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16 hours ago, woahkay said:

Hi all, 

I saw a doodle poll was sent out to someone on the results board for u Chicago. Has anyone else heard anything? Thanks! 

Trying to keep my hopes up until I see another one or two on the results board!

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17 hours ago, postmodern said:

Sorry to hear that, but don't give up hope (and good luck with your other programs)!


3 hours ago, HummusBaguette said:

Agree with @postmodern. It's not that you are not good enough or anything. Wish you (and everybody struggling right now!) good luck and don't lose hope!

Aww, thanks! I've read about other people applying to a bunch of schools and then their first response is a rejection, so it makes them afraid that maybe they'll get rejected by everyone. I definitely had that feeling for a good minute or two, but I know it'll be okay if I do happen to get shutout this year. I'll have learned a lot either way just from applying! :)

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17 minutes ago, sadevilminion said:

Another person posted an acceptance to UIUC ? my heart rate just spiked

I keep checking the UIUC application portal for any changes daily. My hope is that they are sending out decisions in small waves or according to specialities/areas of focus. 

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Hey, did anyone else see the note from the latest Illinois Urbana-Champaign rejection on the results board? The person said they reached out to the Director of Admissions, who told them all offers had gone out already.

I'm not sure if it's true, but, man, that's a bummer! Another one to cross off my list, I guess... 

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1 hour ago, taylorjunebug said:

Hey, did anyone else see the note from the latest Illinois Urbana-Champaign rejection on the results board? The person said they reached out to the Director of Admissions, who told them all offers had gone out already.

I'm not sure if it's true, but, man, that's a bummer! Another one to cross off my list, I guess... 

Ooo ouch, that stings ? UIUC is a big program, I thought more people would have reported being accepted or even waitlisted. Nonetheless, I’ll never get why programs wait to notify the rejects.

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7 hours ago, sadevilminion said:

Ooo ouch, that stings ? UIUC is a big program, I thought more people would have reported being accepted or even waitlisted. Nonetheless, I’ll never get why programs wait to notify the rejects.

Exactly! Why can't they send out rejections along with the acceptances? The only exceptions should be the waitlist perhaps, if at all! From what I have seen UIUC never sends out rejections until the second week of March--no idea why. Even if they have a waitlist I am sure not everyone other than the ones accepted is on the waitlist--that would be absurd! Implied rejections are far worse than actual rejections. Hope they send out more acceptances for those looking forward to the programme. 

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On 1/22/2022 at 12:03 AM, taylorjunebug said:

I'm 30 and only just finishing up my BA!


It's hard to not feel old(er), especially coming out of undergrad "late," but I do feel like age is beneficial in regards to knowing more about oneself and allowing for a healthier mix of humility and confidence. I hope application committees see it that way as well! 

Have you mentioned this in your SoP? That's a winning line! Humility, yes! And the dearth of it in academia makes it invaluable!

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9 hours ago, HummusBaguette said:

Hey, a tiny update: I received my rejection today from UC Berkeley (email to check the portal). So I assume that they just started sending out offers as well! Those who apllied at Berkeley: Good luck!!

Bummer to hear that! How many programs did you apply to?

Also, did anyone else apply to Maryland and get that random email thanking you for applying to the college (w/ a list of diversity and campus resources)?

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4 hours ago, taylorjunebug said:

Bummer to hear that! How many programs did you apply to?

Also, did anyone else apply to Maryland and get that random email thanking you for applying to the college (w/ a list of diversity and campus resources)?

I did as well. There's a video in there where the diversity officer patiently explains that he does not know the status of any admissions decisions, though we can ask him, even though he—definitely—does not know. But feel free to ask! (???)

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20 hours ago, taylorjunebug said:

Also, did anyone else apply to Maryland and get that random email thanking you for applying to the college (w/ a list of diversity and campus resources)?

Same...  Although I think I kind of wrote Maryland off a few weeks ago when I saw interview notices being posted on the results board. Maybe not definitive, because you never know, but the program did slide way down my wholly imaginary probability scale.  Also I have more trouble navigating MD's app portal than any other portal, and that feels like a sign too, but only because everything feels like a sign these days.

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2 hours ago, postmodern said:

Same...  Although I think I kind of wrote Maryland off a few weeks ago when I saw interview notices being posted on the results board. Maybe not definitive, because you never know, but the program did slide way down my wholly imaginary probability scale.  Also I have more trouble navigating MD's app portal than any other portal, and that feels like a sign too, but only because everything feels like a sign these days.

Too true... I saw those interview invites a few weeks ago and wrote off Maryland as well. In a weird way, it's helped me to not obsess over that app since I've basically been assuming it's a rejection. 

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