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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Not sure if this is relevant for all countries, but my school's Fulbright committee was informed that Norway will be notified no later than April 30th. I hope they are right, but I am still frantically checking my email every few minutes just in case we hear earlier.

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Has anybody thought about what they're going to do about their cell phone service while abroad? I hope to go to Switzerland, and I'm just wondering whether I would be able to use my cell phone there or not, or whether it's worth having that expense.



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Found out just now that I am an alternate for full research grant to the South Pacific Island Nations.

I have no idea how to feel.

Edit: ill get all info updated in the spreadsheet later when I can get to my computer

I'm sorry :-/

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Has anybody thought about what they're going to do about their cell phone service while abroad? I hope to go to Switzerland, and I'm just wondering whether I would be able to use my cell phone there or not, or whether it's worth having that expense.



Hey, I have been looking into it. I am not familiar with Switzerland, but I know in Germany, You can buy prepaid sim cards from a lot of different places; I am probably going to go for Aldi's plan. you can by prepaid sim cards with calling, texting, and data.


You need to figure out what band Switzerland's cell phone systems run on. Actually, I think most of Europe runs on the same band, which is GSM 900 / GSM 1800 MHz . America runs on GSM 850 / GSM 1900 MHz. You can check the specs of your phone to see what bands it can run on. For example, I know the Iphone 5 from Verizon is one of the only ones that runs on GSM 850, 900, 1800, and 1900 , so it is one of the best to use while abroad, from what I have heard.  From what I can tell, ATT's Iphones only can use the typica 850 1900 band that America uses. Again, you would have to check the specs of your phone.


I am a bit stuck, though, because I currently have a verizon Iphone 4, which only uses 850/ 1900. If I upgraded to the Iphone 5, I would lock myself into another two years of a contract, while right now, my contract is up and is month to month. I am planning on canceling my plan when I leave. Otherwise, I would have to pay full price for a 5, which is in the neighborhood of $600. I could buy one used, which would help bring down the cost. Apple is very likely going to produce a 5s this summer or fall, which should make the prices of the 5 drop even more. FYI, Verizon's Iphone 5 is also UNLOCKED (open to all carriers), and it sounds like Verizon is going to leave it that way. I don't know whether other cell companie's smartphones are unlocked.


I have bought into the Apple paradigm, so I will probably stick with it. I have already spent too much money on apps to switch to Android. I suppose I could for a year though. I believe the Nexus 4 also opperates the 850, 900, 1800, 1900 bands though. Again, you would have to search the specks of your particular phone to be sure. You'd also want to make sure that your phone is unlocked (usable on on cell phone carriers). Don't forget that it is now illegal in the US to unlock your phone if it is not already unlocked. Sucks.


Ugh. All this is also assuming you are goign to want a smart phone. Optimally, I would want one, I think it would be super helpful as I intend on traveling quite a bit. If you don't need a smart phone, you would probably be fine buying a cheap track phone or something.  I don't think NOT having any kind of cell service is really an option for me, though. I'm still trying to decide whether I really need a smart phone. First world problems. .. I tend to be on the disorganized side though, so my smart phone really keeps me on track.

Edited by there'sanappforthat
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Has anybody thought about what they're going to do about their cell phone service while abroad? I hope to go to Switzerland, and I'm just wondering whether I would be able to use my cell phone there or not, or whether it's worth having that expense.



You have to make sure you have an international phone first, the cellular frequencies are different in Europe than they are here and not all of our phones are made to work with them, then in my experience I've just suspended my service here and gotten a pay as you go phone there...one where you just reload the minutes as you use them, they're everywhere there and super affordable!  Also, the one I got in Australia was great because every reload I got included a certain amount of time of international calling so I had to call home every time I reloaded my phone just to burn up those minutes. 


Also, you can set up a google voice account with your US cell # so even when your service is suspended, all that happens is it goes straight to voicemail, so if you link it to a google voice account, you get those voicemails emailed to you so you can still get messages people leave you back home! 

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You have to make sure you have an international phone first, the cellular frequencies are different in Europe than they are here and not all of our phones are made to work with them, then in my experience I've just suspended my service here and gotten a pay as you go phone there...one where you just reload the minutes as you use them, they're everywhere there and super affordable!  Also, the one I got in Australia was great because every reload I got included a certain amount of time of international calling so I had to call home every time I reloaded my phone just to burn up those minutes. 


