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Fall 2014 applicants??

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I interviewed about two weeks ago and I'm still waiting. No word on acceptance, rejection, campus visit, waitlist, nothing. Just slightly infuriating.

:angry: Nice getting an interview, but yeah...that waiting is no fun! 

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Thank you for your kind words. Congrats on your UC San Diego acceptance! I’m sure many more are headed your way. 

You are most welcome and thank you. I'm so grateful I heard from them before I got my rejection from Berkeley. Congrats to the Berkeley admits you lucky ducks!

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Anyone get waitlisted to the Lit program at Duke? I know they've interviewed, invited people for a campus visit, and sent out some rejections over the past couple weeks, but I still have no update on my status. 


Might want to check the Duke Lit thread, but my understanding was that they pull most of the waitlisted from those that were interviewed, and maybe a few other slots.  So for example they might interview 10-12, accept 6 outright, and waitlist the other 4-6.  I believe last year somebody got in who didn't interview, but it was only one person. 


If Bennett sees this he can clarify.  

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Holy cow -


just accepted to the M.A. program at UMinnesota

tomorrow I have an interview for a technical writing position at a company


my life has literally spread into a perfect crossroads between academia and otherwise


is it insane to defer, make money for a year, and THEN attend an unfunded program?

CompRhet MA?  How did they notify you? My status just moved from submitted to awaiting program decision (after a month), so I wonder if I'll hear something one way or another soon.

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A few things: 


Congrats to the UChicago acceptance! That's an amazing school with incredible scholars and I'm jealous--I didn't even bother applying there, I'm not of that caliber, unfortunately. #selfaware 


To anyone with nerves that drive them up a wall: this website, from my experience, does not help. I have stayed off of it since my two rejections last week (sadface) and I have to say that my mood as well as my productivity greatly increased. When I say my productivity, I don't mean because I have lent the time I previously spent on this site to my work, but that I am no longer feeling cripplingly nervous for hours a day. I feel awesome. I pulled an 800 calorie workout this evening and wrote five pages of my thesis this morning. Boom. I totally get that this site is good for venting/mutually freaking out, and I love that. I think you all are incredibly intelligent, articulate, and capable scholars and there's nothing inherently wrong with all of us articulating our application woes/triumphs with one another...but from my brief hiatus, I will say that my mood has greatly improved and my fiancé can now actually stand talking to me on the phone (accomplishment in itself). 


Please don't read this as bashing GradCafe/GC users. I'm merely making a suggestion for those anxious types like me. Let's see if I can stick with my own advice. 


As always, good luck! 

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Hey guys:)

First time poster, just wanted to say (in case anyone else here applied there) that the UCR acceptance was me - the email didn't include any information about the admissions timeline or applicant pool or anything. Figured I'd let you folks know in case somebody is dying for news!

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Hey guys:)

First time poster, just wanted to say (in case anyone else here applied there) that the UCR acceptance was me - the email didn't include any information about the admissions timeline or applicant pool or anything. Figured I'd let you folks know in case somebody is dying for news!




You are wonderful. Can you say what time you received the email? 

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Anyone who applied to CU Boulder:


I logged in to MyCUBoulder today to check my status and noticed there is now information under the "Finances" tab. Is this true for all of you, too?


Mine also has information under the Finance tab, though I don’t know how long its been there. Is it the FinAid Billing and Scholarship stuff? 

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Mine also has information under the Finance tab, though I don’t know how long its been there. Is it the FinAid Billing and Scholarship stuff? 


Yes, it's the FinAid stuff. It wasn't there last week (I don't think). Maybe this means they're getting ready to send out decisions. 

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Yes, it's the FinAid stuff. It wasn't there last week (I don't think). Maybe this means they're getting ready to send out decisions. 


I hope it means they are accepting us. Haha. Despejado, did yours update, as well?

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I hope it means they are accepting us. Haha. Despejado, did yours update, as well?


Yes! There's  a bunch of financial info on that page now.. Sheesh. I hope they do notify soon but I don't know if I can handle that rejection. That's one of my better shots, I think, and I would hate to see it crossed off my list.

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Yes! There's  a bunch of financial info on that page now.. Sheesh. I hope they do notify soon but I don't know if I can handle that rejection. That's one of my better shots, I think, and I would hate to see it crossed off my list.


I feel the same way! Fingers crossed for all of us. 

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If I knew any good luck rituals, I'd be doing them right now. Maybe I'll build a shrine to academia and offer it freshly ground coffee every morning for the foreseeable future.


I’ve reached my quota of positive votes, otherwise I’d like this.


PS It looks like you and I think alike. We both applied to Duke, U Washington, U Oregon, and U Boulder. 


PS On the “Financial Aid” To-Do List, it shows whether all of your items have been received. Score. 

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If I knew any good luck rituals, I'd be doing them right now. Maybe I'll build a shrine to academia and offer it freshly ground coffee every morning for the foreseeable future.


We also seem to think alike! We have Washington, Boulder, Chicago, and Brown in common.

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You are wonderful. Can you say what time you received the email? 


Of course! The email came in around 8:30pm here on the East Coast -- about 2 hours ago. I received a Chancellor's Distinguished Fellowship award -- full tuition remission and a total of around $200k in stipends over 5 years. I've been yelling inarticulately ever since I opened it; the email came just after a rejection from Berkeley, so the timing was perfect.


Hope this helps someone!

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Of course! The email came in around 8:30pm here on the East Coast -- about 2 hours ago. I received a Chancellor's Distinguished Fellowship award -- full tuition remission and a total of around $200k in stipends over 5 years. I've been yelling inarticulately ever since I opened it; the email came just after a rejection from Berkeley, so the timing was perfect.


Hope this helps someone!


Wow, congrats on your success! That’s phenomenal. And thanks for the info! 

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I’ve reached my quota of positive votes, otherwise I’d like this.


PS It looks like you and I think alike. We both applied to Duke, U Washington, U Oregon, and U Boulder. 


PS On the “Financial Aid” To-Do List, it shows whether all of your items have been received. Score. 


Here's hoping we both get in to some of them! Love that they have that To-Do list. 

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And three of them should be reporting ANY DAY. Well, I mean, Chicago already is. Gah. The anxiety.


And adding UT to that, I'm either going to have a VERY rough week or (God forbid), I will actually be accepted somewhere. 

Crossing my fingers for both of us; actually, I'm considering gluing them that way since they're there 24/7 these days anyway. 

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And adding UT to that, I'm either going to have a VERY rough week or (God forbid), I will actually be accepted somewhere. 

Crossing my fingers for both of us; actually, I'm considering gluing them that way since they're there 24/7 these days anyway. 


You’re going to get in. Have faith! I predict that you have your pick of programs in the end. 

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