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Rejected from HGSE :(

Woke up when my phone received a new email notification at 3 AM my time (about 14 hours ago). So crept out of bed, go tot my computer, and checked my status. Not a great start to a weekend.

Oh well. I didn't expect any different anyway. Also, thanfully, it wasn't my first choice :)

Congratulations to everyone on their Stanford, Harvard, and UCLA admits!

And good luck to everyone else. Everything that happens happens for a reason :)

firebird24, this sounds like an awful day! Getting a rejection from your first choice school is a big loss. When I received a rejection from one of my tops someone told me the phrase "this, or something better." Here's hoping that better is out there.

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Sorry to hear that. Chin up.

"Everything that happens happens for a reason." I am such a believer in this. I hope everything works out for you.

We're rooting for you! It's still not over yet.

firebird24, this sounds like an awful day! Getting a rejection from your first choice school is a big loss. When I received a rejection from one of my tops someone told me the phrase "this, or something better." Here's hoping that better is out there.

Firebird, I'm sure your remaining choices will work out! I hope you find something else to brighten your spirits this weekend.

You guys don't know how much this means to me. It's been wonderful having you guys around all this while, and especially now. I'm really feeling much better already, and my plan B is looking pretty good actually. You guys are the best!

Litjust, I spent the morning with my brother's kids. Nieces are the best stress-busters :)

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Not to open a debate on PhD vs EdD but given my recent acceptance to the Vanderbilt EdD I'm wondering about the value of the program. I'm interested in careers in administration (specifically VP of Student Affairs) and I know PhD is the stronger degree but wonder if the Vandy EdD will be all I need...

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Ah Pandora's box has been opened! :D

Personally I don't think there's a "stronger" or "better" degree when it comes to the EdD and PhD in Education. I had asked a number of professors from different programs regarding this when I was trying to figure out which one I should apply for, considering most schools only allowed me to apply to one and only one.

They stated that the difference is not in rigor or superiority, but rather what you want to do with a degree in Education. EdD is more practice-based, and holders of this degree tend to be superintendents or administrators. PhD is geared more towards academia and researching theories that the EdD people will one day be utilizing. PhD holders tend to be professors or other academic positions. One POI told me to look at it like Economics vs. Marketing. :)

USC breaks it down on their website too if you're interested:

EdD or PhD? http://rossier.usc.e...phd-vs-edd.html

After Graduation with EdD:http://rossier.usc.edu/academic/edd/after-graduation.html

After Graduation with PhD: http://rossier.usc.edu/academic/phd/after-graduation.html

Edited by hitomimay
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We have such an incredibly talented, motivated group of people on this forum. I know each and every one of us will succeed in whichever path we choose :)

It makes me all happy inside to know that I have such a wonderful group of future colleagues. :D :D :D :D

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Not to open a debate on PhD vs EdD but given my recent acceptance to the Vanderbilt EdD I'm wondering about the value of the program. I'm interested in careers in administration (specifically VP of Student Affairs) and I know PhD is the stronger degree but wonder if the Vandy EdD will be all I need...

Some things that I would ask when you visit the program is how the EdD students are being treated compared to the PhD students. Are they given the same opportunities and do they have access to the same resources? Are faculty available for mentoring? What are the opportunities for professional development? Usually EdD programs (with some exceptions) assume that you are going part-time and don't offer much for financial assistance. If this is the case with Vandy's program, can you afford to take on the debt for the degree?

You are definitely right that some people don't consider an EdD program to be very rigorous. I would look at the institutions that you were hoping to be a VP of Student Affairs to see what degree that these people possess. If it is mostly PhDs, you might be better off going the PhD route. If there is a mix of degrees, EdD might be fine.

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For anybody who has applied to International Ed programs, NYU apparently already made their decisions. I found out because I had to email them and they responded (and took a week to do it) in the negative. Just an update...

The PhD or the Masters programme?

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Oh man! So, I went to UCI's recruitment weekend and was pretty sure I was heading there this fall... until I got am email from my prospective advisor at UCSB letting me know about a very large pending grant to study basically exactly what I want to research! I'm glad I haven't accepted anywhere yet, and now I'll have to wait and see.

The complications of this process never seem to end. But at least it's a good problem!

Continued good luck to all!!!

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For anybody who has applied to International Ed programs, NYU apparently already made their decisions. I found out because I had to email them and they responded (and took a week to do it) in the negative. Just an update...

Same question here.. PhD or Masters? Where did you send your email? I also applied and it's been about three months. I've never heard back from them! This waiting is getting on my nerves...

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Hahaha, thanks wannabeaphd. It's just made Stanford's original rejection sting a little more lol. I feel like they're saying: you're not good enough for our PhD, but we'll take you if you've got some moolah to dish out? ><''

USC is the only PhD program that accepted me, so my path is clear. Can't do what I want to do without a PhD, no matter where it's from. Plus the idea of USC is growing on me more and more, so excited!!! :D

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I think applicantseeksPhD is talking about PhD...

Also says that he/she applied to all international Ed. PhD....

Thanks, bigred65. It's such a torture of me waiting for almost three months, ugh..

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