Also, you can set up a google voice account with your US cell # so even when your service is suspended, all that happens is it goes straight to voicemail, so if you link it to a google voice account, you get those voicemails emailed to you so you can still get messages people leave you back home! 

ooh - thanks for pointing out Google voice. That is definitely a good idea.

Not that too many people leave me messages anyway.

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I know how you feel! There is still hope!


Found out just now that I am an alternate for full research grant to the South Pacific Island Nations.

I have no idea how to feel.

Edit: ill get all info updated in the spreadsheet later when I can get to my computer

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Not sure if this is relevant for all countries, but my school's Fulbright committee was informed that Norway will be notified no later than April 30th. I hope they are right, but I am still frantically checking my email every few minutes just in case we hear earlier.
Yayyy!! Your school has a fulbright committee to itself?
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Found out just now that I am an alternate for full research grant to the South Pacific Island Nations. I have no idea how to feel. Edit: ill get all info updated in the spreadsheet later when I can get to my computer
That's a bummer. Hopefully you get bumped up in the next few weeks!
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We sent in our apps six months ago. My country had seven applicants apply for two spots. Does it really take that long to make a decision?!

I guess? Maybe the applications are just so good this year. But, my guess is, it's all about budgets.

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I started working on my application around May of last year.. someone was saying how we have been waiting for 6 months, but really it's probably been closer to a year for some of you guys ><
Haha not me! I only found out about fulbright 3 weeks before it was due! Luckily the prof I contacted in Norway was amazing and helped me develop the project and write his letter of affiliation in about a week. I think he was going to hire a postdoc to do the project I proposed anyway so he was all over it. Free labor for him :)
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I started working on my application around May of last year.. someone was saying how we have been waiting for 6 months, but really it's probably been closer to a year for some of you guys ><

I started mine late. Mostly because I was in the middle of the campaign. But, it seems like so long ago. I had great mentors who wrote letters for me (I would love to see those). The University of Tartu staff were so nice, and responsive, and that was before we met in person! I got to hang out with them for an afternoon and talk to them, it was great. *sigh


Anyway, hopefully news will arrive soon.

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Has anybody thought about what they're going to do about their cell phone service while abroad? I hope to go to Switzerland, and I'm just wondering whether I would be able to use my cell phone there or not, or whether it's worth having that expense.   Thoughts?
I just got an iPhone 5 so all I'd have to do is switch out the SIM. I think you can look up online whether your phone is "international" or not. Last year when I was in Sweden I just bought a super cheap phone and a pay as you go plan. I did most of my social planning, etc on Facebook anyway.
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I just got an iPhone 5 so all I'd have to do is switch out the SIM. I think you can look up online whether your phone is "international" or not. Last year when I was in Sweden I just bought a super cheap phone and a pay as you go plan. I did most of my social planning, etc on Facebook anyway.

How cheap is super cheap?

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Hey, I know that's not what you wanted to hear. I'm really sorry. Hang in there, you never know, you might get bumped up! And if not, try again next year!!



I'm sorry :-/



I know how you feel! There is still hope!



That's a bummer. Hopefully you get bumped up in the next few weeks!


Thanks for the support guys - it's definitely a huge bummer. I have a hard time comprehending how someone would turn down the grant if they got it, but I'll keep a little bit of (realistic) hope alive I suppose. The person I connected with who got this grant 2 years back was named an alternate and then bumped up in the beginning of June.


Good luck to all those who are waiting to hear, and all the other alternates.

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hey, any south pacific island nations finalists out there waiting to hear? i know there are very few of us, but i'm hoping to get any info i can about when we might find out. there is very little to no info about past years. 


Hey gregw-- have you heard anything? If you have, I hope it was good!

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I have a hard time comprehending how someone would turn down the grant if they got it, but I'll keep a little bit of (realistic) hope alive I suppose. The person I connected with who got this grant 2 years back was named an alternate and then bumped up in the beginning of June.

Last year, for a smaller country, I know that two people turned down a spot due to professional and personal reasons. So someone ended up with the grant that was 2nd on the alternate list. They didn't find out until September, but hey, they got it.

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Last year, for a smaller country, I know that two people turned down a spot due to professional and personal reasons. So someone ended up with the grant that was 2nd on the alternate list. They didn't find out until September, but hey, they got it.


That's nice to hear, thanks for that info! This ones for all you alternates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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