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    2021 Fall
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realist2020's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Rejected MPA/ID. Cambridge(M.Phil Development Studies) it is for me then !!
  2. Right. I reckon they may have sent the invitation to candidates whose professional interest lies in educational policy.
  3. Hi midcmpa 21, that is great. Just curious as to know if they had read the application when they sent the invitation for application? I had received the invitation email for the fellowship application in late January.
  4. I also received the same acknowledgement email from PEPG fellowship. Just out of curiosity: was the invitation for PEPG fellowship sent to candidates who expressed their interest in education policy in their application or to everyone who applied to HKS?
  5. Accepted for MPA for Political and Economic Development concentration, Data Analytics and Quantitative Analysis specialization; Congrats to everyone who got it!
  6. Mine was something in the line of "Describe an event/process that set you in current career path." I applied for MPA.
  7. Does any-anyone know of any colleges/ programs ( not the MOOCs from edX, coursera and the like) that offer the Multivariable calculus course online for college credit without complicating things for international student? I am applying for MPA/ID but have not fulfilled its Multivariable Calculus prerequisite. To complicate matters, I am currently in Nepal and , as per my understanding so fat, colleges here do not allow students to take individual courses part time.
  8. Anyone applying early action to SIPA? I intend to apply but not really sure if my recommenders will send in the recommendation in time!
  9. I do not have a multivariable calculus prerequisite necessary for MPA/ID. I might as well take the online multivariable course sometime between now and next september and apply to MPA/ID as well. MPP with Political and Economic Development seems like a safe reach to me while I believe MPA/ID will be more competitive especially given my relatively lower exposure to economics and higher level mathematics.
  10. Thank you for your thorough answer. I really appreciate it. I will surely look into these programs.
  11. For all those applying to Harvard Kennedy School's Masters of Public Policy(MPP) program. Let us get our conversations going!
  12. Hi everybody! Thanks in advance for any insight you're able to provide. I will need substantial financial aid in addition to admission. Undergraduate institution: Average US university in south Undergraduate Major: Political Science with a minor in Economics (GPA: 3.92/4.00) GRE Quantitative Score: 165GRE Verbal Score: 156 GRE AWA Score: 4.0 Schools applying to: Harvard Kennedy MPP, Columbia SIPA MPA(Economic and Political Development), Oxford Economics for Development, LSE Development StudiesYears Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 4Years of Work Experience: ~4( all of it in Nepal) Describe Relevant Work Experience: One year public service fellowship ( taught in rural schools, worked with the mayor in the local rural municipality); one year of experience in data-driven project with some intersection in policy work; one short time leadership experience in rural area; one leadership experience delivering projects to rural areas during summer/winter breaks; and a couple of consultation works at the highest level of program design and review; Experience with local government and private sector; pending central government level engagement due to COVID Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): have a good narrative; will have to work on it; have not started yet though Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): hope they will be good Other: A semester of study abroad( Western Europe), a semester of national student exchange(Up North); MicroMasters Certification in Data, Economics and Development Policy from MITx ; Opinion Publications in National and International Newspapers ; Extensive exposure to rural/semi-rural areas of Nepal; rich activities in college( Model United Nations, Orientation Leader, Student Government, International Student Organization) ; Want to get into development sector in South Asia Region
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