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Getting off the Waitlist


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I think any funded offers are going to be much later coming this year due to the lack of Federal action on the budget, forcing the sequestor.  The NSF took quite a hit in funding as did NASA and the NIH.  So pretty much, the professors I've spoken with, are scrambling for funds for next year.  In my case, I've received one acceptance but without funding.  The other I'm sure has accepted the cream of the crop and yet would like to accept a few more so that they have enough help in their labs.  But most of the professors have told me that private funding sources are being hit hard this year and they are still waiting to hear.  


I'm not sure what I'll do for a year with a B.S. in biology in this town, but I'm also looking at some schools on the quarter system whose application deadlines are still open.

Edited by msocean
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Congratulations!! Way to give us all hope. Take the time you need to decide-- just remember that once you make your decision to let the other programs know! There are probably people on waitlists at your accepted schools.


Thanks! Yes, I know how hard it is to be on a wait list :( so I'll make sure to let the other programs know soon. Hopefully, that'll make someone's day in the same way it made mine  :D

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I thought that 15 March would be some kind of point where I would have some (any) news on the waitlist....seems now I was just hoping....I sent my deposit to the school that has given me funding since they really upped the pressure...im thinking that there wont be any news until april? any of you out there got any new info on your waitlist status?

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Guest hopefulfool

Nope nothing. I was hoping for some movement after the 15th, but I think, at least in my case, a lot of schools are having their visitation days this week and beginning of the next, so hopefully I will hear something next week. 

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I haven't heard anything so far either, and it's already passed mid-March.  The wait is killing me!  I'm not officially on any waitlists, and I heard one school is still reviewing applications...

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I hadn't recieved any word from two schools so I emailed the program reps inquiring about my status. They must have forwaded my email to the department chairs since within a day I recieved emails from the chairs of both programs. One told me that the school's website could only display an admitted or rejected status, but that I was officialy on the waitlist "for both admission and funding" and the other told me I was "currently on the list of alternates for admission."


I'm not certain, but I guess those are both basically the same thing just with different names. Can anyone confirm that?


I also haven't recieved any outright admission offers so I'm pretty much counting on one of the two programs accepting me, which is really streesing me out. Any ideas as to what my chances may be? How many people are on the waitlists? When I might hear? For a frame of refference, I'm applying to schools in a field of the humanities whose programs typically accept around five students a year.



Edited by tlopiano2
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Guest HEPhD13

I also have not heard. I convinced myself it would be this week since I was considering mid-march to be the 15th. However, I found out that my top school is holding their visitation day this week and they probably won't have decisions until after that day. Sooo, just more waiting.

Tlopiano2: I would also consider alternate and wait list the same thing--Just different wording.

In terms of your chances and spot on the lists, those are questions you would ask the grad coordinators. The programs are very small in my field as well (4-7 max) and waitlists are all over the place! One school has 6 on the list while another has 10 or even 4. Also, one school I was waitlisted at has a POI specific waitlist that isn't ranked. If someone doesn't accept admission and is supposed to be assigned my POI, that's when I would get off the list.

I would just send some quick emails to find out where you are at.

Good luck to all!

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I'm glad I found this thread.  I'm currently on 4 wait lists and waiting on whether or not I'm on a 5th one, which is absolutely killing me.  Last week I was told I was still being considered (some offers were still open) so I thought over a final appeal to make to the school and finally sent it over the weekend.  I haven't heard anything either way since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found out Friday that I'm on a waiting list of 15 at UT Dallas because of my qualifications and because I recently indicated an interest in admission to the program (I sent an email a few days earlier asking a grad program requirement-type question.) There is no deadline for acceptance for the folks who got offers, although they're asked to let them know as soon as they decide. I replied to the department head's email to let him know I will be waiting whenever there's an opening and that I'm glad there's still a chance for me. As far as I know, I may be walking across the stage to get my bachelor's in mid-May and still might not know. At least there's hope, though. If I don't get it, I will work as an assistant in my field (speech pathology) and reapply at the next opportunity.

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I was wait listed for RISD for their MFA program. I'm incredibly proud I even got to this point because they had about 200+ applications for my program and only interviewed about 15 and take 7. Fingers crossed. Otherwise just going to the school that accepted me

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I am really dreading the next two weeks....I cant seem to think about anything else....its consuming me so much that there isnt mush I can do....I just want this to be over so that I can get on with work....the school I am waiting on has not gotten back to me....I sent them an email over two weeks ago outlining the work I have been doing since the applications but no response.....this wait is insane!!!! I just wish people who have offers would accept soon!

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I'm down to one school in the running, ironically my first choice is my last hope. I know they were supposed to make decisions last Friday, and at least two other people who interviewed are on here (based on the results search). I'm trying to think positively but part of me is figuring (catastrophizing) that I'll be shunted to the wait list. I keep checking to see if anyone posts on the results search... I think I'm developing OCD over that.

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I received a call this morning informing me that I was accepted off of the waitlist. I was only given until Friday to accept or decline. It's a very tough decision, especially with so little time! 

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I don't know what is my situation but I assume that I am on the waitlist since when I called the admission office today, they said my application was on hold (I had an interview already) and they are awaiting peoples' responses. Also, they said they won't extend any more offers as they have limited funding.....so not rejected but no more additional offers, I assume that is a waitlist

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Wait listed to every school I interviewed at... On top of that I called my top choice yesterday and they told me I was last on the wait list with 2 spots still open. There goes that one... :(

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  • 4 months later...

I received a call this morning informing me that I was accepted off of the waitlist. I was only given until Friday to accept or decline. It's a very tough decision, especially with so little time! 

Congrats! Great news indeed! Hope everyone and I included receive the same news as well! ^^

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  • 1 year later...

I got waitlisted three days ago from my top choice school as well! Let makes this thread more alive and well! It gives me hope. Especially 2011 thread! 

Anxiousmess, does your waitlist says anything about your place in waitlist? Mine says I'm high on the waitlist, but my program accepts 2 students per year, and I have no idea what this "high" means. I've seen people posting on the result page that "top of waitlist" or "very high on waitlist". If mine says I'm "high on waitlist" does that mean I have at least 2 people ahead of me? Arg! It's killing me! 

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So I need to look through this thread more, but I was wondering if you all think it's too soon to email a department to inquire about my wait list status? I was notified February 2 that I was on a wait list, and I haven't heard anything since then. I know it's only late February, but how should I go about asking? Or what should I ask, if anything? Thanks for any advice!

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So I need to look through this thread more, but I was wondering if you all think it's too soon to email a department to inquire about my wait list status? I was notified February 2 that I was on a wait list, and I haven't heard anything since then. I know it's only late February, but how should I go about asking? Or what should I ask, if anything? Thanks for any advice!


I think it's still too early because they're probably still waiting for people to accept or decline their offers. Some people like to wait until all their schools notify them before making a decision. You should ask them something else to nudge them. Like, "Oh, should I submit any extra materials?" or "Is there financial aid available for people that get off the waitlist?" That way they know you're interested. You could ask them if their waitlist is ranked too. Some schools don't rank their waitlist.

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I was accepted off of the wait list yesterday! I think that if you are high on the wait list that you probably have a favorable chance of getting in. The university's first choice people are their first choice people for a reason, and they likely have several offers. Keep your head up and try not to go too crazy waiting! I know it's easier said than done! 

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