, I was accepted at Palo Alto University and turned it down, because their PhD program was structured like a PsyD program and was sketchy as all hell. I want to apply to some PsyD programs in addition to PhD programs, but it looks like University of Denver PsyD might be my only one remaining on my list!
  9. Wow, awesome! What schools are you also looking at? I just went back through my PsyD list and am a little frustrated because only ONE of the set has reasonable APA internship rates. My list might be shrinking. ?
  10. One of my mentors told me it would look strange to an admissions committee if you are currently employed somewhere clinical and you don't get a letter from your supervisor. And in your case, it's certainly pertinent!
  11. Hi everyone, despite the "read/post here at your own risk," nice to meet y'all! Program of Interest: PhD in Clinical Psychology, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, and possible a joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology and Peace Studies at Notre Dame Schools of Interest: PhD: Virginia Tech ,University of Connecticut, University of Nebraska, Notre Dame, UCLA, UCSD, U Missouri – Kansas City, Howard University, University of Memphis, University of Maryland Baltimore PsyD: University of Denver, Chestnut College, Pacific University, William James College, University of LaVerne Research Interests: etiology and interventions for trauma, refugee and immigrant mental health disparities; culturally- and contextually-appropriate interventions; minority mental health, particularly in the Latino community Educational Background: B.A. in Psychology, solid GPA Things I'm Not Worried About: - My GRE scores and GPA are both plenty competitive. - I have a good mix of research experience and clinical experience. My research experience too is pretty varied: I presented an independent study at two conferences, and assisted in a lab at UCLA. So I’ve both led and presented research (and research assistants) in a smaller lab and assisted in research at a larger lab. - My fit into programs: I applied last cycle to places that were not a good fit and tried to write my way in. I’ve reflected a lot on that and realize what I did wrong, and expanded my geographical reach a lot (as you may have noticed) and actually turned down one school that was NOT a good fit at all, but was the only one I was accepted to. I feel confident that I’ve done my research better this time around and have a healthier list of reach schools and different types of programs. Things I'm Worried About: -Research experience is all clinically-focused, but not trauma focused. My interest in trauma came from non-research based experience. Advisors have helped me see how to frame my research experience as still very relevant to the research I want to do, but I am nervous about convincing applicant committees. -Maybe imposter syndrome but I do sometimes worry about my letters of rec. My professors and supervisor who are willing to write are all very supportive and always say they are willing to write, but I always wonder a bit if I am truly “anything special” within their labs/programs. They are my best recommenders, however, and there aren’t others I would select. -As a career, I want to do more research than a PsyD, but maybe less research than a PhD. I would like practice to be somewhat involved in my future life, but I don’t want to mention this in a PhD application lest they think I don’t want to focus on research. I just want to do everything! (Yes, I know this is unreasonable haha)
  12. I've done a little bit of this! I should keep a running list of interesting professors. I have a list of accredited PhD programs along these lines but not for masters programs. I guess it's just a matter of checking each university individually to see if they offer masters programs and in what specialty.
  13. I'm hoping to use it as a stepping stone. My goal is to do clinically-based research. I'd be open to doing a terminal masters if the program aligned with my practice interests, but ideally I'd like the option to continue on (especially since I will be applying to PhD programs as well, that's the ultimate goal!)
  14. I'm well aware, and there were circumstances at the time that made that all that was feasible for me. Thus why I'm asking about resources for looking into the next cycle! Do you have any sources? Thanks.
  15. Hi all! After being rejected by 2 PhD programs and interviewing at one nonfunded program, I'm planning my attack for next cycle. I'm diversifying my PhD applications (all in clinical) but will be working for the next year in a clinical rather than research setting, so also want to hedge my bets by applying to some Masters programs in clinical psychology. Does anyone have any quality resources for finding Clinical Masters programs? I was advised to look at universities with APA accredited PhD/PsyD programs and see if they have any masters programs but that doesn't include other quality programs without PsyD/PhD options and it would take a lot of time (I've already gone through all accredited PhD programs in the US). I'd spend the time if necessary, but would rather spend that time in other projects if possible! Secondarily: how did you find your program? Cheers!
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