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Art History PhD Hopefuls: Any News?


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Hi all, I'm the one who posted the Yale admit!! I'd rather not share too many details on the public forum (you are welcome to PM me), but I will say that I did not interview.

I hope others receive positive news very soon, and to artofdescribing and Hugh10, many thanks for your words of congratulations!

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Hi all, I could use some advice. Y'all know me in here and you can easily figure it out but to make me feel better I'll say Schools A and 1 (so as to not imply preference). I applied to MA/PhD programs at both School A and School 1, and every intent was for the schools to be equal. They are both Top-20 schools in art history; if anything, School 1 "ranks" lower.

School A accepted me to the PhD program itself on February 3rd - the earliest I've ever seen - and nominated me for a fellowship, which I believe makes it clear that they think I am an outstanding candidate. School A is also one that fully funds its students so even if I don't get a fellowship I'd have a TA or RA.

My POI from School 1 just e-mailed me stating that "before your application could be favorably considered" I should contact at least two and ideally FOUR other professors in the department (!).

What should I do? I don't have the time or, frankly, the energy to call up or visit two let alone four professors and beg for acceptance. Even if I can convince them, I can't help but feel that I'd be "POI's student" in the department, were I to attend. There's also a slim chance, I think, of School 1 accepting me to the PhD program like School A did, and having less coursework is very attractive to me.

Should I struggle to keep my options open or just nip this in the bud? Obviously, bridge-burning and snark would be academic suicide, not to mention mean and stupid. I'm seriously considering writing a polite reply along the lines of, "Thank you for your concern but I have already been offered a PhD acceptance."

Thank you very much for your help.

I will tell you exactly what to do.

You respond to this POI by saying, "Thank you so much for the information. I appreciate your time. At this time I already have a generous offer from another university. While I remain interested in your program, it probably doesn't make sense for me to bother your colleagues with phone calls or emails. Yours truly, etc."

Something to that effect. You need to let them know that others want you. That will make them want you more. But it sounds as if you're going to School A anyhow, so who cares?

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Hi all, I could use some advice...

Thank you very much complexprocedure and losemygrip. I took the weekend to think about it, although my thoughts quickly went from "What do I do?" to "How do I politely reply 'thanks but no thanks'?" I wrote the e-mail last night and the POI responded quickly with kind words and congratulations. Whew! It's hard to believe that my wait is over by mid-February, but I'm very thankful.

Best of luck for a speedy and favorable outcome for all!

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In light of getting into an MA program, I really want to email a few of the PhD programs to ask what my status is, but I know I should wait until the second week of March before doing so... :( It'd be so nice to know where I'm getting in so we can start planning a cross country move.

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@ cokohlik thanks :unsure: i kind of figured the PhDs I applied to were long shots. People have already gotten in to a few I applied to and I haven't heard anything. I'm holding out for my MA programs though! Gotta be positive right? ha.... Congrats on your MA admit though! Care to divulge which one? haha.

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@ cokohlik thanks :unsure: i kind of figured the PhDs I applied to were long shots. People have already gotten in to a few I applied to and I haven't heard anything. I'm holding out for my MA programs though! Gotta be positive right? ha.... Congrats on your MA admit though! Care to divulge which one? haha.

Thank you! My MA program is UCR but I'm also waiting on Williams (which reminds me I have to do the FAFSA, ugh). Have faith, you still have PhD programs to hear from and you never know :)

I'm personally waiting to hear back from 10 PhD programs and I find it hard to believe they will all reject me. How many are you waiting on? I'm sure you'll get in somewhere great! :D

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Oh, poo, I've got a ticket for the Duke train to Rejectsville myself. Although I'm glad to finally hear something, it doesn't make me any happier about the decision. They were at the top of my list, but standing on my tippy toes didn't seem to help. Hoping for better news in the days ahead.

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I'm on the Duke reject bandwagon. Not a fan of their letter. Bleh.

Was it one of those impersonal one-liners? Rejection letters are the worse, but cold rejections are even more depressing.

Glad to see though so many acceptances on the board! Congrats to everyone so far! I finally received my first acceptance last week. I thought I'd be totally relieved but now I'm even more anxious (who knew that was possible) to hear back from all the other schools so that I can finally sit down and weigh my options then figure out where I'll be in the fall.

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I'm curious as to whether anyone else on the board has heard from Rochester. I see acceptances, rejections, and wait lists on the results survey, but I've not heard a peep. I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is because of that, but I'd like to hear the answer I don't want in a more official manner if they've already been sending off their rejections....

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I just received an email from a school accepting me to a program that includes 4 years of aid, including TAing. The problem is that I applied to the Master's program. Not sure what to do. The email had my name and address, so I feel like it was meant for me, but I didn't apply for a PhD!

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Contiguous, if the deal is a good one, perhaps you don't necessarily have to be sure you want a PhD to start the program, assuming there is an option to leave with an MA after 2 (or whatever) years? Programs know there is risk involved in any admit. I wouldn't outright lie if you know you don't want a PhD, but if you are not totally sure, you might just try it out.

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