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Everything posted by alh

  1. any decisions out there?
  2. @Swagato thanks for the info! i received the application update via email. the email then redirected me to a letter on my application. though the program looks great, it is VERY expensive and unfortunately i don't have the means to pay for it (with a lot of loans). plus, i already have hella debt from undergrad. if i have specific questions, i'll definitely PM you. thanks!
  3. hey all, thought i'd share. was just rejected from uchicago's PhD program, but accepted to the MAPH without funding.
  4. @ fanon_fanatic, @drocket thanks for your messages! i actually currently live in DC, but i'll PM both of ya!
  5. hella bummed about yale. in other news, who else was rejected from GWU's PhD program but accepted to their MA program? i'd love to chat...
  6. officially rejected from brown. still waiting on yale...
  7. @jbw, @jsoliver it looks like all of their notifications comes via postal mail... whether that be a waitlist, rejection, or acceptance. i guess we all just gotta keep waiting!
  8. @tripwillis maybe just call them and see if they've contacted students! it doesn't hurt!
  9. any word on GWU? it looks like there were some rejections... but my app currently says "under review"
  10. does anyone want to claim the wait-list post for harvard? it's interested that they were contacted via snail mail...
  11. @koolherc i'm in the same boat! pretty bummed, but oh well!
  12. @waitingwaiting: I don't have any insider info, but, based on past results, they should report sometime between now and the end of the month. Who knows when it'll happen? @nix: thanks for the info! that's definitely encouraging!
  13. @rjsmith: Your work sounds great! Is there a region you focus on? The Twin Cities have a really interesting queer past, so Minnesota would be great for that! (Have you read "Finding the Movement" by Anne Enke?) ? I also love Yale's program (and their AMAZING LGBT resources). It's in my top along with Minnesota, Berkeley's Rhetoric program, and Brown's Modern Culture and Media. In my own work, I look at queer and feminist theory, the Gothic, pop culture, American film and literature, memory, the avant garde, the South (sometimes), otherness, etc. Good luck to you! Yale should be reporting any day now... Fingers crossed for both of us!
  14. anyone get accepted to berkeley rhetoric on this forum? rumor has it they started calling folks on thursday.
  15. congrats eaw53! you should add your acceptance to the results survey! quick q, has your application status changed to accepted? do you know how many folks were accepted/if they've contacted everyone? thanks!
  16. @rjsmith1031 I haven't heard an "official" response from either NYU or UChicago. BUT both schools already notified their accepted students, so I'm just assuming that I didn't make the cut! With that said, I was wait-listed at Minnesota. Congrats on your acceptance! It is such a great program. What is your top choice? What do you study?
  17. @nyoung0911, @rjsmith1031 i'm in the same boat with GWU! app says "under review"
  18. @supernova1 it seems like there are lots of queer studies folks applying this year... which bodes well for where scholarship is heading in the future! also, i second your sentiment about california's weather. place will definitely play a big role in how i make my program decisions. and to answer my own questions...i love all of the programs i applied to but feel best suited for about 4 of them. right now, i've been daydreaming a lot about minnesota. my partner was just accepted to their anthropology program and i was waitlisted for am. studies. fingers crossed for how the next few weeks go! oh and i study gender, sexuality, feminist and queer theory, american lit, cinema (esp. the avant-garde), history, memory, the gothic, witches, popular culture, feminist art. you know the regular... bodies, fluids, sex, darkness, and horror. haha.
  19. A little late to this post... I also applied to Berkeley's Rhetoric program. It looks like they contact folks (via phone) during the second week of February! Not too much longer to wait.... Also, just in case anyone is wondering, I study gender, feminist theory, queer theory, american lit, cinema, the gothic, history, memory, violence, the american south, etc. My fingers are crossed for everyone!
  20. What film programs have people applied to? I applied to Brown MCM, UChicago, Berkeley Rhetoric, and Yale (joint with American). Congrats to those accepted! Good luck to everyone waiting to hear back!
  21. I love how much conversation is happening on this forum now! What sorts of things do you guys study? What are your top program choices?
  22. Yes, thank you to the poster for adding more details! Congratulations! One more question: did you have a pre-exisiting relationship with the DGS? Or was this your first contact? Thank you!
  23. I second nenanubes comment! My application to the program still says "Awaiting Program Decision." What does it say online for you? "Final Review"? "Accepted"? Thank you!
  24. Hey dj02bothell, I think that it is totally awesome that you're thinking about advanced schooling. With that said, my main piece of advice is to just relax. More than anything, graduate schools (particularly for film) want you to have practical experience. You may be 100% confident about getting an MA in Film as an 18 year old college freshmen, but that could definitely change over your the next few years. If I were you, I'd keep graduate school in the back of my mind but concentrate on undergrad first! Internships are always awesome and can teach you a great deal about the industry. For example, do you want to be a professor or do you want to go into the actual film industry (in production or media)? If you're interested in jobs in media, you should probably try to learn HTML or CSS. Those are incredibly practical and desirable skills for the job world (both academic and practical). You should focus more on what you want to do rather than how you might write about it in a personal statement. I thought that I was going to go to graduate school straight out of undergrad, but my advisors encouraged me to wait. I have now waited two years and am applying this fall. I have had a solid number of jobs in that time and a variety of internships. My academic interests have also changed enormously in the two years I have been out of college, not to mention how much they have changed since I was a precocious 18 year old. Don't worry about these things now. If anything, wait until you are a junior in college and start thinking about a thesis. If that seems to start off well, then start thinking about graduate school again. And hey, you have already done a lot of the footwork! Good luck!
  25. Hi! This is my first post on this site! I graduated with an honors BA in film studies (minored in gender studies) in May of 2010. I am currently looking at MFAs and PhDs for the 2012-2013 school year. Right now, I am struggling to decide whether or not I should only apply to MFAs, PhDs, or a mixture of the programs. In the end, I'd like to get a PhD, but I have a really strong interest in film production (which isn't offered in all PhD programs). I'll also only be 24 (if accepted) when I start graduate school and have concerns about being too young for both of the program types. Advice? Some of the programs I'm interested in are listed below in my signature (I know, I know...I need to think of some safety schools). If anyone has applied to or is currently going to these schools, I'd love to know more about their admission requirements. As well as there median GRE scores (for the schools that don't release that info), average age of accepted students, overall program and advisor feel, etc. Oh, and just for background, I went to a seven sisters school and was very involved in the film and radio community there. I graduated with an honors thesis on queer southern gothic film and fiction and a 3.43 GPA (I know...on the lower end for a lot of these programs). I make experimental films and am interested in bodiliness, the grotesque, the uncanny, witches, queer theory, masculinity in 1950s science-fiction, war cinema, genre cinema, early american literature, violence and incest in films and literature, women's cinema, queer cinema, the american avant-garde, feminist film theory, and second-wave feminism. (and that's just the beginning!) Thank you!
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