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does anyone elses's Wolverine Access page say "application not complete"?  the actual app was complete, and I had called the dept to see why the Wolverine site wasn't updated.  They said everything was received, so not to worry.  Of course now I am worrying!

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does anyone elses's Wolverine Access page say "application not complete"?  the actual app was complete, and I had called the dept to see why the Wolverine site wasn't updated.  They said everything was received, so not to worry.  Of course now I am worrying!


Mine says that too; although I think it's because back in November I started filling out an application and my browser crashed, so I had to restart. So it thinks I have two applications, one of which is incomplete, obviously. 

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does anyone elses's Wolverine Access page say "application not complete"?  the actual app was complete, and I had called the dept to see why the Wolverine site wasn't updated.  They said everything was received, so not to worry.  Of course now I am worrying!

My Wolverine access page says "application not complete" and I haven't recieved any information regarding my decision.

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Has anyone else (who registered earlier than this morning, immediately after we raised suspicions about trolling) received an email? I apologize for being skeptical, but I'm still surprised by how few people have claimed admissions or denials given that Michigan normally distributes notifications simultaneously.

If I'm wrong, I sincerely apologize in advance but hopefully you can understand. We're all just looking for as much information as possible.

Edited by Longtime Lurker
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sorry but you're wrong I registered this morning because I saw people thought it was trolling and wanted to reassure people it was real.... the email was from Mika LaVaque-Manty,  Director of Graduate Admissions


Seriously, I was just trying to be helpful which is why I registered when I saw this thread. 

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Has anyone else (who didn't register this morning, immediately after we raised suspicions about trolling) received an email? I apologize for being skeptical, but I'm still surprised by how few people have claimed admissions or denials given that Michigan normally distributes notifications simultaneously. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance but hopefully you can understand. We're all just looking for as much information as possible.

 definitely a valid question.. esp considering how many people on here regularly have applied to UMich.... and since there has seemed to be a bunch of trolling this cycle.

Edited by PhDhopeful2013
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sorry but you're wrong I registered this morning because I saw people thought it was trolling and wanted to reassure people it was real.... the email was from Mika LaVaque-Manty,  Director of Graduate Admissions


Seriously, I was just trying to be helpful which is why I registered when I saw this thread. 


Thanks dude, we appreciate you, we're all just worried about our own decisions. :D

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Food for thought if you are slowly becoming a shuddering, weeping ball of human with a serious fear of rejection and an "email checking" complex.


Last year at about 1:00am on a lonely tuesday in late February, I was sitting in my room checking law school entrance requirements and trying not to allow the feeling of depression over being rejected at every top 10 program get to me. Needless to say... my efforts were in vain.


At around 1:15am I noticed an email in my inbox saying "Information about ___" (enter name of amazing school that I had lost all hope of being accepted to...). Unable to face another spam email or another rejection, I opted to ignore the email (after all, decisions by admissions committees are not released at 1:15am PST). Instead I went on amazon and, predicting a soul sucking career as a corporate lawyer, bought a 40$ LSAT prep book. I then went back to my email, opened the one from "dream school" and immediately started crying. Turns out my potential PI was emailing me during a break in her fieldwork in S.E. Asia, and that I had indeed been accepted.


There are two morals to this story. First, do not overreact to rejections. I applied to PhD programmes twice and though I was admitted to an MA (which I completed and quite enjoyed) in the first round, it was otherwise a total bust. The second time I applied I was rejected at every other top program (though accepted to some pretty great second-tier schools) but accepted at my absolute dream school. I seriously overreacted to all of those rejections -- case and point: the LSAT book that arrived at my house a week after I started picking out "dream school" branded sweatshirts. Second, what goes for others in the admissions process may not go for you. Someone you know (or at least see on these boards) may get accepted to every program they apply to. They may go on visits to CHYMPS, they may be courted, they may even get better funding offers. You may not. This is not the end of the world! Trust me, you only need to get accepted to 1 good program - and "good" is loosely defined!


The bottom line... well, Douglas Adams said it best: DON'T PANIC!

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sorry but you're wrong I registered this morning because I saw people thought it was trolling and wanted to reassure people it was real.... the email was from Mika LaVaque-Manty,  Director of Graduate Admissions


Seriously, I was just trying to be helpful which is why I registered when I saw this thread. 

If it helps, Mika definitely is the director of graduate admissions this year, and I'd heard offers would be going out around now.

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I agree with this, but I take issue with those who apply only to top 10 schools.  Probabilities say it isn't likely you'll get into one.  It's good to spread out and take a look everywhere, leave your mind open. 

While I did apply to a couple (2) non-Top 10 schools, I am not sure I would have attended a lower ranked program. All of my advisors told me NOT to go to a non-Top 10 school because job prospects are abysmal. That's true of top ranked schools as well as lower ranked ones. The probability that you'll be an adjunct after the process is high, but it's slightly lower for the highest ranks of political science programs. It's not necessarily fair, but only applying to the tops schools does have a logic to it.[And that logic isn't just elitism.]

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I know its all a bit nerve-wracking, but let's not go overboard with concerns about trolling. I don't think there is noticeably more or less trolling than last year and it is fairly easy to pick out. Plus, bringing it up just encourages people to do it more.


On an unrelated note (at least I think it's unrelated), has anyone else heard anything from UT-Austin? I think I've clicked on every tab on their status check site trying to find a rejection letter and have come up empty. 

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Food for thought if you are slowly becoming a shuddering, weeping ball of human with a serious fear of rejection and an "email checking" complex.

"Slowly" becoming? I've been on the express train to incapacitating neuroses since January 26!   


On a more serious note, thank you -- and previous posters-- for the words of encouragement and fortitude. Even if my internal monologe has started to closely resemble Cinderella's hope for a Prince [ie: acceptance] to sweep me away to a better life of, well, academic drudgery and hard work, it is helpful to remember that this is a temporary mental purgatory.


Now, back to hitting refresh on my email to see whether schools send Virgil or Beatrice. 

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