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Where do you work?


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I've been working as a research assistant in a genetics lab since I graduated from undergrad. And now I'm going to be a maid/waitress at an anime convention's maid cafe! I'm really excited but I don't know if you could really call it a "job" since it's just for one week. More like a gig I guess.

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so interesting to see everyone's jobs here!

I'm a full-time English teacher and a Master's student. I teach at a private language school, so most of my students are adults (with the occasional high schooler thrown in). It can be stressful sometimes, but I enjoy it.

Edited by Zouzax
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I'm surprised to learn that many people, like myself, work a few part- time jobs to make ends meet. I cannot find a full time job related to my professional qualification (I have a master's degree in anthropology). I think I would have a better chance in bigger, more expensive cities, but I'm reluctant to make the move. So here I am: a qualitative researcher at the department of health and a community worker in a charity (both are part-time).

Edited by Peanut
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I'm a resident veterinarian and for 25 days this february i'm posted at huge goverment-run poultry farm. I am pretty sure this is one of the weirdest jobs I am ever going to have.

On the plus side: BABY BIRDS FTW!

Eeee baby birds!

Sexing chicks is one of those weird jobs that I secretly want to do (but, apparently, it is very highly skilled). I don't even know if sexing ducklings is a thing, but they are the pinnacle of cute so I want to do that even more.

BTW surprisecake, a few weeks ago your username inspired me to surprise my roommates with a cake. It had sprinkles.

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I work as a glorified water boy in an architecture firm... Basically I do a little graphic design, help out here and there, and oh yeah, and GreenGuard product reviews! ... I analyze the aldehydes, ketones, and other analytes in products/building material like sheetmetal, tile, carpet squares, wallpaper, wood, rocks... zzzzzzzz....

(c'mon acceptances!! BEFORE I GO CRAZY!!!)

Please forgive me, I... I don't know what just came over me... :blink:

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I'm the grown-up version of a TA in my field. I work with the nicest people, and the benefits/pay aren't bad either. Basically, I'm in Mayberry.

Still, I would give a left appendage (and a bunch of foregone future income) to research what I'm passionate about.

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I am a cashier. I use 3% of my brain to tell customers they read a sign for pricing incorrectly. I scan crap. I take money that may be stashed in sullied areas of people's bodies. I tell them they've been declined, or to have a good day. I'm inadvertently wrecking my knees by standing in one place all day. I cannot smile to jokes I hear from each customer: "I just printed these today," "Gosh I wish I wur twenny yrz younger, how old iz u?"

I am tired of this.

I'd rather be a smexy librarian at the moment, or a smexy secretary for some geeky game company.


Now I'm taking my chances on graduate school and hope I can do something much more mentally active and ultimately rewarding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a Grad asst. for the Student and Family transitions dept., tutor, substitute teacher, and volunteer grad asst. for my department (yes, volunteer).

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I have a "real" job in the Marketing department of a textbook publisher.

This job is actually the main driving force behind wanting to go back to academia. It's not a bad job by any means - in fact, I have it pretty good! My salary is okay, especially for a recent college grad, my coworkers are great, the work is sometimes interesting, and I have great advancement potential.

But all this job means to me is paying the bills, and I refuse to live that way.

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work study, research assistantships and teaching assistantships combined with a job at my college town's only liquor store (full time in summer, part time during the school year)

it was always kind of funny teaching a class then seeing my students buying handles of vodka 2 hours later

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(About to be) A staff scientist (MS-level) at a mostly DARPA-funded research firm, working on morphogenetic and swarm robotics. They'll let me work there part-time while I do a PhD (once I get to that point), and fund me, which is exciting! Also I'm a part-time MS student in CS. Also I'm on a volunteer search & rescue/disaster relief team.

I have worked a couple of other research jobs before this, and enjoyed all of them - that's why I want to do a PhD, because I have enjoyed doing research so much! - but this new job that I'm about to start is by far the closest to what I actually want to do for my PhD work. My about-to-be work PI knows some of my PhD-program POIs.

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