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Fall 2014 applicants??

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Awh thank you Kamisha! I really couldn't be happier. It feels so excellent for something to finally be concrete.


Nyctophile: That gif has completely and totally stolen my heart. I love it.

Heh. I loves me some Dumbledore. :D

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I'm in love with everything you just said. Especially that last line.. It's all gold.


What is your job, just out of curiosity? I have always been fascinated with graphic design, but I'm horribly ungifted in the creative arts department. 


I'm the VP of Marketing at a small green energy financing company (random I know). Basically I'm doing tons of web design, brochures, etc. It isn't the most thrilling job in the world, but I figure if you have to work for a finance company, at least this one is helping to better the world a little. Funny enough I never had any graphic design training, it is just something I fell into doing when I started working at a PR firm in San Francisco after undergrad. My girlfriend went to art school for Animation and works for a company converting movies to 3D for theaters (she worked on Thor 2 and Star Trek and stuff) so she is a better illustrator than I am and super helpful whenever I get stuck on a project.


I'm always interested in seeing what people do with their undergraduate degrees as well, since life takes us all in strange directions sometimes. A MILLION congrats on your Nova acceptance btw. So so excited for you :) how are you going to fill your time between now and the Fall without dying of excitement?

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I know I'm good enough, I just have to do a better job of showing schools that. If I'm completely honest, I know I need to hone my skills a little and an MA program (even if I have to take on a little debt) is probably the best place to do that. 


I won't give up. I promise. I have a note I wrote my father when I was 7 that told him I wanted to be a professor just like him (he teaches at UCSD) and I refuse to let 7-year old me down. Thank you for helping me refocus - I'm going to take this rejection as a reason to work even harder. Time to prove them all wrong.  


Thisthisthisthis! Best of luck!!!

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I'm the VP of Marketing at a small green energy financing company (random I know). Basically I'm doing tons of web design, brochures, etc. It isn't the most thrilling job in the world, but I figure if you have to work for a finance company, at least this one is helping to better the world a little. Funny enough I never had any graphic design training, it is just something I fell into doing when I started working at a PR firm in San Francisco after undergrad. My girlfriend went to art school for Animation and works for a company converting movies to 3D for theaters (she worked on Thor 2 and Star Trek and stuff) so she is a better illustrator than I am and super helpful whenever I get stuck on a project.


I'm always interested in seeing what people do with their undergraduate degrees as well, since life takes us all in strange directions sometimes. A MILLION congrats on your Nova acceptance btw. So so excited for you :) how are you going to fill your time between now and the Fall without dying of excitement?


Thankfully I'll be plenty busy between now and Fall! I don't graduate until August, so it'll be straight from graduation to moving across the country. I am beyond stoked and just so grateful something has finally worked out in its entirety. Such a huge relief. Thank you, sincerely, for your support! It makes my heart happy :)


That is the coolest thing I have heard in a long time. I imagine converting movies to 3D is stressful, but awesome nonetheless. I took a marketing class last semester as part of my business minor, and kind of loved it. I definitely would've gone that route if this one wasn't emblazoned in my bloodstreams at birth. Ah, well. Sounds like you have a pretty kickass job, and like you are one super badass half of a power couple  :-P

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Absolutely willing to offer my talents here. My job is 90% graphic design and I can't think of two GCers more deserving of a sweet academic superhero comic. Fighting for truth, justice and amazing writing samples.












......can you tell i'm avoiding my thesis??

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Absolutely willing to offer my talents here. My job is 90% graphic design and I can't think of two GCers more deserving of a sweet academic superhero comic. Fighting for truth, justice and amazing writing samples.


Why must I be out of the up votes?! Gah! 

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Thankfully I'll be plenty busy between now and Fall! I don't graduate until August, so it'll be straight from graduation to moving across the country. I am beyond stoked and just so grateful something has finally worked out in its entirety. Such a huge relief. Thank you, sincerely, for your support! It makes my heart happy :)


That is the coolest thing I have heard in a long time. I imagine converting movies to 3D is stressful, but awesome nonetheless. I took a marketing class last semester as part of my business minor, and kind of loved it. I definitely would've gone that route if this one wasn't emblazoned in my bloodstreams at birth. Ah, well. Sounds like you have a pretty kickass job, and like you are one super badass half of a power couple  :-P


Wait until I tell my girlfriend the internet thinks we're a "power couple". That's just the best compliment I think I've ever gotten. Thanks for boosting my ego ;)  

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Wait until I tell my girlfriend the internet thinks we're a "power couple". That's just the best compliment I think I've ever gotten. Thanks for boosting my ego ;)


You are so, so welcome :)

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I hesitated to respond but I know that crappy feeling and I just in general have a difficult time keeping my mouth shut, so here goes!


From my stats this season I have no reason to complain, 3 accepts/2 waitlists and from great schools. However, when I got my Stanford rejection I was incredibly disheartened. It wasn't about wanting one more acceptance, it was about my dream school. I'm really lucky to have the options I do but it has been a long time coming. In high school I worked my butt off b/c I desperately wanted to attend college on the east coast. My over protective parents put an end to that idea and instead I worked my way through a no-name state school. During my last two years of undergrad I went through a hell of a lot of emotional/family crap leading to depression and almost getting kicked out of school for failing grades. I also met my ex-husband (which was its own kind of disaster). That turned into almost 10 years of putting my dreams on the back burner for someone who had no direction (and as it turns out, no morals). Once I saw that there was no saving us I went back to school to get my credential so I would have a means of supporting myself. By this point I had almost completely given up on my dreams of a PhD. I thought no way could I be out of school for so long, with such a lackluster undergrad record and still get into a graduate program. Who would want me? What could I possibly have to offer?


