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gradcafe- how much is too much?


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So, my sister just called me to tell me that she was worried about how stressed out I was. She thought that I was too obsessed with checking gradcafe, email, and decision websites and that I was "just finding ways to stress myself out after the madness of submitting apps." She also said something along the lines of, "I know I'm not applying to grad school, but I know that what you are doing is not healthy." Am I the only one like this? Are there people out there who have really learned to be zen during this whole process? I need to know guys, how much is too much?

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I think it depends on the person. Of course, the application process is very stressful. It is very important to find ways to cope with your stress. If you find it comforting to read the posts (and post yourself) here at grad cafe, then I think it is helpful. I have found that certain types of posts stress me out but that I enjoy other types of threads here. I think the results page is helpful and its nice to have a community. That being said, constantly checking everything can compound your stress! Maybe take a break, get some fresh air, or perhaps limit the # of times per day you check? Other people may have better advice, mine is pretty wishy washy.

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After several anxiety attacks I reached towards the conclusion that I should avoid grad cafe for the sake my poor heart.

It can be painful, especially if you find out that your schools are sending out acceptances while you do not even get rejection letters.

Edited by dec4rhapsody
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I think that's a question each person has to answer for themselves. I don't consider the time I spend on TGC every day to be too much, regardless of whether or not it may be slightly psychologically debilitating for me. However, another person may find the amount of time I spend on these fora to be exceptionally much in the extreme. It's up to you if you want to limit the number of times you check the fora per day. I don't, but that's because if I didn't, I'd simply spend that time worrying about what might be going on on the results survey. Sure, maybe that could have been prevented by never checking the survey to begin with -- or if we want to regress a couple years, by never developing an internet addiction in the first place -- but it's a bit late for that by this point, so we have to live with what we've got, and make decisions based on that.

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The results page - my homepage.

That is all.

I am not alone! :)

The way I see it, I'd either be driving my non-academic friends crazy in Facebook, or having halfway constructive conversation on here. If I don't give up any personal face-to-face interaction, I think it's okay.

Agreed. We go back and forth and I'm like, "Well, you just don't get it" and then she's like, "No, I get it..." and I'm thinking "No, you really don't. And according to gradcafe..."

I'd like to give myself a timeout but seeing everyone else in a frenzy makes me feel....normal. Thanks guys.

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I think it's a bit presumptuous for anyone to interject themselves into this process, which is completely in each of our own hands. We put in the work. We paid the money. We polished every application material and ensured everything was in order. We are, justifiably so, wondering where our future is headed for the next 2-8 years.

Spending some idle internet time on a forum populated entirely by intelligent graduate school hopefuls, monitoring results and commiserating about the stresses of this ordeal seems like a non-issue. But maybe that's a warped perspective!

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I think it's a bit presumptuous for anyone to interject themselves into this process, which is completely in each of our own hands.

I agree. Apart from the adcoms, I suppose. That's what gets me most; that despite all our work it comes down to what sort of candidate the adcoms are looking for. Numbers are important but it sure isn't a numbers game.

It brings me back to competitive marching band in high school. Technical execution was most important in scoring, but that was closely followed by whether or not the judges actually liked your show. I guess most judged things are like that.

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I suppose I am probably too preoccupied with this, and my boyfriend teases me for spending too much time on this and similar websites, as well as lending way too much credence to what I read here. I am so troubled by this whole thing that I have started to do homework days ahead of time and am going to the gym regularly for the first time in my life because it gives me something to do other than sit at my computer periodically checking my email and status sites.

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For me, honestly, this is actually a way to keep from freaking out about the *other* numerous stressors in my life. When I started the application process 6 months ago, I was sure I'd be emotionally drained at this time of year - about applications. Turns out, my family problems, work problems, and relationship problems are weighing down much more heavily at the moment. Thus is the irony of life. If I don't get in anywhere, I will likely fall apart. Until then, the thought of graduate school is the only glimmer of hope I have at the moment. Maybe those of you seeking psychology masters can use me as your research subject. I'm completely serious.

I may post this as another topic. I really am serious.

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*iPhone vibrates*

Me: OMG..email from who?

*random email from mailing lists*

Me: I should unsuscribe myself from these idiots.


I check school admission websites multiple times a day. I'm on gradcafe results search page every other hour.

Definitely too much, but can't help myself :'(

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