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About Valorship98

  • Birthday June 11

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    Art History/East Asian Studies

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  1. Yes that is how it worked last year for RSEA. Friends heard good news, I heard bad news after them.
  2. I would explain the situation as completely and confidentially in your application as possible and fine ANYONE you worked with that either left your institution, became faculty elsewhere or still holds you in good favor from your institution to write a letter for you.
  3. It's this simple, one of the greatest academics in history was a public intellectual, Susan Sontag.
  4. It is so typical GradCafe to say September is fast approaching in May. I hope this all worked out for you @CHINESEGOLD. Don't forget to breath, us academics are so quick to panic sometimes!
  5. Hello! Regardless of where you would like to curate let's consider a few things. What is your area of specialization? Where a BA in Art History with a focus in contemporary art can sometimes land you a job as a curatorial assistant in lower-tier museums, a BA in Art History with a focus in Chinese art will not get you in the door for curatorial whatsoever, PhD or MA vary dependent on focus. What sorts of degrees do the people you wish to become (i.e. Curator at State School Art Museum) have? Do they have a degree in museum studies or do they have a pure art history degree from a well known institution? Why is your GPA something that is frightening you? What are the parts of your application that can bolster a 3.4 GPA (I.e. your extensive professional experience (don't downplay this), excellent writing skills (as demonstrated in Writing Sample and Personal Statement), etc.)? Put this way, I had a 3.5 GPA and am now at an Ivy for my MA with a very well known advisor, without gap year. What are the same 10 schools you see everyone you've worked with and studied under having earned their degree? Did they attend Boston College or did they attend Harvard? How can you take the resume you have in this moment and make it so irresistible that you are almost guaranteed admittance to top programs? For this, look at current graduate students at Harvard Yale Princeton, most of them have an MA from Courtauld, Tufts, or Williams, they have at least one really impressive internship or job experience at a top museum or archive - what are the steps to take you from where you are now to compete with those students? These are the questions I pose to myself, maybe this is unhealthy I am unsure. What I do know is, I want my PhD, a large chunk of my early years of my life, years I will never get back to pursue the study of something I am incredibly passionate about, to be completely worth it and VALUABLE. A PhD in art history offers very little in terms of capital generation, meaning there are two jobs available: museum professional or academic. Again I urge you to look at the people who currently hold those positions and model yourself and your CV after them. OH, and don't forget language study! I hope this blunt honesty was helpful, if you have more specific questions feel free to inbox me.
  6. Hi Celia, great to hear about your experiences studying and where you are thinking of heading. Don't forego an application to an institution like Harvard, where I believe Eugene Wang is very interested in film and their contemporary professor(s) is/are also very well respected. The Beijing Film Academy is considered one of the best institutions in China for film, as I'm sure you're aware - this will definitely bolster your profile in the eyes of a committee. I think applying to Chicago is a smart choice as Wu Hung is there as well as Darby English. I would absolutely shoot for the top schools, consider Stanford as well for both Marci Kwon and Jean Ma. And in terms of the GRE requirement which you don't mention here don't worry too much about it, the rest of your profile can bolster a less than ideal score. I think you are in a great position for wonderful acceptances. If you position your application to be seen by the Chinese faculty members (both Chinese nationals and Chinese specialists) they will see Beijing Film Academy and be very impressed, just as they are when seeing Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  7. Can't believe this thread totally died, everyone should announce where they are headed!
  8. Have you ever listened to the podcast "Art History Babes"? They all went to Davis and one ended up as an adjunct with her MA. You could reach out to them via their socials, they're super responsive, especially Gutierrez. I think if you went to Davis you would be fine in applying to PhDs. Tufts is of course super well known and rightly so, the program is really rigorous. However, at Davis you are getting super great funding and a completely valid MA. You should be fine. I guess I'm favoring name recognition because I decided to decline funding for an unfunded spot at Penn. I did this mainly for geographic location but also for my advisor. It's really up to you what you do, but Tufts funding is really nothing to scoff at. Just make sure you way your options and think about the future in the most realistic terms, with and without a financial consideration.
  9. Hi, I would strongly recommend Tufts over UC Davis. Davis is well funded but unfortunately the reputation can kill middle of the road applicants whereas middle of the road applicants from Tufts can still enter top PhD programs! All best.
  10. Everyone that got into BU should do some research on the program before committing. Speak to current graduate students!
  11. Anyone going to Penn this fall, PhD or MA? Would love to become friends!
  12. Well everyone knows Tufts dental is better anyway
  13. Can you elaborate a little?
  14. Oof still haven't heard anything.... nervous!
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