I took some time to just review where I was and what I wanted, what I absolutely had to have. Then I came up with a plan to get there. I knew that I couldn't walk straight into a PhD program, my only chance was to get an MA first and to somehow effing rock it. This would be challenging b/c based on my past academic record, the only place I might get into was another no-name state school. I was so embarrassed, I was supposed to be this great brain and here I was 30, trying to finally do what I should have been doing in my 20s. After meeting with the grad advisor (who was not very optimistic) and figuring out a way that I could be admitted despite my low undergrad gpa I applied and got in. Here I am, three years later having met the cohort of my dreams (they really are like family) and some amazing professors who have my best interests at heart.


The point of all of this is to tell you that a setback is just that. It's a temporary pause. YOU decide how to respond. What do you want? What can you absolutely not live without? Look at how many times I messed up and got in my own damn way! The things that held me back weren't even outside things, they were my own stupid decisions. That Stanford rejection felt like death when I got it but after taking a step back I can see my way again. This is all my long-winded way of saying don't give up. Rejections are the freaking worst, let yourself feel that and don't feel guilty about it. Just know that 1. obstacles can turn into blessings, 2. if you want something you can make it happen. I believe in you.


Are you me? Our paths are so incredibly similar (well, except for the ex-husband). For my part, my rejection from Stanford MTL was no surprise. Even though I come from a non-ranking state school, my advisors have very, very strong connections to Stanford, yet I knew it was going to be a long-shot. I'm okay with it, though, because I know I'm in good company.


Anyway, thank you for sharing your story.

Edited by school_of_caliban
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Are you me? Our paths are so incredibly similar (well, except for the ex-husband). For my part, my rejection from Stanford MTL was no surprise. Even though I come from a non-ranking state school, my advisors have very, very strong connections to Stanford, yet I knew it was going to be a long-shot. I'm okay with it, though, because I know I'm in good company.


Anyway, thank you for sharing your story.

why must they take my upvotes??? thank you and most welcome. 

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For those waiting on UW, when did you apply? They seem to be rejecting people sporadically, though I haven't seen anyone post an acceptance. I'm just trying to find a method to the madness.


I have a funded PhD offer from another school, but I'd absolutely jump at an offer from UW (though I'm not expecting that to happen). 

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For those waiting on UW, when did you apply? They seem to be rejecting people sporadically, though I haven't seen anyone post an acceptance. I'm just trying to find a method to the madness.


I have a funded PhD offer from another school, but I'd absolutely jump at an offer from UW (though I'm not expecting that to happen). 


Pfffft, I don't remember the date, but I haven't heard anything... Lemme check real quick.



Edit: Apparently I submitted on Dec. 1.

Edited by despejado
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Pfffft, I don't remember the date, but I haven't heard anything... Lemme check real quick.



Edit: Apparently I submitted on Dec. 1.


I didn't submit mine until a few days before the deadline - I'm a horrible procrastinator.


I've seen some people suggest that they're slowly weeding applicants out, but who knows. My heart starts racing every time I see someone post another rejection. Then I log in to my application and the status is unchanged, and I don't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Of my pending applications, it's the only potential offer I'd take over the one I already have. 

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I didn't submit mine until a few days before the deadline - I'm a horrible procrastinator.


I've seen some people suggest that they're slowly weeding applicants out, but who knows. My heart starts racing every time I see someone post another rejection. Then I log in to my application and the status is unchanged, and I don't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Of my pending applications, it's the only potential offer I'd take over the one I already have.

Ditto- although I don't know if I'd take it for sure, but it's the only one that might be a contender against my current offer depending on stipend

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Ditto- although I don't know if I'd take it for sure, but it's the only one that might be a contender against my current offer depending on stipend


Yeah, true. I've been so focused on my chances of simply getting in that I haven't thought too much about the money. My current offer entails a modest stipend in a pretty cool town that's fairly inexpensive. Seattle certainly isn't cheap. 

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I thought of you when I took my name off of the waitlist at UMN, Bunny. They seemed really confident they would be able to accept me, so I'm hoping you just moved up to where I was. Being waitlisted at Minnesota certainly seems more promising than being waitlisted at some other schools, so don't give up hope!


Thanks, Algernon! I hope that I moved up into your position, though there's no way to know : ( ...I'll keep you posted! If something good happens, I owe my life to you! 

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For those waiting on UW, when did you apply? They seem to be rejecting people sporadically, though I haven't seen anyone post an acceptance. I'm just trying to find a method to the madness.


I have a funded PhD offer from another school, but I'd absolutely jump at an offer from UW (though I'm not expecting that to happen). 


I applied January 2nd and haven’t yet received a rejection.


I think it’s so odd that Washington broke their typical notification pattern this year. Maybe they’ve moved to rolling admissions? Maybe they are just doing 1st round, 2nd round, 3rd round, etc. until they get to a small pile of candidates to accept?


Washington stresses me out. I just want my rejection. Haha. 

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Haha I don't want to wallow!! I can't help it.


I second Kamisha. You are an extremely compassionate and caring person, and you should not wallow. You have prospects out there, and good ones! Chin up until it's over, and then keep it up after that, too.

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Haha I don't want to wallow!! I can't help it.


I give you eight seconds are pure happiness. I recommend watching over and over and over until you feel better.




Edit: Blasted video! Why won’t you embed?? 

Edited by Kamisha
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