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Nerves after interview

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Totally understand... interviews are so damn stressful! My heart rate shot through the roof 10 mins before my interview on Saturday... I’m sure you put your great, 100% effort into it though. Best of luck!

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I literally had a panic attack after one of mine. It was so bad it made me want to quit the major all together. But the rest of my interviews went well. That program wasnt for me. Just know that you did the best you can! Be proud of the fact you got an interview and went thru it even though u were nervous!

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I interviewed Friday and was so shocked when I saw I was being interviewed by 4 people at the same time, I forgot to mention that I now work at Vanderbilt as a hearing technician which is a huge deal!! *face palm*

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I recently had an interview that didn't go great, like a 6/10. It was like I blanked on all the stuff I've done to support what I saying about why I would be a good SLP. I also felt like something felt off with the vibes between the interviewers and me. I've just been telling myself that maybe it went poorly for a reason, like it was a sign that the program wasn't a great fit for me anyway. Totally agree with everyone else that if you tried your best it's all you can ask for and that it probably wasn't as bad as you thought it was! 

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14 minutes ago, ljs1996 said:

any advice for someone about to interview? I go on Friday and I have no idea what to expect! What kind of questions were asked? I would appreciate any feedback!!

I had two interviews and there weren't any major curveball questions in either. My 1st was a recorded video and asked me to describe a situation where I faced an obstacle and how I overcame it, why I wanted to go to grad school at their program, and how I respond to feedback. My 2nd was a group interview and they asked us to tell them something memorable about ourselves, why they should choose us above other highly qualified applicants, to describe a time when we were in a difficult situation, and what role we would take in a group project. Just be yourself, be confident, and don't be afraid to humble brag about yourself. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

Edit: Oh, also it might help to have a few possible questions prepared to ask your interviewers because I noticed that was a factor in how they were rating us/taking notes on us. Also, it shows your interest in their program.

Edited by FutureSLP19
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13 minutes ago, ljs1996 said:

any advice for someone about to interview? I go on Friday and I have no idea what to expect! What kind of questions were asked? I would appreciate any feedback!!

I think the questions depend tremendously on the school. I would search the school on here and see if you can find any advice from previous applicants. Which school are you interviewing for on Friday? I have one that day as well!

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59 minutes ago, FutureSLP19 said:

I had two interviews and there weren't any major curveball questions in either. My 1st was a recorded video and asked me to describe a situation where I faced an obstacle and how I overcame it, why I wanted to go to grad school at their program, and how I respond to feedback. My 2nd was a group interview and they asked us to tell them something memorable about ourselves, why they should choose us above other highly qualified applicants, to describe a time when we were in a difficult situation, and what role we would take in a group project. Just be yourself, be confident, and don't be afraid to humble brag about yourself. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

Edit: Oh, also it might help to have a few possible questions prepared to ask your interviewers because I noticed that was a factor in how they were rating us/taking notes on us. Also, it shows your interest in their program.

Thank you for the feedback! That is super helpful!! Did your interview schools let you know about acceptance soon after the interview or did you have to wait a while? 

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22 minutes ago, ljs1996 said:

Thank you for the feedback! That is super helpful!! Did your interview schools let you know about acceptance soon after the interview or did you have to wait a while? 

I haven't heard back from either, but one of the programs said they send out results the first week of March. But I know people who interviewed at other schools who found out soon after. 

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