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Teaching Faculty Wannabe

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Everything posted by Teaching Faculty Wannabe

  1. Thanks! I honestly thought about applying to MIT, but knew I wasn’t going to get in, so never tried. At least you took that chance and tried! Definitely don’t give up. I am sure BME and MSE do different things, so don’t give up on BU just yet. I feel like schools sometimes do send out invited in waves. I hope the best for you!
  2. Aww, thanks! I have had two phone interviews with UConn professors and one skype interview with a UW Seattle professor. I was just recently accepted to and invited to an Open House at Boston University. I am very happy about that at least! I hope your applications are going well! I am sorry to hear about MIT, though :(.
  3. Hi all! I know I am just an applicant, but I wanted to share some online advice/things grad students can relate to that I found. https://www.fastweb.com/college-search/articles/the-50-things-only-grad-students-will-understand https://www.fastweb.com/college-search/articles/the-12-grad-school-survival-tips I think it would be awesome if we could create a collection of online things for new grad students, or just grad students in general, here.
  4. Oh....I thought those were just Skype interviews. Well, awesome....Okay, this is FINE. Thanks for letting me know. Now I can prepare myself for another rejection (I wish they would just tell us already if that's so, you know?)
  5. @Ternwild I personally wrote a generic one and then added or deleted things for specific applications if they wanted less or more info than what I already had. I mainly used the same CV for multiple applications, though. This is the order of the sections I had for my CV: Name (with phone #, email, and mailing address underneath) Research interests (Two or three sentences on my current research interests) Experience (research experiences, internships, etc) Projects (senior design project for undergrad, other projects you think may be important, could be placed under experience in my opinion) Honors and Awards (scholarships, recognition, etc) Research support (grants and fellowships specifically for funding research ) Presentations (poster, oral) (I would put publications before this, but I don't have any so that's why I didn't have it) I think the way you mention/cite presentations and publications depends on your field Conferences attended (recent ones that are important and that you didn't present at but are still good to mention) Extracurricular activities (outreach activities, professional organizations) Relevant courses (related to your research interests) Skills (computational, communication, technical, etc) Other community service (misc. volunteer work) I hope this helps!
  6. It was almost midnight on a Friday and I was just chilling at my house (quite a social life I have!). I got an email from BU saying that I have been invited to visit for the Open House and I should receive a letter of submission soon. I was frozen and then started dancing and then freaking out and overthinking the visit because that's what I do best.
  7. I think I am going to chicken out. I hate waiting, but I feel weird asking as well. Sorry, friend. We will hear good or bad news at some point, I guess, right? (Hopefully good!) Congrats on your accept to UMich, though! I sadly think I will get a rejection from them since I didn't get an interview invite.
  8. I wish I could be like Oprah and pass out acceptances to everyone. "You get an acceptance! And you get an acceptance! You all get acceptances!"
  9. FYI, your GRE combined score is way higher than me. Also, you should be proud of those pubs, 1st author or not. Good luck and I hope this year goes well for you!
  10. Hey all who applied to BioE at UW, I think we will be hearing news some time this week or next week, based on the results page the last few years. I am super nervous! Good luck to everyone who applied there!
  11. Reject the university before they reject you. I wish I could do that.
  12. I know this probably won't be reassuring, but patience is the best policy when it comes to applying to things. I am sorry that most of your schools have already sent invites. I feel the same as well. I have only been invited to one school so far and some of the other schools I was really hoping I would get into, such as University of Michigan and University of Florida, already sent their invites and acceptances. It worries me as well, but the best way to move on is to not get discouraged. There is still some time. And if somehow things don't go as planned, you will have to pick yourself up and start again. Sadly, it seems like a lot of people on here have had to apply multiple times. That is unfortunate and no one wants to apply more than once, but at least you can try again and maybe learn from this experience, if necessary. That's the risk we take when we apply and there are no guarantees for anyone :/. However, just know that I am cheering you on! You are a great applicant and deserve to go somewhere you will love working at.
  13. Yep! You got that “waiting period” feeling down to a T. Just know you aren’t alone in this feeling. It’s sad to see other people feeling this crappy, but also selfishly and oddly reassuring and comforting at the same time. When you feel those moments of being overwhelmed, maybe try to distract yourself by doing something you love or some self-care activities.
  14. No offense to the professor, but I feel like she should be happy for you. Maybe rightly just slightly salty, but also excited for you being able to teach a new course.
  15. Don’t lose hope just yet! There is still so much time for things to happen. You also just got back from an interview weekend, if I remember correctly. It might have been super chaotic, but some good could come out of it!
  16. I’ll see if I gain the courage to email him tomorrow (aka today since it’s already past midnight). Sorry for being a chicken about this stuff.
  17. I understand your nerves. Yeah, I think schools accept students without interviews. Some schools don’t even conduct interviews and even those that do, I feel like they don’t always do interviews with students they accept. I am sorry all of this waiting has been making you super nervous. It all really sucks, and I hope you hear some good news soon. The fact that you have an employee sponsor should be reassuring and I am sure you are have a great application as well! Also, I hate to say this but I think we still have about a month or even more to hear back from schools. I wish the process would go quicker, but we are literally at the mercy of how long they take to make decisions. Good luck, my friend!
  18. Hi all! I was just looking around for scholarships to apply to and I came across this website that could be useful for most people: https://www.gograd.org/financial-aid/paying-for-your-phd/ I hope this is helpful!
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