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Applying for Fall 2012


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As of at least this morning, Columbia PhD apps are at the department. (Well, at least it was noted on mine, along with all of the received components, thank God).

Hello DrinkAwayTheDays! (I feel like doing so right now...) I'm jealous you visited schools prior to applying. I did not. I still have not. Mostly because of $$, but also because I felt like my application at the time would be better than me in person (a bunch of prior failed job interviews had me not very confident at the time). Now I wish I made those connections earlier. (At least, I did correspond via email and phone.) Also, some of the programs I was applying to--according to their websites--seemed like they'd be bothered if you tried to visit before they invited you. Others were more encouraging!

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Mine has yet to be updated...

When I inquired last week, they told me that it should be updated in two weeks (so, by around the 20th) -- and they might be going app by app, not department by department.

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Ladidadida...*whistles while I wait*....'twould be nice if Cornell updated my app to be "complete" because it seems it is. Maybe it's a similar issue to Penn's app. Someone just has to check off a box somewhere.

I'm about to finish a video game I've been working on, so I have to delve quickly into a new book/game/piece before I go even more bonkers as February approaches.

Edited by snes
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Ladidadida...*whistles while I wait*....'twould be nice if Cornell updated my app to be "complete" because it seems it is. Maybe it's a similar issue to Penn's app. Someone just has to check off a box somewhere.

I'm about to finish a video game I've been working on, so I have to delve quickly into a new book/game/piece before I go even more bonkers as February approaches.

Same here re: Cornell (and Columbia, too, incidentally!)... Wot? Anyway, the wait is on! Shouldn't be much longer now, though, of course, the closer we get to when we think we'll hear decisions, somehow the wait seems to be even more difficult.

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If we are thinking of the same person - this is a prof. who has a particularly well known twitter account and following. All he basically said, was just light-heartedly reminding people something on the lines of "if submitting a data cd, make sure your files are actually on it!"

Edited by fall2012musiccomp
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now that the ball's slowly beginning to roll in the music world..........I'm eagerly looking for distractions from my email. I have three video games in my immediate queue and many, many books. For one, I've never read "To Kill a Mockingbird" and I'm being shamed by my mother for it. :P

And, I almost forgot! Getting my instrumental skills back up to performance levels.

Also, most of my work is computer-based, and internet-based, so I'm using the LeechBlock browser add-on to block my email. And possibly this site too. Treating myself like a baby who needs gates around the house is the only way!

I also need to file a FAFSA, I guess. It's taxin' time.

What are other people doing in the meantime? Is anyone not in school?

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snes and Karajan, have a wonderful trip to Philly (if you are indeed doing the interview in person)! I'll be making a weekend getaway to NYC for my interview at CUNY in a couple of weekends.

Judging from results surveys in past years - Chicago seems to make their offers early - sometimes even in January. I know there are some of us who have applied there - fingers crossed!

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congrats to fall2012musiccomp! i'm doing this the second time around, myself. last time, applied with no idea what i was doing and ended up doing a masters in comp. at mannes (finish in may). have interviews at ucla and the hartt school, a 'long distance' theory test for oregon, auditions at peabody and msm. guess i wiped out at cuny, which is disappointing. nice to meet you all!

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